From the Committee of Hawaiian Nationals (Pilipo Souza, Pomai Kinney, Kahumoku Freitas, Robert Oliveira, Zuri Aki, ...)

President Obama is here for his Christmas/New Year vacation. This A-team press corps is reporting to the world sensational news like: Obama going to eat shave ice, playing golf, going to the gym on the Marine base, going to church on the Marine base, visiting Marines on the Marine base... This presents an ideal opportunity for us to spice things up a little for an otherwise unchallenged, under-utilized, bored-to-death press corps.

Please come and join us for...
 A lively, friendly ‘photo-op’ for international press/media. (up-beat nationals with colorful Free Hawaii, Hawaiian Independence banners in Waikiki) Followed by a press conference/briefing.  
When:  December 30, 2010 (Thursday) 9:00 AM (to accommodate times for media feeds to their home companies) We should be there no longer two hours.
Where:  We meet at Duke Kahanamoku Statue, Kuhio Beach, then walk 1/2 block over to the sidewalk in front of the Moana Surfrider Hotel.

Theme:  Free Hawaii, Hawaiian Independence, ‘Obama, give us back our country’

Why:  Provide the press/media with info about our cause, befriend and develop rapport with them for the future.


1. At least two Makahiki (vertical) banners / Free Hawaii banners/ Restore Hawaiian Independence horizontal banners.

2. Ten to twelve breathing Hawaiian Nationals.

3. Dress for the Day:
    If you have them please wear Free Hawaii "T" Shirts (white) or "Occupied" (Black)
Hiki no? Please respond to Pilipo Souza <> to confirm you are coming.

Kokua is also needed to help defray costs of printing.

You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  • mahalo piha Hawaiian Nationals,
    Mahalo for a wonderful morning as we share our makana from  King Kamehameha III, Kauikeaouli, the right to be a Hawaiian National of the Hawaiian Nation. Your smiles and good cheer was felt by all who passed bye us. You all are truly happy servants of Hawaii nei.  Leon made contact with to HPD and Moana Hotel who assisted our efforts to share truth.
    Leon shared quite a bit with the media corp. Leon has a lot of experience with media ohana and expressed what we did as being well received. Mission accomplished! In a few hours much will be share on the internet.
    Thank you again for making it all possible. According to Smokey, it takes only a spark to start a forest fire.
    We will be meeting again on January 08, 2011 at 10:00AM at Blaisdell Park to finalized our participation in the MLK Coalition Parade on January 17, 2011. Till then, get some rest and take care of personal matters.
    malama ke kino,
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