Aboriginal Actress Tantoo Cardinal Arrested at DC Keystone Pipeline Protests
Born in Fort McMurray, Alberta, aboriginal actress Tantoo Cardinal had a front-row seat to the oil sands growing up. Now living in British Columbia, Cardinal (Métis) traveled to Washington with her friend and fellow actress Margot Kidder to join hundreds at a sit-in aimed at getting President Barack Obama to turn down the proposed 1,700-mile pipeline that would carry crude from the oil-laden fields in northern Alberta all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.
Both she and Kidder, a Canadian, were arrested, along with about 60 others, for violating a protest permit by sitting on Pennsylvania Avenue, on the sidewalk in front of the White House, and staying put when police told them to leave, Postmedia News reported.
Cardinal came, she told protest organizers, because of the “absolute refusal and blindness” out there regarding sustainable energy.
“If there was any amount of energy, and time, and money, and education spent to wind energy, solar energy, and the natural ways of living a good life, then that would be some source of satisfaction,” she said in this video. “But the greed has not left. This that is going on right now is no different than all that has happened in the history of my people. This blind greed and meanness is what has annihilated so many nations of my people in genocide.”
The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), among others, has condemned the pipeline.
Cardinal, who appeared in Dances with Wolves, Legends of the Fall and Smoke Signals, among other movies, also had a message for Obama:
“This will affect your children before your grandchildren,” the 61-year-old actress said. “And the power is with the people. You nourish people’s spirit, nourish their life, and that brings us together.”
There is wisdom in aligning with the forces of nature, she said. “It’s protection for our children and grandchildren.”
ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
There comes a Time in all of us as Patriots of our Nations that we should and must get Arrested as Aboriginal Actress Tantoo Cardinal! Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National!
hi Pomai,
have to disagree with you
"There comes a Time in all of us as Patriots of our Nations that we should and must get Arrested"
According to Victoria Kamamalu*s probate pages 14-15 "Royal persons are not subject to the law(s)* which means sovereign immunities existed then and exists now......
then again we are not the same classification as the American Indians although the Hawaiian homesteaders are viewing themselves as this category......
Protective orders more than 1,000 have been given out to kanaka maoli on various islands......giving many the right to build, malama our families interests.........
just wanted to speak out in behalf of our people..........hope Tantoo Cardinal has many who will speak out for her including Amnesty International, or others......
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Then DO WE continue to Allow the Selling Off of our national lands?
What has and is happening to the American Indians lands are happening to ours!
hi Pomai,
the reason everyone in the Royal Families House of Nobles have been summoned is because we have BLOCKED the sales of "our national lands"..........
the MEDIA is not covering this..........why? because the TRUTH is there.............
"national lands" = CROWN LANDS belonging to the descendants or heirs and successors..... not the blood quantum people.............
"national lands" = Hawaiian government lands ----which belongs to those who supported the Hawaiian Kingdom and conveyed to the Hawaiian government.....parts of which was set aside by Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III............and that "Hawaiian government" IS NOT the Pirates, treasonous persons claimed and perpetuated by supporters of criminal deceit, conspirators/ pirates supported by the U.S., England, and the Morgan, Bank of England, International bankers...
We cannot align ourselves with the American Indians because they have other issues and their wrongdoers are the Papal Bulls, Missionaries/Mercenaries, and of course the criminal deviants who squatted on their lands then moved to assume and occupy, etc.
The American Indians were treated as barbarians and that's why the Papal Bulls, the Roman Catholic Church under the Pope moved to destroy those.....first supported by the Crusaders, the Spanish, then the arm of the Pope became the U.S. scum and scoundrels which was based on the 13 PENAL, prison colonies of England.........they were basically castouts of the English society.
There are three (3) parts to our Hawaiian government:
(1) The Sovereign - permanent part
Note: Every Sovereign in our history did have a connection to Kamehameha - be it descendant or legal heir.
Kamehameha II - Liholiho thru Kamehameha V - Lot descended from Kamehameha who formed the Monarchy government in 1810.
a. Kamehameha II - Liholiho had seven (7) wives. Descendants of his wives exist, including our families.
b. Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli had four (4) wives. Descendants of his wives exist, including our families. There are many who claim they are descendants of Kamehameha III as well and have proof. Also, his hanai/adopted children's descendants exist which includes our families.
c. Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho was a descendant of Mataio Kekuanaoa who was a member of the House of Nobles. Mataio Kekuanaoa has descendants from his other wives which includes our families.
King William Lunalilo - his mother was a wife of Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Liholiho. His mother Kekauluohi/Auhea was a member of the House of Nobles.
King David Kalakaua - his mother was a member of the House of Nobles and she was a hanai/adopted child of a Kamehameha descendant thru his OLDEST SON KAOLEIOKU. Many descendants exist from KAOLEIOKU, including myself and many, many, many others.
Queen Liliuokalani - sister of King David Kalakaua; her mother was a member of the House of Nobles and she was a hanai/adopted child of a Kamehameha descendant thru his OLDEST SON KAOLEIOKU. Many descendants exist from KAOLEIOKU, including myself and many, many, many others.
(2) House of Nobles - permanent part - Some of the PERMANENT members were Mataio Kekuanaoa and Kekauluohi/Auhea. Descendants/heirs exist today........there were other members which will be shown later.
(3) House of Representatives - the only part allowed to be voted in.
With genealogies everyone would be able to connect the dots........