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Kaleo Patterson <pjrcgo@gmail.com>; Matt McDermott <mmcdermott@culturalsurveys.com>
Kai Markell <kaim@oha.org>; Sheri Flying-Hawk <kalahonu@gmail.com>; Ekekela Keakaokalani <laweleka@yahoo.com>; Pomai Kinney <hiahawaii@aol.com>; Kaanohi Kaleikini <pkaleikini@hawaii.rr.com>; Annette Golding <kekumukau@msn.com>... more

Aloha Lakou,
Thanks to Kaanohi that I got the "Interpretative Plan".
Since we last saw each other at the last OIBC meeting I have learned alot as the cousin of Bernice Pauahi Paki and as an heir and descendant to Lunalilo and his father's estate, Charles Kanaina, that many laws that supposed to protect our rights are being "railroaded" no matter what we say and would like to offer our thoughts on Hawaiian Kingdom law written for the modern man; HRS 172-11 and you should study it and ask yourself why the State is working hard to get rid of it...it's because it goes against everything this rail is for but more important is: "to whom and for whose benefit" is this project?  More important is who is doing what to whom and why.
From the get go we were against this project because it would desecrate iwi kupuna and it serves the US military and benefited the few...while everyone pays for it for generations is not PONO, are two reasons NOT to support The Rail, but then again the one way this project would succeed, is to get a "Hawaiian" to be the mouth piece, and sell his people out down the road and since that is how it is done on many levels of the American government.
Since no one in your group, from what we've seen are not PONO or know Ho'oponopono to "make it Pono" will cost a lot of money and lost to many not included in you plan; those losing their homes and business along the route who are immigrant settlers are complaining already and linking arms with us on this adventure of; Corporations vs. The People in Hawai'i and the recent signing of the "Akaka Bill" farce only solidifies our promise to na kahiko, na aumakua, na 'ohana and extended 'ohana that we will be operating our government and take care of these issues.
Infact, a break down of the money you have now is just a smidgen of what was promised make us ponder if this rail is incomplete, who is going to clean up this mess?  Is it you?  Who?  Just on the money alone puts in our minds that the US military with the State and people like yourselves how well intended, is helping to "covet" what is not yours to use...HRS 172-11 "to whom and for whose benefit?" comes clearer into vision...that it is not us, na kanaka Hawai'i, but the US military and American corporations who will benefit...is a violation of HRS 172-11,  trust responsibilites, of protected persons under the Hague Convention IV, international human rights and Hawaiian Kingdom Laws, Constitutions and Treaties...that are still legal today,  the Liliuokalani Agreement.  KNOWING all of this are you prepared to proceed down the road to incompletion?  It can happen in this economic crisis and the US military is known to be the greatest polluter's around around the world.
It's clear to us, that Kaleo and many other "Hawaiians" are Americans in practice and that is a conflict of interest against myself and my 'ohana therefore, HRS 172-11 resolves this issue, but now we understand that the State wants to do away with that law that unblocks many developments in Hawai'i because the question is; "to whom and for whose benefit" does our claims to lands owned by our tutu belong?  NOT to the federal, state, county or corporations but to the true Hawaiian people, the Hawaiian nationals.  Granted the true Hawaiian Kingdom is already here but you all ignore it...in denial, while at the same time perpetuating the LIE, that Hawai'i is part of the US is disgusting and you bring hewa to your na 'ohana, for money.  Only God knows what will happen to all of you who continue to "look the other way" while our people try as they might using laws, diplomatic relations, testifying and meetings?  For What?  When you already decided to disregard our mana'oi'o and follow, "Carlisle's Law" (by hook and crook get the job done) makes everyone in the project, a puppet...a sell out and an uncle Tom...that's the feed back from the people in Hawai'i against this project.
These are our thoughts, in black and white and will be sent out to all media, groups and associations to know where we are coming from in this spiritual battle to gain back our God given rights as native tenants with undivided vested rights in and on all the lands in Hawai'i with God's Law and Hawaiian Kingdom Laws. (Note: The Council of Regency led by Dr. David Keanu Sai, PhD, is also in a conflict of interest with us because there has never been an election to decide who or what is going to represent our people, views and laws.)  Dr. Sai has never asked my opinion or neither have anyone voted in any election he claims and he has gotten lots of information from people but has not responded or informed us of what his theory means when translated into the practical matter of jobs or defended anyone in practice from going to prison, except himself.  Although Keanu is knowledgeable he has done alot of good in theory but in practice he has done alot of harm, according to his own family the Kaauwai 'ohana.  Until there is a larger gathering of everyone claiming to be the government, the people have not spoken or given the okay for anyone to make claims unless they have their genealogies to prove they have standing, as a Hawaiian to speak or as an American...who cannot speak, is how we see resolving the biggest conflict of interest.
We are a few of the heirs and descendants of Kamehameha and Kekaulike (& more) are here to protect what belongs to the true Hawaiians, not the American Hawaiians...who lost those rights when they served the Americans and their Corporations, that are in a conflict of interest with me and my 'ohana, as stated in my oral testimony before the Rail Committee and now enter into the record the added law HRS 172-11,. that is supposed to protect us, "from them" is being targetted by legislature to get rid of this law because it ties the hands and legs of those developers who are Americans from building on our lands, to which our tutu has title to and should pass on to us, na kanaka Hawai'i. 
In conclusion, this project is a boondoggle for the US military, American corporations, The federal, state and county govenments and their lackeys who  get a piece of the action while the rest of the workers will be the slaves and the whole people to be the slaves to pay into these projects meant, "to themselves and to whose benefit?  Not Na Kanaka Hawai'i, excluding us is clear and STILL Hewa. 
May God Have Mercy On Your Souls,
Kawehi Kanui, Po'o
Na Aha Maluhia (Councils of Peace)
Crown Lands, Ahupua'a of Waimanalo
PIRATES are Amongst Us, be they Hawaiians of the blood quantum 50%, Amerikkkans, ......

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