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Tea Party News

Fellow Americans and Patriots, 

Thanks to ObamaCare you’re going to be slapped with a tax if you choose not to carry health insurance—and it will be the largest tax in American history.

So guess who is going to police the health care tax delinquencies? None other than the I.R.S.—the most despised government agency in the land that already abuses its power—as well as other shocking entities no one knew anything about, including your local police force.

Worried? You should be considering his royal highness just gave police power to the I.R.S. for starters. These government enforcers can and will use and abuse their police power to collect taxes for Obama and to seize your assets—even levy civil or criminal penalties against you.

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It is truly frightening.

Obama has maliciously seized and now holds the full power of the I.R.S., Treasury Department, State Police forces, Federal Agencies—and in the event of civil unrest, the National Guard—in his filthy, grubby hands.

This is nothing more than the forcible conversion of a Free Enterprise Republic to a dictatorship—all in the name of the greater good for the greatest number.

Congratulations America, Obama is making you a number filed with the state, under his thumb.

A shocking look at who Obama can empower to enforce his ObamaTax:

  • Local Police Officers in your own city
  • State Police
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • National Guard
  • Treasury Agents
  • Internal Revenue Service agents
  • All agents of the court
  • All authorized members of the Department of Justice
  • Special deputized members of ObamaTax Task Force

While Obama continues to lie to the American people, pass-off fraudulent birth certificates, use multiple social security numbers and carry out a host of other bold-faced frauds, he is now creating an “Army of Muscle” to squeeze the taxes out of the American people. Pump them dry. Disgraceful.

The I.R.S. Army is being built under the watchful eye of the 21st Century’s most notorious criminal….
Barrack Hussein Obama

ObamaTax Army is building for their attacks against our beloved nation, preparing to strip its wealth from hard working citizens! The liberal progressives are licking their lips, dreaming of the day they can dine on your hard earned savings while they laugh at your poverty. The Obamites are calling ObamaTax an “Enlightened Care Package for the Poor” when it is nothing more than a rip-off of the American people.

ObamaTax is more than just a “tax and spend” scheme
It is a “strip and screw you rip-off!”

Look at the sheer number of musclemen being mobilized right now to carry out Obama’s dictatorial edict:

  • 16,500 new IRS auditors currently being recruited
  • 2,700 new internal command workers
  • 1,200 employees for the IRS to implement the Affordable Care Act
  • $881 million dollars as “support money” for the ObamaTax

ObamaTax penalties are going to be fully phased in by year 2016. The Congressional Budget Office says over 4 million U.S. Citizens will be forced to pay the penalty that year—and the numbers will skyrocket the following years.

Because Congress failed to kill ObamaCare when they could, the Supreme Court has added another layer of despicable socialism on the backs of the American people. You won’t hear it in the Lame Blame Media, but…

As you read this…..

New I.R.S. agents are in boot camp being taught how to skillfully grab your assets

Yes, you read that right.

Obama has given the green light, and an unlimited budget, to the I.R.S.—the tax collecting arm of ObamaCare—the right to grab:

  • Your home
  • Your life savings
  • Your mementos
  • Your business assets
  • Your family heirlooms
  • Your children’s college money
  • Your unprotected retirement savings
  • Your secret nest egg

Virtually anything of yours it damn well pleases as part of Obama’s sinister plan. But we won’t sit back and take it. Right now Tea Party Patriots around the country are mobilizing to fight back—and you can help.

It is time to join the resistance.

If you are afraid of what the consequences may be of joining the resistance, remember what they will be if you don’t! 

Here’s what you can do right now:

  • FORWARD this email to a friend, spread the word far and wide

  • Send a “NO OBAMATAX” FAX! Tell Washington to repeal that socialist poison now. Your fax will go to every one of the 100 Senators and 435 Members of the House of Representatives.

    Let’s fax blast the HELL out of Washington and make them feel your pain with a fax that will shake them up and let them know where you stand!

  • MAKE A DONATION —You are the power behind the Tea Party, help us keep on fighting!

If you are “Mad as Hell” about all this bullsh*t and are sick and tired of being controlled by a demon dictator, then join our Resistance movement!

Our teams are mobilizing. We’re calling in every resource to fight this with all our might. We’re beyond mad as hell. We’re so DONE with this socialist pig in pinstripe we’re going to FIGHT harder than we have ever fought before.

This deadly and dangerous decision to shove health care down the throats of American citizens has ignited us in a whole new way. We’re fired up and ready to do battle with the enemy who has shown his true face. It is evil. It is socialist. It is anti- American. It is WRONG.

Time to arm yourself with powerful Tea Party Tools of Freedom

Since news broke of the Supreme Court decision to allow ObamaCare to stand, we’ve been working day and night to pull together our forces. We have a game plan—here’s how you can help.


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  • Support the Tea Party Million Call Campaign We’re making outgoing calls to households across America, to oust “America’s Fraud President.” Your donation can help us make more calls to spread the message far and wide—well beyond the one million calls that were originally planned. Just $23 helps us reach 100 households with an anti-Obama message. Worth it don’t you think?!

  • FREE – Tea Party email newsletter Our #1 e-newsletter features timely yet provocative, no-holds-barred articles to help educate you on the issues—the very ones covered up by the media.
Are you with us? Can we count on you to help with a contribution that allows us to blast our message across America to oust Obama and get ObamaCare overturned?

WE WILL FIGHT THIS TO THE DEATH but we need your support.

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Give your best donation, small or large, but please give so we can push back with a fierce vengeance. We need YOU to make this happen.

Take back America and take back our freedom!

Donate today to support our efforts to rise up and revolt against these anti-American atrocities and Barack Obama—also appropriately known as B.O.

Save “We the People!” Together we can do this!

Steve Eichler

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