i went to Tahiti (papaete) and also to Mo'otea Island......upon my first travels off my SACREDNESS of Maui Nui......i had to obtain a "PASSPORT".....as i arrived to Tahiti.....i was asked...who is coming to pick you up?, how many days are you staying here, and where are you staying at????? and most important question....when will you be leaving....with a big nui SMILE~~~
Respect to Tahiti was my highest priority.....giving and sharing my aloha of maui nui to the Natives of Tahiti was a wonderful experience.....mahalo Ke Akua.......for i needed that education...... I ask that we also Protect our Respect/Protocols and begin our first passport and take control of the over population on our Kingdom Capitol of Maui Nui and MONITOR the foreign intruders and limit the Hewa (wrongful criminal actions) to continue on our SACREDNESS.