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Kingdom of Hawaii Record No. 2015- 0925 Re: Palmyra Islands Finds from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal person, Kamehameha's descendant/heir House of Nobles member, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Konohiki


Amelia Gora <>

4:36 PM (3 minutes ago)
to presidentcommentsSwitzerlandIrishjohn.maguiremayorTransnationalShan.TsutsuiOfficeGreg

Inline image 1  

[Kanaka Maoli flag] 




President Barack Obama

Secretary of State - John Kerry

Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands

Many Interested others


The following article has been posted for all to see/read for the records:

Wolves of the Sea - Pirates of the Sea (+Lyrics)


                                                        Overview by Amelia Gora (2015)

The Hawaiian archipelago is made up of 133 Islands.

In 1850, a Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America was engaged in.  It is only between the heirs and successors of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III and the U.S.A. President.

In 1859 a claim was made by Dr. Gerritt Parmele Judd that while working for a guano/bird shit company, because he was a genocide activist in the Hawaiian Islands and stripped of his authorities, etc. he worked for the guano collectors.

No actual records were found regarding Judd's claim to date.

In 1862, Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV commissioned ship captains Bent and Wilkinson to claim the Island for him.

The two captains claimed it for themselves and Bent deeded to Wilkinson and so forth.

Meanwhile, Palmyra belonged to the Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho.

1863 - Alexander Liholiho /Kamehameha IV died, his estate belonged to the Kamehameha's.

1871 -  The United States of America became bankrupt and Congressmen with the President signed an unauthorized, illegal Constitution benefitting the bankers....which usurped the American people.

but, wait the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America continued to maintain the U.S. Constitution since 1850 and remains a perpetual peace and amity treaty with the rights to prosecute pirates, pillagers, etc.

1893 - Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully dethroned.

1897 - Opposition to Annexation occurred with 40,000 supporters of Queen Liliuokalani opposing the U.S. and their support of pirates, pillagers, frauds, conspirators.  The Petition Opposing Annexation was documented with more than 22,000 signatures - Queen Liliuokalani stated that she had 40,000 Hawaiian subjects supporting her.  See:

1898 -  there was a claimed Annexation but totally illegal activity meant to fool everyone in the World.

1899 - the United States of America turned into two (2) government:  1)  United States - allowing treaties; 2) American Empire - operated with territories, and unrecognized land masses.

In 1922, Lorrin Thurston claimed Palmyra to belong to the United States.  Lorrin Thurston was a treasonous person, a pirate, pillager and recorded on the Judicial Tribunal records of 2014-2015 along with many others.  See previous Kingdom of Hawaii Records including  

Judicial Tribunal Meeting No. 15 Shows 507 Pirates, Pillagers, etc. to Date....Invoking the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America

1959 - U.S. President Eisenhower signed an executive order to accommodate Hawaii as the 50th State.

Opposition to Statehood was recorded by one of Kamehameha's descendant/heirs named Harold Abel Cathcart, cousin of my great grandmother Mele Keawe Kauweloa.

In 2015, the Treaty of 1850 continues on, treaties are the Supreme Law of the lands, and Pirates/Pillagers/ Frauds, Conspirators are documented.

In 2014 - 2015 - the Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom /Kingdom of Hawaii met and adjudicated documented pirates/pillagers/frauds, conspirators which included Lorrin Thurston and many others like him.

Those listed were dispossessed of all lands that they/their ancestors claimed in the Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago.

Williamson Chang was wrongfully penalized for defending kanaka maoli in the Palmyra Island case, etc. because there indeed was No Annexation.

Williamson Chang needs to have the return of his monies wrongfully penalized by a government who has an abundant amount of evidence showing conspiracy(ies), piracies against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, etc.

Research incomplete as to the amount of counts/evidence documented, etc.


Amelia Gora

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  • 1947 Entry in the Chronological History due to the following court this court case, the 1862 Annexation to the Hawaiian Kingdom was entered, then an addition of the land being sold 'legally'.............................well, all of this appears to be rather messed up since research uncovers/reveals some problematic issues.............................but all of this is evidence of bad law or the Judges doing as they following references came out of a packet that Whistleblower Greg Wongham had given out years ago...............Greg Wongham was murdered........he helped a lot of celebrities who lost lots of monies.......millions through bank investments because they failed to read the fine print in the see, the people didn't know that the bankers were doing investments on their monies and using it at their pleasure, etc......................this bit of Palmyra Islands affects the frauds perpetuated.................the fact of the matter is that two (2) ship captains were commissioned to claim Palmyra..............there's some fraudulent claims by Dr. Gerrit Parmele Judd annexing Palmyra to the United States while he worked for a bird shit company/Guano company.... he was a treasonous person documented, a thief, etc.............and that was in 1856.........have not found the article to date..... then Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho commissioned the ship captains................then the U.S. claimed to have annexed the Hawaiian Islands which is more than 2100 miles away from the contiguous borders...............then in 1922 Lorrin Thurston claims to have annexed Palmyra for the United States................. the claim to annexation is an illegal transaction, premeditation has been documented............therefore, the United States remains totally illegal..............on top of that the Royal Families exists with evidence of premeditation...............

    see the following for more information  1)  Palmyra Island case reference and 2) No Treaty, No Law, No Land video



    No Treaty- No Law- No Land  


    • Amelia Gora
      Amelia Gora I like Tane Inciong post last year: Amelia GoraJuly 12, 2014 · Honolulu, HI · 
      "Tane Inciong: OHA and the known collaborators use our definitions and redefine it to fit their disingenuous scheme. This will confuse the unaware. They cannot use our kupuna, QUEEN, national verbiage and mix it with the US and imply they are using it for the Hawaiian Kingdom. Several important documents must be stated: Turpie Resolution for two crucial reasons, the Ku'e petitions, Hawaii's treaties and neutrality, know who the players are; know the doctrines of Manifest Destiny, rules of war, laws of occupation, treaty of annexation, US Constitution, US joint resolutions effects and ineffects, QUEEN'S ABDICATION INEFFECTIVE DUE TO UNLAWFUL SIGNATURE and common law that anything under duress is null and void; for a foreign country going into another country to destabilize it is setting international precedent which US Secretary of State James Blaine advised Lorrin Thurston to do without letting on internationally what he was actually doing; Stevens, old friend of Blaine, coordinated takeover under false pretense and premature recognition of PGs; Sen. Morgan and others involved in the conspiratorial plot."
      House of Nobles member Kili film says a lot
      Amelia Gora: read the 502 issues and other posts see Empower Yourselves with Knowledge, Information.....posted by one of Kamehameha's, Kamehameha III's descendants heirs who are also King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's ohana .....also defending kanaka maoli's land claims (see end of each IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web) wink emoticon

      UNKAU INOA Folks wink emoticon
      A video about the present day plundering of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
    • Amelia Gora
      Amelia Gora Lorrin Thurston in 1922 went out to Palmyra Island to annex it for the United States...........Lorrin Thurston helped to plan the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1892 in Washington DC working with Dr. Mott-Smith and Daniel Akaka's ancestor Thomas Akaka Mott-Smith's book, etc. for background..... Palmyra was claimed for by the Hawaiian Kingdom commission....and Capts. Bent and Wilkinson claimed it for themselves...Bent transferred to Wilkinson, etc.....but the point being they were treasonous parties who were contracted/employed on a mission for Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha the info about Palmyra, etc. above..... legally, there was No Treaty Now Law No Land as Kili documents in the film above......... wink emoticon
    • another good post by Tane Inciong:

      The biggest U.S. scam is faking that Hawaii is part of the U.S.A. There is no treaty of annexation and the Turpie Resolution of 1894 warned other nations and U.S. officials to not interfere with the Hawaii situation as it would be an unfriendly act against the U.S.A. who invaded and occupied Hawaii. The people's plebiscite called the Ku's petition amounted to roughly 96% of the subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom protesting against U.S. interference and against the annexation of Hawaii to the U.S.A. What Manning has revealed is old news and not as serious as what the shameful and dishonorable U.S. had done in history.

      Bradley Manning: Aiding the Enemy Charge Sticks by Stephen Lendman Manning's an American hero. He's no criminal. He's being hung out to dry
          • You, Tane InciongSantos Kana Alvarez and 5 others like this.
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          • Comments
            • Amelia Gora
              Amelia Gora U.S.A. - United Scam Artists title applies to the U.S. Government who did Premeditate to take over a neutral, friendly, non- violent nation .....lots of evidence found by researchers.....the most recent being Buzzy Agards docs showing the cryptic telegrams from the U.S. to the U.S.S. BOSTON to move into position in the Hawaiian Islands ....telegrams dated August 1892.....the U.S.S. BOSTON proceeded and fired on the outer islands then Oahu and disembarked their military on January 15, 1893 or two days before they helped the conspirators to dethrone the Queen on January 17, 1893............Agards book is available see: or check the libraries....
            • Tane Inciong
              Tane Inciong U.S. Secy of State James Blaine complicit with Thurston advised him to destabilize the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom in order to takeover the Kingdom with U.S. assistance without setting precedent, internationally. This was under the approval and support of U.S. president Benjamin Harrison as it would be a feather in his cap to leave office with the distinction of annexing Hawaii to the U.S. He was beside himself when President Cleveland withdrew the treaty of annexation submitted by the U.S. puppet Provisional Government to investigate the circumstances dealing with U.S. involvement in the takeover of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The first official act of the U.S. Provisional Government was to immediately submit a treaty of annexation to the U.S. Congress and bar the Queen from protesting by refusing her to board the same ship they were on to the U.S.A. Haste makes waste; as they say.
            • Amelia Gora
              Amelia Gora Wiki Leakey from Hawaii: 1897 -Queen Liliuokalani Under Duress.....and Abrogation Had Incorrect Signature! Just posted this article which was purchased years ago from Greece!.....Important, Maka Ala everyone!
            • Amelia Gora
              Amelia Gora You, Tane Inciong, Santos Kana Alvarez and 5 others like this.1 share
              Amelia Gora
              Amelia Gora U.S.A. - United Scam Artists title applies to the U.S. Government who did Premeditate to take over a neutral, friendly, non- violent nation .....lots of evidence found by researchers.....the most recent being Buzzy Agards docs showing the cryptic tele...See More

              Hawaii sandalwood trees: Politics and hope
              July 19, 2013 at 2:10am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
              Tane Inciong
              Tane Inciong U.S. Secy of State James Blaine complicit with Thurston advised him to destabilize the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom in order to takeover the Kingdom with U.S. assistance without setting precedent, internationally. This was under the approval and...See More
              July 19, 2013 at 2:54am · Unlike · 1
              Amelia Gora
              Amelia Gora Wiki Leakey from Hawaii: 1897 -Queen Liliuokalani Under Duress.....and Abrogation Had Incorrect Signature! Just posted this article which was purchased years ago from Greece!.....Important, Maka Ala everyone!

              IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Wiki Leakey from Hawaii: 1897 -Queen Liliuokalani...
              July 19, 2013 at 7:31pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview wink emoticon
              Like · Reply · 14 mins
            • Amelia Gora
              Amelia Gora again to show the complete sentences: You, Tane Inciong, Santos Kana Alvarez and 5 others like this.1 share
              Amelia Gora
              Amelia Gora U.S.A. - United Scam Artists title applies to the U.S. Government who did Premeditate to take over a neutral, friendly, non- violent nation .....lots of evidence found by researchers.....the most recent being Buzzy Agards docs showing the cryptic telegrams from the U.S. to the U.S.S. BOSTON to move into position in the Hawaiian Islands ....telegrams dated August 1892.....the U.S.S. BOSTON proceeded and fired on the outer islands then Oahu and disembarked their military on January 15, 1893 or two days before they helped the conspirators to dethrone the Queen on January 17, 1893............Agards book is available see: or check the libraries....

              Hawaii sandalwood trees: Politics and hope
              July 19, 2013 at 2:10am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
              Tane Inciong
              Tane Inciong U.S. Secy of State James Blaine complicit with Thurston advised him to destabilize the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom in order to takeover the Kingdom with U.S. assistance without setting precedent, internationally. This was under the approval and support of U.S. president Benjamin Harrison as it would be a feather in his cap to leave office with the distinction of annexing Hawaii to the U.S. He was beside himself when President Cleveland withdrew the treaty of annexation submitted by the U.S. puppet Provisional Government to investigate the circumstances dealing with U.S. involvement in the takeover of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The first official act of the U.S. Provisional Government was to immediately submit a treaty of annexation to the U.S. Congress and bar the Queen from protesting by refusing her to board the same ship they were on to the U.S.A. Haste makes waste; as they say.
              July 19, 2013 at 2:54am · Unlike · 1
              Amelia Gora
              Amelia Gora Wiki Leakey from Hawaii: 1897 -Queen Liliuokalani Under Duress.....and Abrogation Had Incorrect Signature! Just posted this article which was purchased years ago from Greece!.....Important, Maka Ala everyone!

              IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Wiki Leakey from Hawaii: 1897 -Queen Liliuokalani...
              July 19, 2013 at 7:31pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview wink emoticon
              Like · Reply · 11 mins
              • Amelia Gora
                Amelia Gora Tane Inciong post from 2011 is soooo valuable: Summary:I, Amelia Gora am one of the True Land Owners/Title Holders of Halawa, Pearl Harbor through genealogies, being a descendant/heir of both Grace Kamaikui, and Mataio Kekuanaoa.
                The following is an excellent Summary made by Tane Inciong on the issues of the Hawaiian Government, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Archipelago/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii:
                Reasons Why We Are Not Part of the United States of America...
                Posted by Tane on February 4, 2011 at 10:05pm
                Using their own U.S. and fake-State of Hawaii constitutions and laws and their Apology Bill, we can see where they "shoot themselves in their feet". Add to that the much discounted and over-looked Ku'e Petitions against annexation (Sept. 1897) whereby approximately 96% of the bona fide subjects of the Kingdom of Hawai'i responded against it which can be considered a plebiscite of its citizens. This Ku'e Petitions answers the Turpie Resolution of 31 May 1894.
                The fact that U.S. Secretary James L. Blaine's advice, supported later by then U.S. President Benjamin Harrison and others within the U.S. government and community, was to destabilize the Kingdom of Hawaii without setting international precedent culminated in 1887 and conspired to overthrow and take control of the Kingdom of Hawaii for the purpose of annexing its territory to the United States of America for dominance within the Pacific Ocean for its Imperialism and Expansionism. This led to the active invasion and belligerent occupation unlawfully executed in 1893 by settting up a puppet "Provisional Government"/Republic of Hawai'i.

                After the Treaty of Annexation was twice rejected, first withdrawn by newly-elected President Cleveland from U.S.. Congress and Executive Agreement established; then another treaty that was rejected by U.S. Congress, The Presidential-successor, McKinley allowed Congress to internally create the unlawful Newlands Resolution to annex Hawaii on 12 August 1898. This blatantly ignored the Presidential Agreement and the contested Ku'e Petitions of September 1897 and continued setting precedence in the international arena and double-standard justice. 

                It is noteworthy to review the Organic Act of 30 April 1900:
                Section 4. Citizenship. That all persons who were citizens of the Republic of Hawaii on August 12 , 1898 are hereby declared (!) to be citizens of the U.S. and citizens of the Territory of Hawai'i. -U.S. citizens that reside in Territory of Hawaii for one year on or since 12 August 1898 shall be citizens of the Territory of Hawaii. (This secured U.S. citizens who came to tip the population count for U.S. control to remain as permanent residence without losing their nationality and freedom to travel between the U.S. and Hawaii without a passport. The Ku'e Petitions of 1897 confirms that the bona fide subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii did not support the Republic of Hawaii and therefore not citizens of the ipso facto government.) 

                - Chinese Ban was applied.
                - Puerto Rican did not lose political status by removing to Hawaii in 1901 but became U.S. citizens, hence, entitled to vote in Hawaii.
                -24 March 1934 - Filipino placed on quota basis as aliens. Specifically inapplicable in Hawaii and immigration is determined by the Department of the Interior on basis of industrial needs. Filipino national in Hawaii became alien by proclamation of Philippine Independence.
                - A person born in the Kingdom of Hawaii of British parents domiciled there was held to be a citizen of the Republic of Hawaii although he was registered at birth at the British consulate and had never renounced allegiance to the British Crown nor sworn allegiance to the Hawaiian government. (you can see U.S. preference for caucasians.)

                The Admission Act (18 March 1959):
                Section 19. Nothing contained in this Act shall operate to confer United States nationality nor to terminate nationality heretofore lawfully acquired, or restore nationality heretofore lost under any law of the (U.S.) or under any treaty to which the (U.S.) is or was a party. 

                (Since we were never lawfully citizens of the Republic of Hawaii as deemed by the Ku'e Petitions, U.S. belligerent occupation and never relinquished our rights as Hawaiian subjects, the U.S. breaches of the treaties, the U.S. violation of the law of occupation, law of neutrality, violations of the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment , the Constitution and Laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and the treaties between both countries; we are still Hawaiian subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii.) 

                A Hawaii patriot, 

              • Amelia Gora
                Amelia Gora check out Tane Inciong in this testimony (note his real name used here)
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  • Answering Questions raised in facebook:

    Kaleo Jolie Kaae
    September 24 at 10:52pm

    Professor, would or could the legal bar of estoppel be administered here in Hawaii, due to the agreement of two heads of state? Liliuokalani and Cleveland.

    Dear Kaleo: If by “estoppel” you mean whether or not Hawaiians, or the Kingdom, can by equitable principles stop United States occupation now in light of the executive sole agreement [a kind of treaty] entered into by Liliuokalani and Cleveland, I have to say I am not sure. As a question of international law, I would defer to others for a better answer.

    Assuming there were an executive sole agreement between the Queen and Cleveland, the United States clearly breached that agreement as early as 1894 with the Turpie Resolution which effectively prevented US intervention to restore the monarchy.

    The first question is whether Congress can nullify a sole executive agreement made by the President? Well, I do not know the definitive answer—but Congress could argue that while the President is chief as to Foreign Affairs, the Senate has power in terms of advice and consent.

    Assuming United States occupation is the breach of that sole executive agreement the Kingdom of Hawaii must take the United States to the International Court of Justice to seek any remedies based on reliance or estoppel.

    This is a question better sent to Dr. Keanu Sai.

    Williamson Chang

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