Pacific caucus global statement
Water-Salt Water
The life, culture and health of the Pacific Region is tied to our lands and waters. As custodians of traditional territories possessed by the Pacific Nations, Indigenous Peoples must have the right to say “no” to activities that negatively impact on our sovereignty, and use of lands and water environments. Free, prior and informed consent that is determined by our own mechanisms of governance must become the accepted practice.
The life of our land is fatally affected in Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Torres Strait Islands and many other low lying islands within the Pacific, where they are facing high tide surges as a result of global warming. The preservation of several Sovereign Nations lost to sea water inundation must be remedied to the satisfaction of their own national interests.
The continuing affect of military colonial occupations such as that of Hawaii, Malukus, Tahiti, Rapa Nui prevent the exercising of accepted indigenous rights.
As a result the preservation of environments from the destructive effects of unsustainable uranium mining, nuclear testing and exporting toxic waste to our lands, as well as commercial over-fishing of our waters can not be checked.
Ground water contamination as a result of these unsafe practices degrade the health of our peoples and force us to abandon our sacred lands. We the Indigenous Peoples assert our rights to maintain, control, protect and develop our lands, waters and seas, maximising our absolute right to access and use these resources.
Aloha kakou.
A conference is being held today (May 19th) in London, U.K. to draw up a blueprint for the resettlement of evicted Chagossian Islanders and their descendants in the Indian Ocean to act as wardens if and when they return, the British Foreign Office awaits with interest the outcome of this blueprint which is being drawn up in conjunction with conservation groups.
Further details are available from the Chagos Islanders Support Group here:
Aloha Kakou.
Here is the latest update May 20th about the Chagos island meeting yesterday:
For Hawaiian Nationals the legal merry-go-round being experienced by the Chagossians will be familiar.
Hope for a return
Posted in Uncategorized on May 17th, 2011 by Robert Bain – Be the first to commentAn aerial view of Diego Garcia (copyright holder unknown)
The people of Chagos have faced secrecy and deceit from successive governments. Thursday will be a great opportunity to have a proper open discussion and learn how conservation can go hand in hand with the rights of the Chagossians.
Chagos regagné
Posted in Ben Fogle, conservation, events, Philippa Gregory on May 2nd, 2011 by Robert Bain – Be the first to commentA unique conference on the future of Chagos is being held in London later this month, with conservationists, politicians, anthropologists, the Chagos people themselves and their supporters invited to take part.
Roch Evenor
Philippa Gregory said: “The conference is to gather current thinking on the desirability of a small eco-village, science station to house Chagos people and host visiting conservation scientists to be established on one of the outer islands. The plan is that Chagos people from all around the world would be able to visit, and some would stay on short-term contracts to work as conservators and guardians of the MPA, staffing and assisting at a science station, and patrolling. They would live in eco-houses and practise sustainable small-scale fishing and market gardening. Perhaps some of the older people would like to stay for long visits.”
Philippa Gregory
Scientists, anthropologists, Chagos representatives and consultants will outline the possibilities and the difficulties of this plan, and delegates will be able to discuss the arguments for and against. The papers presented will form part of a briefing that will go to the Foreign Secretary William Hague, who has expressed interest. Conservationists have responded to Ben Fogle’s call for openness.
The conference will be made up of four sessions. The first will look at Chagos reef ecology now. Lead speakers will be Mark Spalding, John Turner and Bernadette Dugasse.
The second will be a debate on human impact now. Lead speakers will be John Howell and the US author and historian David Vine.
Ben Fogle
An open discussion will follow and Ben Fogle will close the meeting with a discussion with Sabrina Jean and other Chagos people.
Senior politicians, advisors and scientists have confirmed their attendance, some flying in to the UK specially. “I hope this will open the debate for the new government at an entirely new level,” said Philippa Gregory. “I believe that this is an opportunity for the Chagos people to work out how they can return to their islands with the support of conservationists, scientists and the British government.”
Chagos Regagné will be held at the Royal Geographic Society in London, May 19 2011, 10-4pm. Tickets are available from for £30.
The Chagos marine reserve: One year on
Posted in CCT, conservation, Labour, MPA on April 17th, 2011 by Robert Bain – Be the first to commentLagoon, Egmont Island (Photo: Karin Sinniger)
Conceived in haste, and declared in the dying throes of the last government, the MPA was almost universally condemned in the House of Commons and House of Lords within days of its birth. It is now challenged in the High Court in London by the unlawfully removed inhabitants, and at the UN tribunal on the Law of the Sea by the neighbouring state of Mauritius, which claims that the UK has no right even to act as the sovereign power.
Two senior FCO officials admitted that the MPA plan was a device to exclude the residents, according to documents released by Wikileaks. But scientists, sadly, have played along, while failing to protest against the environmental damage caused by the US base.
This ill-conceived, ethnically-cleansed marine reserve is more fragile than it need be, and it may not last long.
Thank you Andrew! zapping this article to many...........
It appears that we are truly on the same track with those islanders.....and the challenges in the International Court and the Law of the Seas disclaiming UK's sovereignty............
Imua Kai, Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii Nation!
Watch Out for the LuLu BELLS of the Blood Quantum and their Snakes in the WEEDS! Eatting the FAT OFF of the American HEWA Table of Plenty Crumbs!
o Pomaikaiokalani, Native Indigenous Hawaian National 1993!
just received from Pilipo:
Uploaded by bibleortraditions on Sep 5, 2008
In this video, we will take a look at the sinister powers in charge at the time of his death.
Kennedy was not killed by those who pulled the trigger, but by those who conspired and beneficiated from his death.
We also see this was a signal to other world leaders, 'If we can kill an American President in the middle of the day, in Dallas, TX, and no one goes to trial, we can get you too."
Abbreviations Referenced:
Military Industrial Complex (MIC): is concept commonly used to refer to policy relationships between governments, national armed forces, and industrial support they obtain from the commercial sector in political approval for research, development, production, use, and support for military training, weapons, equipment, and facilities within the national defense and security policy. It is a type of iron triangle.
ONI: Office of Naval Intelligence
NKVD: the leading secret police organization of the Soviet Union that was responsible for political repression during the Stalinist era. It conducted mass extrajudicial executions, ran the Gulag system of forced labor, suppressed underground resistance, conducted mass deportations of nationalities
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency
FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation
Black Pope: The Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the largest male religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. The most powerful man in the world. He pulls the strings of the papacy.
Jesuits Order: is a Catholic religious order of clerks regular whose members are called Jesuits, Soldiers of Christ, and Foot soldiers of the Pope, because the founder, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, was a knight before becoming a priest.
Illuminati: Founded by Adam Weishaupt after being exiled from France on orders of the pope. The purpose of the society was to ferment violence, to bring about a New World Order. The pope was subsequently killed and the King of France fell to revolution. They are the overseers of:
Council of the 13° of the Bavarian
Council of the 33rd degree masons of the Scottish Rite
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines
The Committee of 300
B'Nai B'Rith
Grand Orient
Additional Society Groups:
Freemasonry (Scottish/York Right)
Skull & Bones
Grand Orient Lodge
Grand Alpina Lodge
Knights Templar
Royal Order of the Garter
Thule Society
Knights of Malta
Knights of Columbus
Famous Political Groups:
United Nations
Trilateral Commission
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Club of Rome
Bohemian Grove
European Union
For more information, visit Eric Phelp's work:
* * * * * * *
Keywords: kennedy malta knight columbus oswald jack ruby CIA FBI cover-up assassination president john johnson jesuit pope
Aloha Pilipo,
I hope you find the posting of documents from the UNPFII helpful to dissembling the tools of empire. I only endorse some of the specific recommendations. Do we become complicit in our own oppression by coming to the UN? Very likely on some levels. It is with your help and the mana'o of others that we can be effective in preserving our rights.
Kai Landow
It behooves us to remember that while we are playing within the U.S. American box of ethnic-indigenous box, we are still nationals of the Kingdom of Hawaii and NOT within the U.S. American indigenous people. We have a superior title under the citizens of the nation state of the Kingdom of Hawaii and not a tribal status of the U.S. which eliminates the non- kanaka maoli bona fide subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii which still exists today. This partitioning of the Hawaiian-Polynesian from other ethnic citizens, nationals of the Kingdom of Hawaii is disingenuous and redefining our make up of whom we are as true nationals who are protected under the law of occupation.
The U.S. is continuously violating the law of occupation and defying our neutrality status established since 1854 which is still in effect today legally and lawfully. What we need to also declare is our nuclear-free declaration as nationals of the Kingdom of Hawaii in which we have more clout than a band of American indians, which we are not.