Our Hawaiian Government

With all due respect, to all parties involved.  The following question is meant for pure understanding in an effort to help our children understand.


About 10 years ago, I was very interested in understadning our Sovereignty Movement.  I quickly learned there were a variety of groups with different ideals.  I also learned that there were different 'ohana claiming leadership rights following our Queen.  It was very discouraging at the time. 


Can someone help me understand (not in legal terms in plain language) what Sovereignty groups or Hawaiian Governments are out there? Are we all under one for all islands? Are there some that Govern their own Ahupua'a or their land base or Island?  


At the time, I did come to a conclusion that there was truth and purpose to each.


With the many layers of 'ohana (blood and not blood) there were opposing view points.  It all became very confusing.


So, today, 10 years later...how are we doing with our Government?












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  • Aloha Amelia Gora of the Royal Families House of Nobles,


    Mahalo for all of this information that you have posted.  It is all starting to connect.   Took me a minute! Hehe.  All joking aside,  I am very familiar with the works of Dr. Keanu Sai, Uncle Tommy Lenchanko  and have been following (in my opinion) the heart-wrenching challenge to protect our Iwi Kupuna at Kawaiahao.  I completely understand am very excited to be introduced to the positions of the Royal House of Nobles.   


    Would you share what is the current relationship and/or connection among the Royal Families House of Nobles and the Lawful Hawaiian Government? 

    Also, how does the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs (AOHCC) and the State Council for Hawaiian Homestead Associations (SCHHA) also connect or not?


    I believe they Govern and/or take Positions on a wide array of issues affecting Kanaka Maoli throughout our Hawaiian Archipelago. 









  • One more thing, the word 'cooperation' when the US uses this word they are lying through their front teeth especially politicians.  

    They can never be cooperation in a capitalistic country, that is second grade stuff!

    In schools we teach GLO's and it's a good thing because it encompasses the learning curve behaviors to ones destiny and road path in today's society.  It's a self-evaluation not just mihi.   

    I truly wish that I could see that we have one government, but for me I don't see it with the present particulars.  I believe in it's possibilities (coping out of the question), but from what I have experienced in the first OHA election--I can't say that I trust the simplistic nature of democracy.  It's more than just casting a vote, or putting a name on a data list as in Act 196!

  • You so awesome, how is your skills on Risk Management..the probability stuff?  The TPP to matters regional and the only way to the cause and effects is to the particulars and it's 'asked questions' if not it's only looping talk, and dizziness.

    As for the Aulani stuff, I was pretty hard on myself and took it to task by talking to some of my friends that would call me out if I step to much over the line of disrespecting our ancestors.  I'm still imploding a little bit this morning, trying to set my super ego (stupid guy) to a minimum without to much black eye stuff!  

    It's just that Ku and Hina is a real and big part in the hands of the future generation and to have these things in a Disneyland lobby hotel was disturbing.  I still fill that it should be done away with and replaced with marketing skills with responsibilities to children not secret society crap!

    Our religious actions in the 70s to present was very trying on all of us.  Uncle Sam Lono really had a difficult time trying to convince Temple of Lono haumana's the importance of Hina and KU.  The French really created mayhem back than and more so now with it's borders of mixed up people!

    I lived on the UH Campus dorms for 10 years of my life and I knew that the stupid artwork at Hamilton Library dipicted a figment of a French artist that never really understood or cared to know the people he was trying to exploit.  I nearly flipped with what I saw on the wall, and to add more kine injury the phallic was something to behold!

    Go check it out for yourself, maybe your kind words is needed.

    And too, I was grumbling with my friend that has traveled all over the world through sailing, and I explained how I felt about the rose compass as being our symbol when I know it was Capt. Cooks contention with our people.  His ultimate hate for our knowledge was brought on by his intent to kill, kidnap and destroy our native Hawaiian people.  And the issue was that compass rose, and the Pope's 'Law of the Sea'.  

    Keep writing and sharing and no worry about my opinions,  and how other people think stupidly.  Our chat room was so dirty for a long while and it's the same thing on Native American Chat rooms too.  

    • Mahalo Kaohi, I definitely want to take a look at the Aulani lobby and the Hamilton Library artwork on of these days.   Mahalo also for sharing about the Rose Compass, very interesting.


      I saw a string of posts under the Kauaua group that shed more light on three strong perspectives on Government (The Lawful Hawaiian Government), the Kapu System of Governing and the 'Ohana System of Governing. 


      About from what period to what period did we use the Kapu System? Was this introduced by Paao?








      • True, 'Paao' from what I got from Abe Piianaia a 'niaupio too!  Our existence preexist, but cannot talk too much on public forum.  We still have family land that predates 1823 the Anglo-Saxon and Hawaiian Club, but due to people unnerving that knot..it's a bit gray and resting for now. Our land was  'Liliu's resting and comfort place her sweet rose--before she would go to her house in Maunawili.  We still have that rose bush growing at 1845 Maunawili Road.  See Meryl my cousin if you want to visit. 

        • 'Ae, Mahalo.  Fascinating and Inspiring Kaohi.  Understand, some things can not be posted public on forums...yet!


          Beautiful that your folks land was our Queen's resting and comfort place with the original Rose Bush.  Just beautiful.  Oh my, I don't think that I am worthy yet to visit such a sacred space.  Just knowing it exists instills much hope in me for the future.  Mahalo, with the deepest appreciation for the invitation.  Maybe one day, I will have done enough to contribute to our people to feel I have earned such a visit. 

          • Cool, no worry we just simple folks with much aloha for our Liliu.

  • Kaylin Austin,

    This is just my opinion and my own individual view point--the most that a native Hawaiian grand-mother can do is to keep the doors open for my family and friends.  As for my enemies they can go fall off the face of the earth, cause I'm too old to deal with their sick behavior of literally pointing a gun to my head because we have differences of points of views.  Secondly, those so-called academics do not speak for me--they speak for their status, grants, and student miseries (without connection to people, land and broad theories).  Lastly, I am on Hawaiian Homestead--nor do the leaders in my communities speak for me either.  The point is one needs to have a huge capacity to except different points of views. 

    As for your first and forward question, that one 'stuff' was created by the US and Kam I by battles--war!  And sadly to say, we are at war (civil, imploding, battles, conflicts...) with each other.  If you want a bigger war with two star generals join the army.  However, if you want to nurture the local battles--then you are in my court or corner of life.   

    I am grappling right now with Ko'olina and their recently built 'Aulani Hotel lobby'.  I am practically imploding at this moment.  I have been waiting for the lobby artisans to complete their projects.  This is partly my fault because I did not make an attempt when I knew about it to join in on the creation of the lobby aesthetically.  Yesterday, I stopped in to take a look see, and to gravel in my jealousy--not sure on my self-examination.  Am I serving my people, our children and arriving to a sound criticism or just plain stupidity?

    I am past the point of no return, pass innocence, pass excuses of why I have no solutions to our problems.  Making no excuses for my lack of cooperation in things that concerns our people(clarity).   I will not lower myself or thought processes to accept 'self-serving' granting to me and myself.  I hope that I do this everyday, and if I mess up may I bring criticisms to my own assertion too.  Which means one has to except other peoples differences, including one's enemies.  To me that is the unifying element that one is not matured, or possibly have arrived to--but still on that Disney lobby of cartoonish life style.  Poppy is not the aesthetics I want in my sun shinning life at the moment.  In other words, I like separation of influence of society and my own worth!

    Mahalo for being brave and asking this important question to a rights of passage.  Go for it!  And except that all things are not one and if it is it's a national holiday.  When the fireworks pops and disappears, we are left all alone sometimes in the battle field.   

    • Thank You, Amelia.


      Are you a part of the Lawful Hawaiian Government?  Are there any others?

    • Kaohi, I truly appreciate your honesty.  In asking this question, I wouldn't call it brave, but, I am hopeful to stimulate some conversation (of various point of views) via this site. 


      As you shared: 

      "sick behavior of literally pointing a gun to my head because we have differences of points of views. "


      I, too have found that these subjects, done face to face are very challenging, usually resulting in anger towards or those that don't want to angry just stop the conversation because it is going nowhere. 

      "If you don't believe what I believe, you are wrong and hewa, evil and stupid". 

      I guess things haven't changed much...however, in our own little parts of Hawaii, we continue to do what we can do kokua our people.  

      One thought is, why can't we listen and try to understand each other? Even if its by place.  Maybe what works in Makiki, won't work right up the road in Kalawahine? Why can't we truly listen to one another, respect where each other is coming from? 

      Recently, I was in awe at a Jewish sister, literally, her great-grandparents were 'extinguished', no historical documents, identification, grandfather had $40 of savings to flee.  Today, her branch of families main motto? "How you Treat People Matters".  There is a willingness to work with all ethnicities, in the name of Social Justice...any Injustice is wrong, making them huge supporters of Kanaka Maoli for the Injustices that were and are still being done.

      Of course, Jewish folk are not the only people that were done wrong, many people and cultures were, but, some react differently. 


      With all the education, money and resources we have as Kanaka Maoli (I know, I know, the superego's)...why can't we pull it together?


      I am hopeful that whatever Governments are running and speaking on behalf of all Hawaiians have a clean backyard.  At the very least? Please be pono with the money.  Do we need Koa Tables and huge Board Room offices?  Does our 'opio at Upper Campus Kalihi need an electronic baby for a lesson that public school students learned using an egg or a bag of flower?


      If we were to live within simple means, we would have TONS of money.  But, if we even get to that point? We need good stewardesses of the money.  If Kanaka Maoli can maintain/sustain natural resources, we should know how to steward palapala/money?


      Back to Kaohi and Aulani?  I am not sure what to do about this after the fact? We just gotta do what we can, when we can do it. 


      It would be much easier to do it together (all inclusive of all Kanaka Maoli).  We've got a long way before we get there.  


      There must be agreement somewhere? 


      Me and some of my super ego...





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