October 23, 2010 at 08:17:46
  Wikileaks document confirm Tom Fox died for our sins

Wikileaks document confirm Tom Fox died for our sins 

The latest Wikileaks documents reveal that over a thousand Iraqis were tortured and America turned a blind eye. We knew this years ago and turned a blind eye. Now we are
reminded, and again America turns a blind eye. I wish I could say I was
shocked. But I'm not.

Almost five years ago I wrote "Christian Hostages, Death Squads, and Deja Vu".

In December, 2005, I wrote

Christian Peacemaker members, including some of those who have been taken captive, had been investigating abuses at the hands of special police and military groups months before
the Nov. 15 discovery of 173 detainees in the basement of an Interior
Ministry building. American soldiers who liberated the prisoners said
some appeared to have been tortured by their Iraqi government captors.

At the time I knew the quote was too kind. At the time I knew US trained Death Squads were active in Iraq. The 173 liberated
hostages did not "appear to have been tortured" as the American press so
delicately put it. The BBC was much more honest:

The return to torture and killing by the security forces is another embarrassment for the American and British governments

The list compiled by Human Rights Watch includes beating detainees with cables, hanging them from their wrists for long periods and giving electric shocks to sensitive parts of the

From a video given to the BBC by the Association of Muslim Scholars (a Sunni Muslim organisation), it seems another particularly brutal form of torture can also be added - drilling
into the knees, elbows and shoulders of victims

When I wrote Tom Fox, Death Squads and the Dogs of War, and named names... again the call fell on deaf ears.

By 2006, Tom Fox was murdered and the crime scenes were sanitized. At that point it was safe to let the media report on this. Even then, they buried the story. I wrote We
found one of the death squads. They're part of the police force.

and opened that piece by saying:

That quote used in the title is not some lefty peacenik talking. That is Major General Joseph Peterson. He heads the training of Iraqi police forces for the US Army.

I then went on to note this was important for the following reasons:

  1. This is the first official confirmation by the US of Death Squad activity in Iraq.
  1. Death Squad activity has been alleged for over a year now.
  1. The "Police Commando Units" you read about are Death Squads.
  1. Those "Police Commando Units" were trained by US and UK contractors with the full knowledge of John Negroponte and the Pentagon.
  1. The policy is colloquially known as "The Salvador Option"
  1. This story has been reported before, but every one of the reporters covering it was killed.(UPDATED LINKS BELOW)
  1. This is why the Christian Peacemaker Team went to Iraq.
  1. This represents proof positive that the insurgents are not the only ones with competing factions.
  1. This marks a shift in US military strategy.
  1. The men who built these operations need to be brought to justice.

The last point was the most important. It never happened. America turned a blind eye. A few years later, David Petraeus, like Brutus, was labeled an
honorable man
. The truth was otherwise, but even Ted Westhusing's suicide
was not enough to convince a wilfully blind America.

Now the bodies and the stories behind the bodies are buried. The Wikileaks documents have surfaced belatedly, like the bones of victims in a mass grave silently clawing their way
towards the light. But even now America still turns a blind eye.


Tom Fox may have died for our sins, but his death didn't absolve us of anything.

Most of the links in my original pieces have been wiped away and all of this criminal activity -- done in our name, with our money, by our government, enabled by our silence, and
pardoned by our indifference -- is washed down the memory hole like
blood from a crime scene after they hose down the sidewalk.

Even President Obama enables this
whitewash when he plays the role of America's Lot and tells us "...we
need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards."
I'm sorry
Mr. President, but I can't take that journey with you. I have not
mastered Umberto Ecco's Ars
, the Dark Art of Forgetting. I cannot ignore the
bitter taste memory leaves in my mouth. I know it will never go away as
long as we shut our eyes to the fact we are covered in blood.

ADDENDUM: Some may find this claim hard to swallow. When these stories were hot topics in 2005, all
three of the reporters who covered it were murdered.

Steve Vincent (New York Time), Yasser Salihee (Knight Ridder) and Fakher Haider (New York Times).

All three journalists have this in common: That was the last story these journalists covered before they were shot to death in Iraq in 2005.

All the links have been wiped clean. In response to a comment questioning this claim, I used the Way Back Machine to find the original stories and offer them to anyone else who
doubts the veracity of this claim. Here they are:

  1. Steve Vincent's story
  1. Yasser Salihee's story


  1. Fakher Haider's story     

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  For starters, I am not the Henry Porter who writes for the Observer in Britain. I'm a native New Yorker living in Maryland. I used to believe knowledge was power. Now I know
knowledge translated into action is power.



another important e-mail: 

E ala e ! BEWARE !
Negating communication has become like disproving the Word of the Lord. It’s the same gang.

Fwd: Full on virus alert

Be Blessed,

Aloha o `Io

In His name I remain His servant,


------------ Forwarded message ------------
From: Kaleo L
Date: Oct 22,
Subject: virus alert

These e-mails are
floating around currently in
Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so
>>>>>>>This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and

send it to everybody you know who has Access to the
>>>>>>>You may
receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled *Here you have

>>>>>>>it* .....If
open either file, a message will appear on your screen
>>>>>>> 'It is too late now, your life is no
longer beautiful....'
>>>>>>>Subsequently you
will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC, And the person who

will gain access to your Name, e-mail
is a new virus which started to circulate
>>>>>>>Saturday afternoon.
has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus softwares

>>>>>>>are not
of destroying it. The virus has been created by a hacker
>>>>>>>calls himself 'life owner'.
>>>>>>> them to PASS IT ON IMMEDIATELY!
>>>>>>> http://www.snopes.com/computer/virus/hereyouhave.asp






To all who have assisted in the past. Thank you. Your help is greatly appreciated. Tom Feeley


"We are beckoned to see the world through a one-way mirror, as if we are threatened and innocent and the rest of humanity is threatening, or wretched, or expendable.

Our memory is struggling to rescue the truth that human rights were not handed down as privileges from a parliament, or a boardroom, or an institution, but that peace is only possible with justice and with information that gives us the power to act justly." -John Pilger 04/11/2009)

"It is an obscene comparison - you know I am not sure I like it - but you know there was a time in South Africa that people would put flaming tires around people's necks if they dissented. And in some ways the fear is that you will be necklaced here, you will have a flaming tire of lack of patriotism put around your neck, Now it is that fear that keeps journalists from asking the toughest of the tough questions...

...It starts with a feeling of patriotism within oneself. It carries through with a certain knowledge that the country as a whole - and for all the right reasons - felt and continues to feel this surge of patriotism within themselves. And one finds oneself saying: 'I know the right question, but you know what? This is not exactly the right time to ask it".'  -Dan Rather

"The only difference between suicide and martyrdom is press coverage". -Chuck Palahniuk


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq "1,366,350"




Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,744

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,168


Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan




Note:  WIKILEAKS are exposing lots of criminal issues............check google.com and youtube.com for issues.............empowerment comes with knowledge, and like the teacher/ writer Potter says " I used to believe knowledge was power. Now I know knowledge translated into action is power."



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  • Thanks for sharing about the virus, will pay attention! I'm going to the Bishop Museum today with Joshua.
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