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show details Jun 10 (2 days ago)
At the 10th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention, we’ve asked Professor Lilikala Kameeleihiwa and Legal Scholar Melody MacKenzie, to host a discussion on the UN Declaration.
We [Aupuni Hawaii] are interested in this convention and what implications it may hold for Hawaiian nationals. Since we have both participated in this process of the Declaration of rights of Indigenous peoples at the UN, I believe myself and our representatives will have some insight into if any practical implementations can result in Hawaii. Please info me as to the process of coming to this convention. Are there limitations to how many and will we have equal access to this process.
I am concerned about this so-called "Indigenous Nation" can you give me more information about it? How is it constructed? It appears racial based is that so? Will is subsume rights of Hawaiians if they join and if they don't will their assets be effected? Can you be part of an Indigenous nation and a Hawaiian national?
I would like to also see addressed whether the DRIP applies only to US indigenous peoples or does it equally add to rights of Hawaiian nationals who are also indigenous?
Lastly- Are Americans still connecting our assets [the Hawaiian Islands] with these kind of Akaka bill type of nation groups?
On another note, I see your are very active in participating in discussions that affect Hawaiian rights like this hearing with Senator Akaka and I understand you are paid as an Indigenous adviser to the US [is that so?]. We always support Hawaiians working to help protect Hawaiian rights, but as you know we differ in that we do not support the alienation of our lands in trade for a tiny race based nation. So we would like to be keep informed and included in these discussions, as we represent a very large constituency of Hawaiian people. It would be very gracious of you to not forget us and give a real fairness to your political activities by including Hawaiian nationals. Only together can a resolution of the US occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom be addressed. Kukahi has real meaning for us and we endeavor to work with you to restore all that belongs to the Hawaiian people.
Mahalo for your kokua
Kai Landow
Aupuni Hawaii
Akaka hearing.doc 27K View Download |
note that the letter (view/download/google docs letter) mentions how nations should allow their indigenous people to move towards self sufficiency......
now, the Hawaiian Kingdom is a recognized nation, so does that mean that we should allow the descendants who participated in the wrongful dethronement with the Americans, be given these rights?
Akaka for one descends from Thomas Akaka who helped to plan the 'overthrow' in 1892, and he for one pushes for the Indigenous rights................
Think about folks........................aloha.
p.s. we really need to b ring back the Law of Nations and allow other friendly nations to regroup, etc.
FYI Original email I was responding to.
From: [] On Behalf Of Robin Danner
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 5:56 PM
To: policy
Subject: [Cnhapartners] FW: Hearing on domestic policy implications of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Fantastic hearing held today by Chairman Akaka at the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs!
Many definitely connect the significance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to the international activities that so many Native leaders have been involved in for decades – vitally important! And in addition, the UN Declaration is an important policy issue to promote and advance domestic policy agendas as well. Chairman Akaka has long been a champion and expert on the issues of self determination – its great to see a hearing in his committee to bring national leaders together around domestic policy implications of the UN Declaration.
At the 10th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention, we’ve asked Professor Lilikala Kameeleihiwa and Legal Scholar Melody MacKenzie, to host a discussion on the UN Declaration. The session will be held at the Hawaiian Studies Next Generation Leadership Forum on Monday, August 22, 2011 at the Hawaii Convention Center starting at 10:00 am. For more information, contact Lilikala at!
We Mahalo Chairman Akaka for his work on this issue and so many others. Since taking the Chairmanship, he has held hearings on the budget impact to Native communities, Culturally Based Education (charter and language schools), the SBA Native 8(a) program, cultural identity, and many of the issues so important to Native peoples!
Robin Puanani Danner, President & CEO
Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement
1050 Queen Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
10th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention
August 23-25, 2011
From: Broder Van Dyke, Jesse (Akaka) []
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 2:20 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Hearing on domestic policy implications of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Date: June 9, 2011
Contact: Jesse Broder Van Dyke 202-224-7045 /
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, held an oversight hearing today titled, "Setting the Standard: Domestic Policy Implications of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples."
"This discussion will help us determine where we go next in the United States' relationship with our indigenous nations," said Senator Akaka. "It is important that we all come together to ensure that the rights of our indigenous peoples are preserved – in the U.S. and around the world."
Today’s hearing explored The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as an international policy goal to which the United States is signatory. Witnesses from the U.S. Department of Interior, the United Nations, the indigenous art community, the Indian Law Resource Center, and several American Indian Tribes answered Committee Members’ questions on how existing domestic policy achieves the declaration's goals and what additional considerations are needed. Several witnesses called on the Committee to create legislation based on the Declaration to make the U.S. a world leader in universal human rights as well as the rights for indigenous peoples.
Witness testimony and archived webcast: LINK
The UN declaration, which the United States joined in December of last year, encourages nations to support self-determination, eliminate discrimination, and work to secure the rights of their indigenous peoples. The declaration sets out the individual and collective rights of the world’s estimated 370 million indigenous people – including American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians – including the right to perpetuate their culture, identity, and language, and their rights relating to employment, health, education, and other issues.
The declaration was adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 13, 2007, with 143 nations in favor, 11 abstentions, and four votes against – Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. All of the opposing countries have since reversed their position and support the declaration. President Barack Obama announced the United States' support of the declaration on December 16, 2010.
Draft Legal Notice
The True Hawaiian Flag (picture unavailable)
The United Nations
Re: The UN declaration
"The declaration was adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 13, 2007, with 143 nations in favor, 11 abstentions, and four votes against – Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. All of the opposing countries have since reversed their position and support the declaration. President Barack Obama announced the United States' support of the declaration on December 16, 2010. "
Therefore, let it be known that the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, under the Law of Nations, will be announcing the support of the indigenous people, many who were supporters of the dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, and became Americans under their own volition
[voh-lish-uhn, vuh-] Show IPAl
See also: animus, choice, conatus, desire, discretion, election, forethought, intent, purpose, will
Burton's Legal Thesaurus, 4E. Copyright © 2007 by William C. Burton. Used with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
and recognize that our Queen Liliuokalani, along with her supporting subjects made up of 40,000 were under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, piracy(ies), etc. yet, the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina prevailed supported by the Royal Families House of Nobles, also known as the hulu manu, recognizing that the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina maintained Treaties with the Pacific Empire group, Aetearoa and the Samoan Islands, and many other nations recognized under the Law of Nations.
We support the United Nations move which
"encourages nations to support self-determination, eliminate discrimination, and work to secure the rights of their indigenous peoples. The declaration sets out the individual and collective rights of the world’s estimated 370 million indigenous people – including American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians – including the right to perpetuate their culture, identity, and language, and their rights relating to employment, health, education, and other issues."
On this day _____________, June 2011, the following members of the Royal Families House of Nobles
Draft Legal Notice
cc: []
Attorney General for Governor Neil Abercrombie, etc.
United States President Barack Obama
Find more artists like Hawaiian Nation at Myspace Music
Aloha Kaohi,
As far as representing the Hawaiians and their ancestral lands, I think as far as the US is concerned it is the academics. The tell them what the US wants to hear and offer solutions to the road blocks we put up. Yes it is difficult to represent people who are not defined. I honestly do not know who these Indigenous people are in terms of Hawaii. I would say it appears some real effort is being done to remove Hawaiian national participation in indigenous and native Hawaiian discussion by the professors.
hui hou Kai
hi Kaohi, hi Kai,
Seems that everyone is skirting the issues that the professors leadership has been RAILroading our people downhill...........
The fear of the Royal families is documented on records by Thurston, Dole, et. als........
The professors have failed to put out the TRUTH to our kanaka maoli and have been on the Propaganda mode, which is what the University of Hawaii System, and the Hawaii Pacific University, which by the way is headed by the JUDD families, the overthrow treasonous persons, etc.............
Do a background check on the professors who have been heading the kanaka maoli into the "indigenous" tracking and you'll find which ones are the modern day turncoats......
we have some evidence of a number of them and that will be exposed as needed.
If you want to see some nervousness........go to the meetings of the Burial Council, etc. and you'll see some or shall i say much criminal activities......attempting to give it an appearance of being lawful..........
you'll see criminal deviants squirm in their chairs, etc. you'll see criminal attorneys recusing themselves from further attachments but listen intently to what's being said.....
the mutterings of ...."number one bitch" and evil eye stares are many which is countered by the laughter of our friendly, understanding kanaka maoli...
So, this is what we see:
1) the professors - Slaves of a PIRATE Nation.
2) PIRATE Nation planners.
3) kanaka maoli who do not know who they are coming from (no genealogies).
4) 40+ Hawaiian Kingdom governments.
5) The Royal Families who many fear even today..........
truly a mess, and have to clean it up or at least many need to understand the criminal actions being perpetuated at our expense...........yes our expense.......because has anyone really checked out " who are the real owners" .......hint: it's not the BANKRUPT guys pouring out LIES, DECEIT, Criminal activities, SCUM, SCOUNDREL activities, dirtying up our beautiful environment...........
Maka Ala All YOU Sleeping Giants.........the beauty sleep stuff sucks...time to move! IMUA!
Find more artists like Hawaiian Nation at Myspace Music
p.s. think the above draft Legal Notice would have to be trashed....thanks Kai for updating your info.
Aloha Amelia, I would like to say that I was corrected in sending this letter and it is more my position than that of Aupuni Hawaii. My government does not support these constructions of Hawaiians as Indigenous people. It appears that this description is set about to remove Hawaiian rights and replace them with this declaration.
The "Declaration of Indigenous Rights" [DRIP] is simply NOT RIGHTS. This is put that way to mislead and make people think that they should move away from their absolute rights into this vague place where again the US gets to define Hawaiian rights.
Aupuni Hawaii does not get involved with the actions of foreign nations and we do not recognize this convention as having any legal effect on Hawaiian peoples rights, land interests or government functions. I was hoping to get some answers from the Professor on the issues of the DRIP and some of our subjects. If I get any information that will help clarify what these AMericans are doing and if they have any relevance to Hawaiian nationals I will let you know.
E kala mai, this is my own inquiry and not the official position of Aupuni Hawaii.
Kai Landow
Indigenous people who speak French...........kool musik and dancing too............aloha.
and English speaking from Australia.........kool...........