Did you ever wonder why so many kanaka maoli are at risk? Statistics show that Native Hawaiians' are at risk for diabetes and so forth. Native Hawaiians mortality rates are higher when compared to any other ethnic group in Hawaii. When was the last time you visited the doctor. Take a blood test or checked your sugar level? Mammogram or pap smear? Although you may vary in opinion of these basic medical evaluations, being tested can save your life. I do this on a yearly basis. Its an akamai thing to do. I'm always concerned about gaining and losing weight. Often wonder why the food I eat makes me more hungry. I tend to eat more when I feel "stressed." Overall, not a good choice. We eat at McDonalds more than at home. Is this you? Are you laughing too? Just a friendly reminder, when you age, you will feel the crinch. In the meantime, if you have medical, get a check up. It doesn't hurt to exercise by taking a stroll with your children or friends too. Malama ke kino! If you don't have medical, you can call 211 for free clinics and for dental too. There may be a long waiting line, but I went there too. Sometines good when qualify for Quest, at least you will have access to the doctor rather than the emergency room unless need too.

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