......... On a downhill roll!

Aloha kakou.

                          Hawaiian historian blogger gives an update on features of the roll commission's so-called "governing entity" which Hawaiian Nationals need to be cognizant of:


Meanwhile the "Honolulu Weekly" have an article this week on same:


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  • hi Andrew,

    Notice how the usurpers, the occupiers continue to push the Plebiscite........and the undereducated Hawaiians BITE! lol........but we have to continue to educate those who have been totally INDOCTRINATED and BITE at the lies, the perpetuation of crimes against a neutral, friendly nation which exists today.....the following are some of my articles posted previously which affects everyone in the Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Archipelago/the Hawaiian Islands/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii:


      Jun 7, 2012 – Many of the problematic people are listed in the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: .... The idea of the Hawaii plebiscite was promoted by United StatesPresident Benjamin Harrison, a former American Civil War General who did ...
    2. OpEdNews - Diary: Why OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaiian ... 

      Jun 7, 2012 – Diary: The Hawaiian Kingdom Is a Neutral, Non-violent, friendly recognized Nation that was ... Many of the problematic people are listed in the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: .... The idea of the Hawaii plebiscite was promoted by United States President Benjamin Harrison, a former American Civil War General ...
    3. Territory of Hawaii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

      The Territory of Hawaii or Hawaii Territory was an organized incorporated territory of the... First annexation proceedings began when U.S. President Benjamin Harrison ..... On June 27, 1959, a plebiscite was held asking Hawaiians to vote on ...
    4. Talk:Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii - Wikipedia, the free ... 

      This article is within the scope of WikiProject Hawaii, a collaborative effort to improve.... either through their government or through a plebiscite or referendum. ......President Benjamin Harrison said "if conditions in Hawaii compel you people to ...
    5. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: IOLANIpart1 

      Mar 27, 2011 – Because we are a genealogy based society, Hawaiian genealogical records are .... In the Presidential election, Harrison received 100000 fewer popular ...This appeal is not made for myself personally, but for my people who have ..... a claimed "plebiscite" which President Harrison suggested in the past.
    6. HOT Mama | blog on Myspace 

      Feb 23, 2011 – In fact, Hawaiian diplomatic protests and organized, peaceful resistance ... U.S. President Benjamin Harrison apparently gave unofficial ... Watching so many people moving in the same directions. ...... They are truly wicked and attempt a claimed "plebiscite" which President Harrison suggested in the past.
      The issues of Genocide against a neutral, friendly, non-warring nation will never go away.....and realistically, the State of Hawaii which developed from the Territory of Hawaii, the Republic of Hawaii, the Provisional Government, from the `1/3 elected, non-permanent part of the 3 part government of the Hawaiian Government which was called the House of Representatives supported by the U.S., England, and the bankers - all "brokeass/bankrupt", corrupt, Pirates on the High Seas who had spent the bulk of their monies on the American Civil War .......btw the intent was to maintain Slaves in the past, and notice how the goals of Slaves is continued......the people/citizens being economic slaves by the bankers who are steering the Corporations to achieve the goal of ONE WORLD ORDER/NEW WORLD ORDER........
      see http://maoliworld.com/forum/topics/a-kamehameha-descendant-document...  especially read the article on this thread:

      The Supreme Court, the Constitution and the First Amendment

      Global Research, March 25, 2011



      The U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, a former American Civil War General made the suggestion that  'a plebiscite be given to give the appearance that it was the people's decision to have a change in government'

      Notice how 'plebiscites' have been pushed over time...........

      Read all the articles on this thread:  http://maoliworld.com/forum/topics/more-premeditation-evidence-comp...  and you'll see the Premeditations made by the President, et. als. over time documented.

      The perpetual treaty(ies) are in place affecting the Kamehameha's, the heirs and successors though the treaties made with many, including President Zachary Taylor, et. als.

      The people have no say................had no say in creating the Monarchy, the Constitutional Monarchy government which has been the target of those pushing for ONE WORLD ORDER/NEW WORLD ORDER over time..........notice the maneuvering made by the deviants who can not have title to lands in the Hawaiian Islands......once again the bankers comes into play..........they have built for themselves a house of cards which is crumbling big time..........the U.S. is based on the lies, criminal conveyances by those who are not the owners...........

      The State of Hawaii and all their created entities, such as OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaiian Homes program based on the promotions of treasonous Kuhio, etc. must be under the American Embassy because all of it was based on Premeditation documented against a neutral, friend, non-warring, friendly nation headed by the Royal Families all connected to Kamehameha.

      Note that it was the non-Hawaiians who promoted that "Bernice Pauahi Bishop" was the last of the Kamehameha's, when many of the Kamehameha's exists today documented through genealogies.

      Bernice Pauahi Bishop by the way was half white and daughter of  H. Pierce.  In the old newspapers, it appears that H. Pierce's son died horribly and it may be because he was in fact a whistleblower about Bernice Pauahi, his sister.

      Research incomplete and ongoing.


      p.s. Important note:

      Queen Liliuokalani in 1895 was forced to sign an abdication by conspirators, treasonous persons, pirates, Sanford B. Dole, et. als.


      Queen Liliuokalani returned the government to a Monarchy government when she destroyed the Constitution affecting King Kalakaua's Bayonnet Constitution which was signed at gun point, and a Constitution that she had put together which did not appeal to the Americans in the Hawaiian Islands.

      Queen Liliuokalani utilized her Sovereign authority based on the following:

      1. Hanai/adopted relationship to the Kamehameha line, a leader who formed the monarchy government.
      2. Attending the Royal School - a School for Hawaiian leaders - based on genealogies for a monarchy government.
      3. Hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant, part of a monarchy government.

      and another reason taken as an excerpt from above:

      he American "conspirators signed their proclamation announcing that the Hawaiian monarchy had been "abrogated" and a Provisional Government established, with Sanford B. Dole as Chairman of the Executive Council."

      4. The American's at the time of the wrongful dethronement did proclaim and announce that the Hawaiian monarchy was "abrogated".

      In other words, the recognition of a monarchy form of government, not a Constitutional monarchy government was documented in 1893, and the fact that our Hawaiian Monarchy did go "underground", which means that our Hawaiian monarchy did not cease to exist!

      Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, and it was a documented fact found that the U.S. aided, planned the criminal assumption of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, and did cause the duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, planned the criminal assumption of private properties with their helpers, the Americans, the treasonous persons known as the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS and did breach the Laws of Nations, killed, caused genocide and PLUNDERED UPON INNOCENTS since their presence from the time of the arrival of their mercenaries, the missionaries in 1820.

      reference: NEW YORK TIMES articles (1) The Story of a Crime; and (2) Pearl Harbor Coaling Station - Imperative Necessity that the United States Take Possession;  AFFAIRS IN ASIA, 1st Qtr 1897 - The Republic of Hawaii, an aged article purchased off the internet which came from GREECE!  THE LIBERAL newspaper, January 28, 1893,  genealogy, history researches, etc.

      read more at http://www.opednews.com/Diary/More-Evidence-on-Pearl-Har-by-Amelia-...




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