OHA - State Global Settlement!

Aloha `aina, We wish to make everyone aware as quickly as we can that we have just learned of an anticipated global ceded lands settlement that will be made by Lingle’s office & OHA this Tuesday. That also means Lingle will announce she is dropping the court case. Claims for individual Hawaiians will also be withdrawn. This of course is a complete sell-out of Hawaiians and their lands, resources, traditional rights, etc., to say nothing of what it means for future generations. Here’s the short explanation of what they are planning - The squeeze is being put on the three groups who had their funds withheld, NHLC, Alu Like and Na Pua No`eau in order to gain their backing for this deal so that the court case will be over and the end result will be that Hawaiians have no basis whatsoever for land claims. Here’s the particularly disgusting part - Under this deal the US will win, the state will win and OHA will get their ceded lands settlement without an audit or inventory. NHLC, Alu Like, etc. will of course then get their badly needed funding. Hawaiians and their children will get nothing, no land, or revenues, now or in the future. Word is there will be a secret negotiation Monday night at the Legislature with the press conference coming Tuesday featuring Mark Bennett and others. Word also is there will be a so-called “beneficiary support group” of Hawaiians (and yes, we can all guess who they will be,) at the press conference holding up signs of support. It is critical that our community turn out in force to express their opposition to this travesty both at the press conference, but also by contacting elected officials on Monday such as Mele Carroll, Coleen Hanabusa and Clayton Hee to express your outrage. Tell them you will not stand for a backdoor ceded lands settlement. Ho`oku`oko`a, `Ehu Kekahu Cardwell The Koani Foundation New Email Address – ehukekahu@koanifoundation.org Visit FreeHawaii.Info Watch FreeHawaiiTV.com “Voices Of Truth” online – VoicesOfTruthTV.com The Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network

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