office of hawaiian on our Kingdom of Maui Nui,
room was standing with listeners, kupuna is battling it out...who is best qualified,
one even humiliated another....but what the heck life still goes on~~~
i ask this organized entity by Usa....OHA (office of hawaiian affairs)
1). Why is oahu state illegal leaders, chosing the Fate of our Royal Capital of our
Native Hawaiian Kingdom of Maui Nui?????
2). What can be done to improve this kind of misunderstandings and confusions????
3). Where is all the spended moneys from our Royal Kingdom Lands????
4). Who will be Responsible and Accountable for the misuse, the abuse of our Sacredness???
5). How can this be allowed to continue within my generation for years????
this illegal OHA organized entity, created by Usa....they are old and weary...tired and restless~
needs REMOVE off our Capital of La haina....Kingdom of Maui Nui....county of maui
i look at the educated and the aggressive to correctly lead our next generation...IMUA
for this illegal leaders of oahu is not following proper protocols (laws) of this hawaiian Kingdom Island of Maui Nui for you need to Respect and in Recognition....just like the tourist, the visitor, the ENTITLEMENT....thinking you can just come and create more illegal rules for our Kingdom and yet look at the state of oahu is in....and we are to look towards these oahu illegal fake state leaders to choose our DESTINY for our next generation.....wake up kanaka's.....E ALA E...see the light~~~Removal is needed immediately....consequences is RECOMMENDED~~~to the hewa (wrongful criminal actions)~~
Results of yesterdays OHA Maui voting????
no one was has been given to the oahu governor to now decide our FATE....
of who will be chosen....i say this decision should lay in the hands of that Ahupua'a (the land)....
and the Konohiki (care taker) needs to facilitate the Kapu system back onto our SACREDNESS~
for now these illegal organized entities...created by Usa...need to Remove themselves~~~
the governor of oahu....should return that desicion to the Recognized Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maolis and their BirthRights to make the Proper Protocols of our Laws of the Lands (our Kingdom Laws) new and old laws that is Beneficial and in the Best Interest of our Kanaka Maoli....mauruuru....da princess....Loko O Mokuhinia.....La haina....da Royal Capital~~~
so far the Best Bet...for the Best Lead us correctly is......Kupuna Rose Duey
she is ready for the battle....i met up with her a few weeks ago
and she invited me to her office at alulike, i will try to meet with her next week sometime
i know even if she not voted...she is still there for us....she has been with our Kupunas of Maui Nui
she heard the voices of our living kupuna at ALULIKE......
if you all noticed i have busy days.....meeting and speaking up for the rights of our Kanaka Maoli
i am happy we have someone that is of our Kingdom of Maui Nui
she is ohana first and as well should be...i believe you clean from within FIRST....
and that is the first proper Protocol....for no more yao...yao.....
i can not see that a person from oahu to lead and a person only interest is hula entertainment....
and could not understand why a senior cititzen (haaki) yesterday would dowm grade our kupuna duey in public
i was told by kupuna tutu wahine...that this is the political wrongful actions of one against