OHA ignores the Hawaiian beneficiuaries



Contrary to its mission, OHA has been ignoring the Hawaiian beneficiuaries to promote its own agenda. Acouple months ago it raised the fuor of the native Hawaiians when it donated $100,000.00 to the Pearl Harbor Museum. The latest is sponsoring the debated among three candidates while snubbing 11 other candidates on the ballot that no one is aware of until they receive the ballot to vote. Such travesty of democracy especially when there are at least two who are kanaka maoli candidates.


Last week to the cake when a Charter School and a Pa asked for assistance to help fund their trip to Tahiti to do a cultural exchange and learning experience. For months they were negotiating for funds; then OHA's contact could not be reached in recent months and the group was put off. Finally, last week they received OHA's decision where they were denied any assistance with the reason that they ran out of funds. THEY RAN OUT OF FUNDS! Can you believe that?


They had Millions to push the Akaka Bill and Kau Inoa; they donated $100,000 to the Pearl Harbor Museum despite that it could easily raise the amount to build it like they did with the Halekoa Hotel. Pearl Harbor is the most visited attraction in Hawaii and every person visiting it donates an average of two to five dollars as it opens everyday from 7:30am to 4:00pm.


We know why OHA sponsors the Congressional candidate debate that includes only the two major parties. This is a push for the Akaka Bill. This magnanimous gesture is to insure that the winner of the election will be obliged to push for the Akaka Bill while disregarding the rest of the candidates running for that position. Their action isoffensively transparent.


Some may question why the Akaka Bill is such a big deal. For one thing, it promotes the ethnocentric U.S. WASP racist Manifest Destiny Doctrines of subjugation. Our destiny is at the whims of the "Great White Father" to recognize us as a people and to unrecognize us when they choose to do it. This changes our status as a citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom to relegate us to an insignificant tribe of which they need our compliance to give up our rights as a national and negotiate our lands and resources and to surrender our country's clear title to all lands.


The U.S. is banking on them being successful in their forced assimilation and might, brainwashing, propaganda, and conditioning so that we will easily comply to their whims regardless of its criminal actions against us. It also disregards other nationals/subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom that do not have the koko to be indigenous to America.


The problem is the U.S. cannot produce a lawful treaty of annexation which means the Kingdom of Hawai'i still exists although it is still under belligerent occupation inundated with hostile occupiers which violates the laws of occupation. Furthermore, the U.S. violates the laws of neutrality by dismissing our neutrality status.


The U.S. already acknowledges its involvement in destabilizing our government, invading our country under false pretense, set up their puppet government, created a hands-off policy after the fact, and ignored the people's Ku'e Petitions which induced Congress to reject the treaty of annexation, and over-rode it by using an internal resolution to fake the annexation.


They have been perisitent and insistent with the lie and fraudulence, that many accept it as truth that we are part of the U.S.A. when in fact it's the contrary. OHA, being a U.S. state agency continues the deception to embolden special interest groups and individuals with the lure of pecuniary interests and power to usurp the jurisdiction and authority of the Hawaiian Kingdom.


More and more people are beginning to see the light and are more vehement in defeating this insiduous Akaka Bill. Most Hawaiians found the Bill repugnant and unacceptable when it was first introduce in the islands almost ten-plus years ago. Akaka and his cohorts couldn't accept NO for an answer and rejected the consensus of the native Hawaiians only to lure and bait Hawaiian organizations with great imaginary expectations and offered lucrative pecuniary positions to an elite few who will most benefit from this bill if passed. So much for their democracy!


If you are willing to trade in your hulu for eagle feathers, the next generation will most likely curse you for your stupidity and ignorance for selling their national rights for a few trinkets and fake wampum. Most of us are not willing to comply to the Disney Fantasy Land.

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  • you speak the truth and yes only the truth will set us FREE, from the bondage of a CRIME!!!

    wow, tane---the dead has risen!!! you sound like my Kupuna's of old.......mahalo Ke Akua
    you mean you have been saying this for a while and where is your Listeners?????
    they all now have an obligation to be teaching what you have taught each of them....
    we no longer sleep in silence, our voices will shout out what belongs to us,
    since usa refuse to do what is right to remove themselves from our hawaiian kingdom islands.
    or they have the choice to Respect our Hawaiian Kingdom Government...
    and this has nothing to do with racist, ethnicity, and/or culture of others,
    it is about Respect on another Kingdoms County.
    Americans have lost the Respect and Integreity of our people because our illegal Leaders invited them and gave
    them authority to do so and to show us the Rudeness of their Homelands far away...

    First like the native hawaiian protocal traditional culture way of life shows
    that we need to be RECOGNIZED and RESPECTED as Ali'i (heirs to our kingdom of hawaii nei)....before all esle...
    and now i learn that a lot of you have been on this forum for awhile, and have been educated by Kupuna TANE,
    the question: what can we do to be creative to face these intruders with Aloha and reason with the greastest
    Respect of another Human?????.....take time to meditate and please RESPOND!!! share your mana'o,
    for we all learn something every day--good from bad, right from wrong!!!!!...............mahalo Ke Akua................da princess!!!
    • Aloha da princess:

      I am only one of many that have been doing this for decades; even before you were born. Our voices have been muted for a long time under this belligerent occupation; yet many try to spread the truth. Many have derived their education through their kupuna and with critical thinking have done extensive research of many things. We have spoken out and sometimes our words have been twisted by the media and even riduled. Since the advancement of the computer, more people have had the opportunity to buy one and/or use one to get their mana'o out to the world.

      Our basic kuleana is teaching our children and anyone that will listen and to practice what we preach. Like they say, "you can bring the horse to water but you cannot make the horse drink it unless it wants to." People need to digest what they hear and learn; then draw their own learned conclusions.

      There have been quite a few who have been on the front lines for at least 50 years or more. documents were hard to find or expensive to acquire. Poignant clippings from the newspapers had been saved and critical remarks have been preserved. Kukakuka that we've been around with and /or participated in has broadened our awareness. I was cognizant of being a Hawaii national and still a citizen of the Hawaiian Kingdom since I was about 8 years old.

      When I was born in 1943 and growing up; Hawai'i was still considered a foreign country until 1959. A prime, showy example was that our single women could run for Miss Universe or Miss World or Miss International by representing Hawai'i as a foreign country. Our representative generally placed high in the finals even higher than Miss U.S.A. entry. This came to a halt in 1959 when the U.S. announced that Hawai'i was now a State of the U.S.A. Prior to that, the world recognized Hawai'i as its own country.

      We were also on the NGO list up to 1959. There is a small group of nationals and supporters who are striving to have Hawai'i replaced back on that list. Presenting the laws and documents have slowly reversed some of the past U.S.A. actions. To date, the U.S.A. cannot produce a lawful and legitimate treaty of annexation and the irregularities surrounding the statehood act lends to question the validity of that act and the voting process and procedures here in Hawai'i.

      One had to be a U.S. citizen in order to vote for statehood; hostile occupiers that met the year residency were allowed to vote; some native Hawaiians were barred from voting; and there was only two questions on the ballot - to remain a U.S. territory or become a state, rather than include all the options (one being total independence). Of all eligible voters recognized by the state, only about 35% actually voted and some 96% of those that voted had voted for statehood. This would mean that about 33.6% of all eligible voters had voted for statehood.

      Back then the campaign was taxation without representation. We had delegates but they couldn't vote in Congress. Hawai'i's governor was appointed by the U.S. President; not elected by the people of Hawai'i. We couldn't vote for the U.S. president for we were still a foreign country under U.S. belligerent occupation and the U.S. territory of Hawai'i was still under military rule with its ongoing civilian-arm heading the government and still in control.

      The U.S. continuously violated the laws of occupation since 1893 and violated our laws of neutrality which the Kingdom of Hawai'i was a charter signatory since 1854 and always affirmed its neutrality status recognized throughout the world as a member of the Family of Nations, the first non-white Christian country.

      We can go on and on with many citations; but this is only a few of the points that reinforces that the Kingdom of Hawaii exists albeit under the U.S. unlawful belligerent occupation. We still have our constitution and laws (many of which are still used) that needs to be updated and enforced under the laws of occupation. Land reformations has been taken over by the U.S. to usurp the jurisdiction of the Hawaiian Kingdom and fit into the U.S. system. Because the subjects of the Kingdom never relinquished their rights and the Kingdom and people still have clear title to the lands, the U.S. with the help of OHA are trying to get the people to relinquish their rights and to put the issue of clear title to rest via the Akaka Bill.

      Only feeble-minded and stupid people will support, comply, and participate in the Akaka Bill that will change their status from being a national to the Hawaiian Kingdom to an indigenous American tribe of the United States of America. Many Hawaiian organizations and societies are sell-outs and willing to take the native Hawaiians down the river while they profit off of the people.

  • Since I was a young girl I've known a lot of what OHA has done and what it hasn't done. Lotta sell outs though it's in the numbers. 239 out of 245 Democrats voted for it in the House


    but 160 out of 166 Republicans voted against it (96.39%) versus 6 of them who voted for it (~3.61%.) They have a pattern for voting against it this way. Chances the spread will be similar: ~ 96% of the Republicans in the Senate will vote against it.)

    Democrats control the Senate too 59 to 41 but elections are coming up in November http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/17/us/17senate.html Many of the seats will be recaptured by Republicans thus balancing out the Democratic control of the House, Senate, and the White House so there is hope.

    As for "more and more people are beginning to see the light and are more vehement in defeating this insiduous Akaka Bill"... I would agree if Hawaiians would stop voting for Democrats but many continue to do so. At least with my mom she doesn't vote in American elections at all. Never has. Never will. If someone chose to do that too then I would agree that more and more people are seeing the light but they're not. Do they want the Akaka Bill to be defeated? I highly doubt it. If they did 1) They would not vote at all in American elections OR 2) They would vote for the party that is against it... not for it. There is a disconnect in there between what they say they want and how they show what they want.
    • Aloha Ululani:

      Good points; however one has to look at the dynamics of the voting system in Hawai'i. There a many that don't vote; then there are some tied to unions where other issues over-ride the Akaka Bill; there are some in the Republican party (in the old days more Hawaiians were republicans than democrats); The outside majority of Hawai'i are democrats (particularly, the Japanese and other asians); The politician that garners the unions and the Japanese or asian groups are sure to win. Some have a defeatist attitude and they lose either way. There is a strong machinery in Hawai'i that control the media and the ballot box. When Cayatano won his second term over Pat Saiki, I interviewed people in the neighbor islands and O'ahu and discovered more voted for Saiki. Even Filipinos didn't vote for Cayatano; yet he won. There was a stink about tampering ballots that wash squashed and some precincts ran out of ballots where some couldn't vote. That's how Hazie Mazie got her nickname. Danners were going through the islands instilling terror in the Hawaiians and used CNHA (there organization) to push the Akaka Bill and discourage Hawaiians to protest against it. There was a major blitz to push the Akaka Bill and even got republicans to support it; to not support it would be political suicide. Inouye had Stevens (republican from alaska) to support the bill because of a trade off Inouye did with him. Our voices get shut out in the various media and the OHA campaign tries to condition and instill fear into many Hawaiians. Yet many have begun to realize the scam and have reserversed their opinion of the bill and kau inoa scam. Sweet deals have been given to some of the Hawaiian organizations for them to support the bill. Heavy on the propaganda and brainwashing. Recently we've been getting new Hawaiian families involved in our gatherings. People are still encouraged to write to Congress in opposition to the Akaka Bill. We are still working on disspelling the arguments some have that the Akaka Bill is better than nothing and the other argument that the U.S. will never give up Hawai'i. We have been putting actions at the Capitol and University and wherever we can. We've gotten som of the 'opio active and participating more than ever. Whether the bill passes or not, we will still be fighting it. Like da princess says, the younger generation will become more active than ever. That's a good sign.
  • aloha tane, now what is the solution??? to this situation.
    i like share one; we can start recognizing the Apology Bill Public Law 103-150
    this bill is towards her subjects (heir) in our Hawaiian Kingdom Government,
    that now have given Rights to Claim your lands back.

    please take the time to read and understand your rights
    go to kaleo-s kingdom government blog and get educated with the facts and findings.
    again their is educated information on OAHU, i am so looking for a location
    to present leadership life skills workshops, to start teaching our next generations to come
    and motivate others through out our Hawaiian Kingdom Islands, to Imua---it will happen in our generation
    we have to come together and join in Unity, Peace and Harmony...................mahalo Ke Akua.............da princess~~~
    • Aloha da princess. It is good that you have joined the fight and learning more. The
      Apology Bill is okay whereby the U.S. has admitted to its complicity. This bill is just an apology and an internal instrument of the U.S. You have to go further than that. We have always had the right to reclaim our nation which also includes non-kanaka maoli who were loyal to the Queen and government who also signed the Ku'e petitions. These subjects of the Kingdom have been summarily dismissed by the U.S. to create the indigenous American agenda.

      You are telling the teacher to go to the students's blog to read and understand my rights; get educated with the facts and findings. I've been in it for decades and research many things. There is a good synopsis of the Hawaiian Kingdom and laws which Keanu has put so it's easier to understand, especially for the neophyte. Go to: hawaiiankingdom.org It is well-laid out and easy to comprehend. You might want to read all of my blogs and forum discussions to get my perspectives on the multi-layered issues. I try to bring things into perspective. We have an armory of documents we can glean from to make our case.

      I admire you for your tenacity in making things move. There has always been a generational disconnect especially under our belligerent occupation since much is not taught in schools until recently with some charter schools. We've been trying to get the younger generation involved; they wouldn't listen. Now more are open to research and recognize the forced assimilation that had stop them from moving with us. More are becoming involved and learning the correct points rather than the myths. I have raised my kids with total awareness and encouraged their involvement using the facts. They have been raised with the Hawaiian values I was raised with and they have developed good skills and critical thinking so they make cognizant choices and are able to debate the argments intelligently. I am proud of them. They are proud Hawaiian subjects and fully armed to enter into symposiums/debates on Hawaiian history and issues. They are skillful and motivated. I wish more parents would have prepared their children along the same way. The problem is that many parents were children when they had children and totally unprepared. Maybe that can be turned around while living in a drug-free environment; which is an American tool to control and subjugate a portion of our people that have succumbed to that weapon introduced to destory us as a group. That among other things created a sense of hopelessness and an attempt to keep up with the Joneses which is a prolific tool for the corporate powers that control the U.S. government. It's a divide and conquer tactic and if you buy into it; you lose. Be confident of your Hawaiian upbringing and Hawaiian history and not the U.S. revised history that enables them to act under the WASP racist Manifest Destiny doctrines to validate their paternalistic beliefs of superiority. It's their sales and marketing tactic.

      One should recognize that we are already together in unity; just different platforms in achieving our ultimate goal. Don't buy into the U.S. arguments which confuse some people who don't know better. Remember that the U.S. has 22 registered and recognized political parties and a myriad of groups with special interests and concerns. Hawai'i is no different; we are a nation with diversity which is normal.

      Holomua and raise the conscienceness of your generation and those around you who choose to support the Kingdom of Hawaii which still exists under U.S. belligerent occupation filled with hostile occupiers. Under the laws of occupation, we citizens of the Kingdom are the protected people. Promote justice, peace, harmony, aloha, and lots of love for one another regardless of ethnicity.

      Mahalo ia 'oe,

  • I have a feeling the Akaka Bill will pass through the Senate. The recent law allowing special intrests, non- profits, Corps contribute money directly to the Senators and Reps for their fundraiser is an incentive for Senators to vote for the highest contributor.

    We know what they do behind closed doors. That is politcs and power.

    We shall see.
    • what??? tell us more!!! this is the kind of things we need to educate ourselves and to know what the heck is
      this intruders going do next with our money, our lands, our waters, and now our education and justice system.
      • Robert is correct in much of his assumptions. This is nothing new since we live under their system and know the mechanics of how they run their government and double-standards for justice, laws, and economics. Even many U.S. Americans are clueless as to how they are being manipulated. Get to know the U.S. system and how their oligarchy operates. If you are maka'ala, then you must contribute by protests and testimony when issues and laws are being past through congress and the State of Hawai'i. Research facts and get to know the issues. Use your critical thinking and make a sensible argument to stop whatever is not right, no matter the issue or policy they are promoting. One has to be more pro-active in what they do that affect us and our kingdom's kuleana that protects its people/citizens, resources, and territory. There is more on the plate than social justice and politics and international laws. There are many areas to be concerned of which affects us all.
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