"America has never fought a war against a democracy, and our closest friends are governments that protect the rights of their citizens. No matter how callously defined, neither America's interests -- nor the world's -- are served by the denial of human aspirations." President Obama from his Nobel prize acceptance speech I know that many people do not like Monarchy, but I still know that our nation is a democracy. If the war the US declared on Hawaii was because not all Hawaiians had the vote, it was the Americans with the bayonet Constitution that created that non democratic rule. Sometimes I think the US is fighting with itself to know its own sad reality. denial of human aspirations -That sums up my view of our relationship right now. What would you like to tell the American President about our relationship to his "Just war" position with Kanaka Ma'oli?

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  • The Hawaiian Language is recognized as one of the two cisco 650-175 Official Languages of the State of Hawaii. The Hawaiian Culture is also recognized in many parts of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii. For many years based on these facts I've said it many times in the past and will say it here, that Hawaiian ence certification should be taught in the schools on an equal base as English. At the State Legislature I have supported this for many years. Including Free Tuition for Hawaiian Students at the UH. United States and the FAKE State of Hawaii owes our people BILLIONS of BILLIONS of Dollars beginning with their involvement in the overthrow of the lawful government of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Keep in mind that the United States and the FAKE State of Hawaii has never paid our people exam 70-448 One Penny for the use of the Sovereign Lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom nation.
  • Hey Kai,

    Obama is the commander in chief for the military here in Hawaii, so he boast. This is where he was born and raised, so he says. He assumes that in the post of nuclear winter he may live near the equator where there is direct sunlight. All elementary and silly stuff for now as far as keeping family safe from harm during ones 'post-just war'.

    What I don't understand is Kauai is hopeless as far as nukes, Big Island is dead with fall out, maui and lani seems safe since the stopping of the bomb on Kahoolawe. I may be wrong on the safe part for both islands. Lani and Molokai is a could be for 'safe' place to live as in sense of place. His personal exist plan puts him and his family right into the belt way of nuclear fall out. And the wind direction will become his commander in chief within his nuclear belt way.

    So, I don't think Hawaii is home for the Obama's. Where are all the physicist? Aren't they talking to this man. Where are all the Catholic's? or luminaties (fiction)?

    So after we sac Troy, I wonder what's next? Virgil where are you?

    I wish... I wish for a non nuclear fall out for Hawaii. Kaohi
    • Kaohi,

      It is hard to even think that the people who say they love us would and wish to live here in aina with us and where we grow food [and they grow hale] allow this rape and evil upon the land. It is an arrogance to poison the sacred aina and themselves.

      They are out of balance and and they ears stay closed. what is it about this process they do not understand? what words would wake up the sleepers. How can it be that the Americans themselves do not rise up and remove the scourge upon our nation?

      A news blackout does have a large factor in my opinion. So how do we wake the dead before we all make?

  • Aloha all, Of all the posts here Ululani’s post makes a lot of sense and is right on the point. She is looking at Obama's actions not his fancy speeches. We can always learn the truth by following the money and being watchful of actions. Obama is Bush all over again. He is actually worse than Bush because he can form a complete and intelligent sounding sentence. Beware. I’m sorry to say I voted for him. I bought into his fancy campaign promises. His action's (30,000) more troops is not the way to end war. Who is operating the puppet? World Bank? Corporate War Interests? One World Order?

    If I were able to tell Obama something I would start by saying…STOP BLASTING THE CRAP OUT OF US IN HAWAI’I! STOP PRACTICING TO MAKE WAR HERE IN HAWAI’I to inflict WAR SOMEWHERE ELSE! It is just wrong. We are too tiny, too fragile to sustain any more military pollution. Sixty plus years of military toxins is enough. It is time to decommission all live fire training ranges in Hawai’i. End the illegal occupation...make reparations. Just think… If the US gave up its WAR PRACTICE HOLD on Hawai’i tomorrow…what would we get?… We would get TOXIC ISLANDS that’s what!

    And you know, that’s OK. Military Clean Up would be nice. But we will malama the aina. Just stop blasting the radioactive dust all over us everyday! We are already toxic and with ballistic depleted uranium oxide dust which everyone knows has a half life of 4.5 billion years and there are many other toxic substances that the military has dumped on and around Hawai’i. See www.dmzhawaii.org The cease and desist must start somewhere...

  • The moment Obama sent 30.000 more troops to Afghanistan proves to me he is just more of the same bull. Bush in a slick talking package. His immediate breaking of his campaign promise to end the war and his blatant actions to escalate the war by sending more troops... Proves to me Obama is for the One World Order, not to be trusted; but then again what has America done in the last 120 years to earn any trust. The One World Order is the ultimate denial of human aspirations! Noble Prize? What has he done to deserve it? ...broken campaign promises...what a farce.

    I'm not Kanaka so I don't know what I'd want to ask or tell him about Hawaii and the 118 years of belligerent occupation? It would fall on deaf ears. I think the main thing is to find something to unite about. It will be a glorious day to see all Kanaka and all Hawaiians at Heart to come together, unite and join with one strong voice end the war in Hawai'i and the world!

    Hawai'i has already paid a huge price. And if the US HOLD on these beautiful and precious islands were to loosen tomorrow... what Hawai'i gets back is...TOXIC ISLANDS!

    That's OK! We will handle! We will malama the aina. We will do this for the keiki to follow. Even if we are stuck with depleted uranium contamination that has a 4.5 Billion year half life... just stop BLASTING THE CRAP OUT OF US TODAY in the name of preparing to make war SOMEWHERE ELSE! Not Hawaii! Not Here! No More! Cease and Desist! Well...that's what I would say....Malama Pono to all that unite about Hawaii being contaminated with ballistic depleted uranium oxide. I want to tell the world. It is time.
    Please pass it forward...
    • Aloha Lindafaye,

      I thought you went away, I've been burning my eyes in the 173 page NRC document. A bit crazy for now. I'm already preaching the gospel of an exit plan for sustainable native Hawaiians, how rediculous--this is so stupid. The nuclear cycle kills 20 to 30 per year! We can visibly start with Rell Sun.

      Our opposition to "Depleted Uranium at Pohakuloa Training Area & Schofield Barracks, Hawaii" Docket No. 40-9083 states I have no contentions or standing. They are arguing the use in 2005, but it was the EPA that found DU in Schofield in 2001. On Jan 26-27, 2000 the military was bombing at Kolekole pass and they let the Waianae resident use the pass at 3:30 PM, but Ron Jay, Army Deputy public affairs officer didn't want to at that time because of the air quality from bombing. I'm just venting a bit. Actually, I'm trying not to fall into complacency, just because this is so far beyond my head. Kaohi
  • Kai,

    Here is my argument from this piece:

    "The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009
    The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

    Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

    Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

    For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."

    Oslo, October 9, 2009 "

    Exerpts from the piece above:

    "Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons."

    "Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play."

    "The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations."

    "Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened."

    "...values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."

    ""Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.""

    My regurgitation of what I think I read and my outlook of meaning and understanding:

    "Now is the time for all good men to come to their aid of their country," a great motto I learned in my high school typing class. Kanaka Maoli as the enabler public and private spending for culture and arts tell us how dedicated we are in furthering our island culture and values. Love of country and it's people, I doubt that is true for the play is to nuke and one can find these arguments in his acceptant speech for his Nobel Peace prize. Bits and pieces comes from Hannah Arendt and her writings on 'Human Condition" and too, the Aneid not sure where all of this is going. We shall see the outcome ending January 2010 and beginning of Feb. Kaohi
    • Kaohi,

      A'e that is a thoughtful piece. when we look back at recent history the stark difference does shine through and it is this very hope that we appeal to. Why is that America is silent about Hawaii and this brilliant man supports a bill to take land away from the rightful Hawaiian owners.

      I did not come to spurn him, but to entreat him. Could President Obama growing up in the Hawaiian nation not take note of the suffering and injustice. I like to believe he has. I would work to enlighten him to the healing possible between us.

      His words burn us when he does not acknowledge our plight and is a proponent of the very justice we seek.

      Are not the Hawaiians entitled to the same self determination and democracy lost to this occupation?

      It is the promise that hurts, the truth in his words and the sadness when I hear him say "I will sign the Akaka bill when it comes to my desk"

      Yes, Now is the time for all good men...and good women to unite, without rancor and prejudice and speak the words to our native son.

      malama pono o aloha ka kou

      • Aloha mai e Kai.

        "Native Son" Obama is not. Richard Wright's character Bigger Thomas lived in poverty:


        I do not care what some people claim but Obama is NOT a "native son." He did not live in poverty. He has never lived in poverty. He has never been "one of us" nor is he "one of us" and I mean... children of poverty.

        Instead the native sons are the braddahs who bust their butt working sometimes two or three jobs and who still live in poverty. On the other hand, Obama lived the life of white privilege and continues to live the life of white privilege.

        E malama pono.
        • Of course my reference to Native Son was not that of Richard Wright's fine book. It has other origins. But you do point out an interesting irony between to different "Native sons".

          It does speak a lot about the make up of oppression being something not so simple or so clear.

          aloha Kai
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