Race to the top in nuclear isotope dumpsites, if not, Yucca Mountain then where else do we put nuclear waste? Stephen Chu may not be a Malcolm Scott Carpenter by a factor of four; however, could he be an extension of Henry Teller?  Is the Pacific Ocean or the Waianae Coast a parking lot for ocean hoppers?  I may not be a physicist to understand the hydro-what-you-may-call-it; however, my ancestors were not parking lot attendants either. 


What the hell am I talking about?  I have a 19 acre parking lot made up of nuclear isotopes mixture of contaminated (construction material) soil. Once a beautiful naturally flat rich agriculture--now a black topped surface dumpsite for contaminated trucks. This 19 acre aligns the main stream from Mauka (foot of Mount Kaala) to Makai exiting out to Pokai Bay. 



Nobel Physicist Chosen To Be Energy Secretary"

By Steven Mufson and Philip Rucker

Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, December 11, 2008


"The national laboratories fall under the Energy Department, whose budget is devoted largely to dealing with nuclear waste and materials from deactivated nuclear weapons, nuclear submarines and other reactors? But the department is also the conduit for funds that go to innovative energy technologies, including those designed to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas" 


President Obama's home state has a diverse populace and his corner stone 'Race To The Top' was Punahou School in Hawaii.  His predecessors stole land right out from under native Hawaiian toe's, and he is stealing our ocean right out from under native Hawaiian's floating bodyboards. 


The Race to the top educational program is attached to failing/falling social security numbers, and research grants for foreign students to meet the need for physicist in the global market.


Marketing Madness and Mad science both have nothing to do with humanity, robots maybe!


The people want isotopes waste in their community is nothing, but a 'wanting' corporate end game.   Put it in the ground/ocean let it swirl it around--like cow poop, but can't get back at it/can get at it! This is a good Disneyland mirage.


Waianae Valley has a factor of 2 housing project.  Just drive up the valley and right after the park facing mauka on the left one will see a housing unit that is almost complete.  It has all the energy savings gizmos, but like with everything else, such as the Mayor Wright housing one needs to come up with maintainer dollars.  I'm hoping for a success story cause each day that I pass this development, I see energy efficientcy being constructed.  The question is whose going to live in it by it's rules under federal laws and pay for the dilapilation in the future? 


Stephen Chu should go live in China!


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  • Amelia,

    sorry for the confusion: but no can help it is confusing in the triple crown talk of energy saving R&D, market, and contamination of our environment. It didn't make sense to me either.
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