i just recieved a letter by this State Lieutenant Governor..... just APPROVED,

the documents to change my name to the Lineage of my Ancesters,

KumaewaKainaKaleoMomona.....it took me 7 whole years to prove my

legal Birth Right of my Royal Kingdom Ancesters......using the names and legal documetns

to prove my Bloodline and Lineal direct decsendant and i did it~~~~


now to go to the next step......its getting costly....but worth every moment of accomplishments,

for i will be coming to Claim the Birthrights as the Royal Kingdom Heir of our Sacredness

on our Kingdom of Maui Nui......amene......da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia>>>

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  • hey kupuna kaohi...if you get to see and or meet this mahealani,

    tell hear no be selective.....for she represent all of our maui nui,

    not only the entertainment arena, hummmmmm??????

    for i only expose what is being wrongfully allowed on our maui nui,

    by the leaders of oahu???????.....how is that???????....need to be addressed and REMOVED!!!!!

  • again kupuna kaohi...i no hate the human,

    i only expose the hewa (da wrongful criminal actions),

    and this mahealani is not about representing our Maui Nui,

    and that was the role position....to inform Oha and alert the officials of Oha,

    our concerns.....she is have not gathered all of us to have a say from each our districts,

    on our maui nui to know what is our needs.....she is all about the entertainment scene, not political>>>>

    whats up with that....how can she be qualified by the leaders of oahu to decide the fate of our

    next future Kingdom Royal Heirs of Maui Nui.......da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia


  • kupuna kaohi....you are the besstesssstessssesssssss!!!!!,

    i forgot all about the roll call for Usa and Oha,

    yes, i personally never heard her since she got laidpaid by Oha and Usa membership?????

    mahealani is MIA (missing in action) on our Kingdom of Maui Nui, for her Mana is not from our Traditional Maui Nui!,


    can someone pay her to do her job....for this is not a volunteer position??????

    she should SERVE her people of the Royal Ali'i Nui's of our Maui Nui....not the evil leaders of Oahu.....

    she should have KNOWN who her people is.....and they are not of this hula entertainment list of hers?????


    ms. mahealani was elect for the wrong MISSION and INTENT of Usa....she is not here to SERVE her people,

    but to entertain this elected leaders of Usa.....auwe......for ms. mehealani will not be elected again.....mauruuru~~~

    • Mahealani is not a bad soul, she was but a young person when she became the leader of NHLC.  She retired and joined the Roll commission.  When we all started, we all thought we could make a difference and now 30 plus years later a new generation is on board.  And the old is at another level.  

      Mahealani Wendt is the best person for the job because she brings a wealth of cases to the table too.  But, it will take much more than just the roll commission doing the job of collecting names for a list.  They would have to place each name in their original place of resident at the time of the Mahele before it's binding.  Unless they are just bean counting and digitizing dots on a flat surface.  

  • after talking to my living kupuna's on our Kingdom of Maui Nui......i am well Protected,

    my recognition is for Usa to Respect the Sacredness of My Royal Kigndom Ancesters of Maui Nui,

    till the last drop of my living Bloodline...i FEAR only Ke Akua and my Kingdom Royal Ancesters of Maui,

    because i dont hate and or harm anyother HUMANS.....i give it all up to Ke Akua.....Watch......big nui smiles....

    for i am FREE from the evil bondage of Usa human mentality~~~~

    Fear is what slows us down and Kills us in Silence and i refuse to die in silence (like the rest of our odda kanaka)???????

    however, i do ask it in prayer, i do believe it will happen soon and i will accept the RECOGNITION that should have

    been HONORED and RESPECTED by this illegal evil works of the human souls of an American......amene to the eyes that is shut down by the majority of Usa and its entities of Hewa (wrongful criminal acts) and i have that only one shot to EXPOSE them in my generation to IMUA (move forward) and to KUKANAKA (stand tall) in times like these to be RECOGNISED in this Chaos of Confusion in the hands of Usa.....this is the time Kupuna Kaohi to RISE and to be Recognised....i am ACCOUTABLE to my next future generation of ROYAL KINGDOM HEIRS to educate, to expose the Evils of America of Americans......and this is also what all KUPUNA/KONOHIKI of each Ahupua'a is Responsible to teach the PROTOCALS of our Ancesters and to be RECOGNISED without FEAR........thank you for the heads up....to always be CAREFUL in the pit of the american evils......love you Kupuna Kaohi~~~~~da princess always in FACTS and FINDINGS~

    • Princess,

      I mean the USA Recognition Akaka State Bill and the newest 'Roll Commission'.  Mahealani Wendt is on that commission and she lives on Maui.  The Roll should be the final blow to Department of Hawaiian Homesland, we should disappear off the face of the earth as a mono community once they are create that roll for the recognition.  Just wanted to give a heads up.

  • Princess be careful on the recognition.

  • i just mailed out $$$$$ to continue this state of oahu....."change of name",

    i had to pay $$$$$ to the HONOLULU ADVERTISER.....and place one day NOTICE....

    and now i await for the next process to Identify myself Sacred Lineage to my Royal Kingdom Ancesters.....amene~~~

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