Halloween Event on Front Street, Lahaina, Maui Nui
Respect and Recognition is needed to address the Voices of our KUPUNA. Being in the right (PONO) is very SACRED. This Sacred ground of Moku'ula is not for everyone (due to the history). Moku'Ula and our Historical Lahaina Front Street is NOT the place to honor such dark spiritual side of Humans, (Halloween event), just for one night to sin. We don’t need another Disney land, knots berry farm, New Orleans open street celebration mentality. The history that Shirley of Friends of Moku’Ula (FOM), based on her own opinion on an American traditional influence (harvesting) to draw revenues to help nonprofit organizations (maui citizens), to survive and benefit from our Native Hawaiian Traditional Culture and Royal Sacred Lands, “Exploitation” of our SACREDNESS.
No success to RESTORE our SACREDNESS of Moku’Ula, GRANTS to FOM, (thousands $$$) under the direction of akoni akana and a bonding between this county of maui began. I have witness to this day the disrespect and shameful neglect of the wrongful actions of FOM, displayed on this very SACRED ROYAL HISTORICAL SITE of Loko O Mokuhinia. How can this be allowed, under the care of FOM? Now digging into our SACREDNESS, this is not PONO.
This nonprofit group is NO friends of Moku'Ula, made up of foreigners on these nonprofits that is given $$$ and not Monitored or Audited. FOM have taken advantage of our SACRED Lands of our Ancestors in Greed and in the name of Tourism. Please Investigate!
aloha kupuna wahine Kaohi......smiles.....you made my Aloha Sunday brighter......thank you, thank you, thank you
mahalo for sharing from your pu'uwai (heart).....Truth says a lot and hearing it from the source of New Orleans.....wow......this is the same trash mentality we concerned Recognized Native Hawaiians of our Kingdom of Maui Nui is Claiming to be Addressed and Cleansed, to make the Responsibled to be ACCOUNTABLE......and i demand it in my Generation...... to protect my next future Kingdom Royal Heirs from this type of Criminal Acts towards our SACREDNESS on Maui Nui in La Haina the Royal Capitol of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government......read our history!
my main Mission directly assigned to me is to "Expose the Hewa" (wrongful actions) and to "Expose the Exploitation" of our SACREDNESS.....for i am at Ke Akua and my Royal Sacred Ancestors....Command....mauruuru
da princess,
Just to let you know I was talking to another co-worker who is African American and because I have been to New Orleans, his home town I started to share my experience of their mardigra. Tears started to well up in his eyes, and he is a big guy too. He explained how they the African Americans were not allowed to participate. He explained that as a child in the in elementary; he and his classmates were the first to march in the madi gras. As he marched pass the balcony, they threw manure at them. It was very hurtful and a long lasting memory. Ever since, I now have opposed to this street celebration in Lahaina. Not being a resident of Maui, I kept my opinion to myself. Mahalo for sharing