The National Indian Education Association is holding its annual legislative summit from Feb 9-11 in Washington, DC which will include advocacy training sessions & issue briefings, a discussion on Head Start, Impact Aid, Special Ed issues, NCLB, and language immersion. I plan to go and was wondering if anyone else is going too. It would be nice to see other Hawaiians there! Contact me at Maybe we can meet up in DC! Aloha....

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  • Please write back about the NCLB. Are you a teacher? Do you know about the latest talk on 'communication competency'? Also too, language transfer? Was poverty mentioned, if so, was there any strategies discussed? Does anyone know how to do spell checking on this site?
  • Let me know if someone needs kokua, I'll go. I love educational trips that has an impact of Native Hawaiians'. Native Hawaiians' make up a majority of students in special educaton.
    • mahalo nui, aunty. i was able to go and meet all the board members of the Native Hawaiian Educational Council. truly a wonderful group of people committed to our native language education and culture appropriate teaching methods and assessment. it was awesome!
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