Newspaper merger is nothing new for corporate powers...

Newspaper merger is nothing new for corporate powers......

I don't know when the anti-trusts laws were eliminated, but it appears mergers are nothing new as corporate powers buy up businesses and merge into a mega-business and control that industry. We've seen this going on all the time at our expense; putting out small businesses.

As far as the two major newspaper, it has always been controlled by the higher powers and their agenda; so losing one paper and merging it to the other would not make it a big difference. The TV stations have gone into mergers and buy outs are now controlled by a few corporations selling the same propaganda.

The public are now more controlled with what they see, hear or read. The internet is the only avenue for free press and even that they are trying to control through the oligarchial government that runs the U.S.A. Maybe people will be outraged enough to put the monopoly at an end..... then again, maybe not because of all the brainwashing, propaganda, and conditioning that we live in a democratic society for the people, by the people, and of the people.

When you are told what to believe, how to believe, and to comply, be prepared to bend over and kiss your ass and freedom good-bye for yourself and for your children. Learn the word alo-HA! It has a new meaning that way or learn to bleat like a mindless sheep; or you can stand up like a human being and own your freedoms, justice and liberty rather than parrot what they want you to say.

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  • Everytime I read the Honolulu Weekly, I hold my breath and pray that this newspaper continue it's publication. The main stream is very difficult to penetrate with articles that are from the minds of Na Kanaka.

    Sorry about the posting-- I didn't mean to mess up your forum with stupidity. Love you much
  • aloha tane,

    good to hear you still connected to this forum~~~tane
    as you can hear, i have matured since the last episode of this wonderful FORUM, not daily
    i am trying to get oahu researchers to research the truth and to apply it, they need to research the word ALOHA,
    as you mentioned above and to apply the research....way too much yada yada and no Practice of what is being taught as well as being applied...
    i did warn all tane, we are an aggressive generation, not like the manipulators we now have to deal with.
    for the generation before us, wants 2 things from my generation and that is to SHUT UP and/or to deal with it,
    for me, i REFUSE both, for i am a generation that was taught right (pono) from wrong (hewa) and it is wrong to bash a kanaka maoli falsely and manipulate accusations that is lies. i can not ignore such ignorance of elders that is in my generation and is Dividing us up as kanaka maolis and worst yet call us lolo heads????? it is the Responsibility of these elders that is now calling themselves kupunas to educated us, now they us lolo heads, who made us lolo heads, please miss gora and miss kaohi, today i hold both of you, responsible and accountable to have guided us to be lolo heads, you are in this illegal educational system and what have both of you done to benefit as well as bring Betterment for our people but to down us as lolo heads.
    we need good solid foundation, not sandy chaos, if you read my response i am not playing at all, this is not a game for me or the lives of my people, the kanaka maoli's.
    this is the real life we are now facing and i will to the of my Best of Ability to call Accountability and shed light on these researchers that they must continue to Honor and Respect our people, the kanaka maolis, our i'iwi-s, our 'aina, our waters, oceans, air space, our Rights and Dignity as Kanaka Maolis, period.
    i will not and refuse to settle for less, we are the ali'i of this Kingdom of Hawaii Nei, it is way over due the Respect and Honor given to our kanaka maolis.....many Blessings to your sharing and graciousness of facts and fingdings....mahalo Ke Akua...da princess~~~
  • True which is why we are having that crazy battles on my forum ...keeping the believer's in their cornor of play toy's of mindless games. Thanks Tane. Kaohi
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