Best Wishes for a Happy New Year~! Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
other issues affecting the Hawaiian Islands
Occurred : 01/01/2012 12:02-12:15 AM (Entered as : 01/01/2012 07:20 AM)
Reported: 01/01/2012 07:20 AM
Posted: 01/01/2012
Location: Oahu, Hawaiian Islands
Shape: Green Laser like lights in the skies - various shapes
Bright green light flying with speed, then vanished. It was a bright green light, and it looked like a thick lightning-like broken up lines, appears to have been a reaction to the fireworks set off in the appears to have occurred whenever aerial fireworks were set off. It appears to have been operating off of some thinking that the depleted uranium; nuclear toxins due to the FUKUSHIMA, etc. pollution, the planes seen depositing chemical trails over the islands based on military activities - Project Haarp, etc. see
Documenting the above for the records. If it is the government, then the people needs to take back their government(s).......they're up to no good....... aloha.Occurred : 01/01/2012 12:02-12:15 AM (Entered as : 01/01/2012 07:20 AM)
Other References
from Joe Rodrigues:
Afterlife Investigations: Scientific Evidence
Astonishing Scientific Evidence of the Afterlife
Dear friends,
Is there an afterlife? A powerful new documentary titled The Afterlife Investigations presents astonishing scientific evidence of life after death. This captivating and inspiring documentary is based on a mind-blowing, five-year experiment on communicating with the dead in which dozens of scientists participated.
For five years a group of researchers and mediums witnessed more phenomena than in any other experiment in the history of the paranormal, including recorded conversations with the dead, written messages on sealed film, videos of spirit faces appearing, and even spirit forms materializing.
The Afterlife Investigations was produced by award-winning documentary maker Tim Coleman. Tim previously co-produced what may be the best documentary ever on the UFO phenomenon, Out of the Blue, which you can watch at this link. Drawing over two million viewers when it was shown on the Sci-Fi channel, Out of the Blue was at the time the most watched program ever on that channel. It was also featured in an ABC News article and discussed on a Larry King program on CNN.
The Afterlife Investigations has the potential to exceed Out of the Blue in its powerful impact on our world. It will undoubtedly convince large numbers of viewers of the inspiring reality of life after death.
Watch a great three-minute trailer of The Afterlife Investigations at this link.
I was thrilled to meet intriguing producer and videographer Tim Coleman at a gathering several years ago. I was even more thrilled that we became friends, giving me the privilege of hearing one-on-one some of the amazing stories of his most fascinating life as a photographer and videographer. He has been to many places that few would dare go in the pursuit of his trade.
I've been watching Tim put together The Afterlife Investigations with great anticipation for a few years. I am very excited that this paradigm-shifting masterpiece based on scientific evidence is now complete and available to the public. For financial reasons, Tim cannot make the film available for free viewing on the Internet, but he did give me permission to make a promotional 16-minute summary of the film, which I suspect will blow you away. You can watch it at the link below:
I also highly recommend watching the entire 86-minute DVD, which can be purchased at this link. Please spread the word to your friends on this most excellent film, which I believe will help thousands, if not millions, to more fully awaken to the amazing realities of life after death. And if you are interested in more truly astonishing information on investigations and evidence of the afterlife, see this link. Take care, and enjoy these wild and exciting times in which we live.
With very best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and the Team
Note: I do not get any commission on sales of this film. I so wish the entire documentary could be offered free of charge, yet also fully understand Tim's need to be compensated for his many thousands of hours of work in putting together The Afterlife Investigations.
- For our awesome collection of a variety of inspiring resources available here.
- For some of the most amazing short video clips on the Internet, click here.
- Read concise summaries of highly inspiring major media reports available here.
- For more astonishing information on evidence and investigations of the afterlife, click here.
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Life Afterlife Part 1 of 9
LIFE AFTERLIFE takes an intriguing look at the eternal question: Is there life after death? And if so, can we communicate with the dead? Through ...
by IntuitiveTeacher 2 years ago 56,044 views