

    Posted on facebook:

    brief notes on interview with Dr. Fine who exposed Judges, etc. corruption, served 14 months in solitary confinement, has valuable information to wishes to him and his family.......aloha....thank you Mahea for the important info....


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    General Notes about Dr. Fine's comments appear with an asterisk and notes *Notes:

    *Note:  Dr. Fine spent 14 months time in Jail as a Political Prisoner, and was disbarred in 2009 for exposing CORRUPTION in the California Courts, exposing Corruption by Judges, etc.

    The following are brief notes on the YouTube video with Dr. Fine's interview by Mahealani:

    Royal Patent discussed ........paper trail to present owner..........

    Title Policy - that title company is not insuring that lot of the claim of the native Hawaiian......

    Question...who owns the land.........

    Politically there were a group of people who created the problem, stood in front of the Palace, dethroned the Queen, supported by Congress..........

    Those people didn't own the lands.........

    They didn't conquer the land...........established a government on land that they didn't own.............

    Takeover in 1893,

    In 1993 U.S. Congress pass a law P.L. 103-150 recognized and apologized for the illegal invasion, occupation.....

    "illegal overthrow" recognized by Congress, acknowleges the supression of the inherent sovereignty of the native Hawaiian people............apologizes..............

    1993 the U.S. recognizes that the land had an illegal overthrow...........admission made.........

    Slade Gorton said "independence" is made...........but it never died............independence of land all the way through, therefore, it's a form of colonialism..........

    1993 declaring independence of land- the "Principality of aloha" called Ka Moku o ka Aina o Aloha........metes and bounds needs to be described, a's set forth in the Royal Patent............the Kingdom of Hawaii has not come out officially.............


    Seek Recognition

    Legal documents sent to the United Nations, ongoing

    Recognition has been extended by several.........

    2 types of international organizations

    Nation States

    Individual Nation States

    2 nation states received recognition through the "Principality of Aloha" ----will take time for states to recognize,

    then go on to look on the relationship with the United States.............a relationship of two Sovereign Nations

    P.L. 103-150 - under the U.S. Constitution has to be enforced through the "supremacy clause" ---treaties made or shall be made shall be the supreme law of the land and the Judges of every state should be BOUND by.....what was said in P.L. 103-150, the admission is BINDING UPON EVERY STATE JUDGE.........

    *Note:  this is also covered in the 1849 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the 1849 U.S. Constitution.......see my previous postings at


    this means "Jurisdiction of these courts" don't have any jurisdiction in the Patents..........

    This is going to be in a fight, such as a "fraudulent conveyance" Court with Quiet Title Action.......

    "This is Sovereign Territory, you don't have Jurisdiction because I am not consenting to this Court"  the Judge is going to go in and make a decision ---taken

    Article 6 clause 2 in the U.S. Constitution says this..............the Principality of Aloha deals with this....

    another way is that the Principality of Aloha will sign on to the International Court of Justice, Hague of Convention, due to the Reciprocity of Judgements.............

    Third way, use the International Court of Justice.........when case is brought in, the U.S. may deny being involved...


    *Note:  What Mr. Fine is unaware of is that PREMEDITATION of taking over Hawaii is documented........

    PERPETUAL TREATY with the Royal Family(ies) is Locking in the U.S. Constitution of 1849.

    The Royal Family(ies) descendants of Kamehameha exists......

    Penal Codes exists which must be reviewed, etc. etc.


    Criminal situation.........the U.S. has no jurisdiction to enforce its criminal laws on the soil of another country....the extra-territorial affect ..............OPEC case is an example.

    "if someone stole a car and drove it in the principality of aloha" upon hot pursuit will go after the person but doesn't actually work.....

    Department of Justice said:  October 4, 1988 - regarding the ability of the U.S. to go beyond the 3 mile limit (pages 20-22)  the Joint Resolution was Illegal - it had no backing, there was no treaty; dealing with the President to go out and wage war.............invasion of precedent for the invasion of Hawaii....."

    "interview ended..............stand on the Facts........" - per Mahealani.


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