Nations - Crisis/Frenzy/Chaos Exposed - Reminders of Hatred, Animosities, Wars and Conflicts vs. Peace, Non-Violence, Neutrality - a status of some of the other Nations such as the Hawaiian Kingdom

                                                          Review by Amelia Gora (2020)


Removing evidence of what was will not remove the truth of the past which affects the present........ Great Britain is removing/destroying historical evidence.........the U.S. up until recently when U.S. President Trump passed a law which gets a person 10 years in prison for activities removing/destroying statues, etc. - Is Great Britain trying to feed the frenzy/add to the chaos, etc.? hmmmmmm
Antifa, Black Lives Matter are encouraged and financed by who?
Are they the forerunners of perpetual Wars encouraged by the Haters?
Identifying the haters, the extreme haters who celebrate uncivilized activities, unrest........ the U.S. and Great Britain are connected.
The claim made was that the U.S. is a "colony of the Crown" when Prince Charles and his second wife visited soon after their marriage.
The U.S., Great Britain financed the American Civil War in 1863 to 1865.  Some of the other Nations assisted in some of the financing such as France, and people in the Hawaiian Kingdom who were supporting the U.S. military.
Answers Can Be Found In History
1852 - The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii passed the first anti-slavery law.  Kamehameha III documented that any vessel with slaves coming to the Islands would be set free and the Captain of the ship would be arrested, etc.
1863 to 1865 - the U.S. and Great Britain financed the American Civil War.  
The Confederates wanted to maintain slaves vs. the Union wanted to free slaves.
Both nations became bankrupt.
Tied to the Bank of England was Confederate General Robert E. Lee who was an heir of U.S. President George Washington and wife Martha who owned shares in the bank.
Abraham Lincoln fought against Robert E. Lee.
The American Civil War was won by the Union Army.  
The United States became a nation divided.
The Confederates remained the haters, still wanting to maintain slaves.
1865 - U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.  He wanted to pass the anti-slavery law following the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii's law passed 13 years prior.
John Booth was from the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii who assassinated U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.
John Booth was not killed by the U.S. military but fled and another was killed.
John Booth's friends were hung.
John Booth's fiancee had held U.S. President Abraham Lincoln's bleeding head in her lap.  She fled and was not hung with the others.
John Booth's fiancee fled to Hawaii to see Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha.  It was apparently to seek asylum.  Research incomplete.
References:  see below.
1871 - the Secret Banker's Constitution was made.  Russia's Vladimir Putin is on record saying that the U.S. usurped their own citizens.  Bank Whistleblowers includes Karen Hudes of the World Bank, and Alana Fleischmann of the J.P. Morgan bankers See:  below

The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871

Morton, Hon. Oliver Hazard Perry T. of Ind. Senator. Gov. of Ind.

The adoption of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution extended civil and legal protections to former slaves and prohibited states from disenfranchising voters “on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Forces in some states were at work, however, to deny black citizens their legal rights. Members of the Ku Klux Klan, for example, terrorized black citizens for exercising their right to vote, running for public office, and serving on juries. In response, Congress passed a series of Enforcement Acts in 1870 and 1871 (also known as the Force Acts) to end such violence and empower the president to use military force to protect African Americans.

In its first effort to counteract such use of violence and intimidation, Congress passed the Enforcement Act of May 1870, which prohibited groups of people from banding together "or to go in disguise upon the public highways, or upon the premises of another" with the intention of violating citizens’ constitutional rights. Even this legislation did not diminish harassment of black voters in some areas.

In December 1870, Senator Oliver H.P.T. Morton, an Indiana Republican, introduced a resolution requesting the president to communicate any information he had about certain incidents of threatened resistance to the execution of the laws of the United States. After the Senate adopted Morton's resolution, President Ulysses S. Grant submitted several War Department reports relating to events in several southern states. These reports were referred to the Select Committee of the Senate to Investigate the Alleged Outrages in the Southern States, chaired by Senator Henry Wilson of Massachusetts. In the next Congress the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States broadened that mandate.

While these committees were investigating southern attempts to impede Reconstruction, the Senate passed two more Force acts, also known as the Ku Klux Klan acts, designed to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The Second Force Act, which became law in February 1871, placed administration of national elections under the control of the federal government and empowered federal judges and United States marshals to supervise local polling places. The Third Force Act, dated April 1871, empowered the president to use the armed forces to combat those who conspired to deny equal protection of the laws and to suspend habeas corpus, if necessary, to enforce the act.

While the Force acts and the publicity generated by the joint committee temporarily helped put an end to the violence and intimidation, the end of formal Reconstruction in 1877 allowed for a return of largescale disenfranchisement of African Americans.

_1893 - The U.S. was in a depression/bankrupt._the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani___Pearl Harbor Fraud's___911 - Planned Implosion involving the move to War for Oil by Standard Oil Company, which turned to EXXON......EXXON support in the United Nations by giving them land for the United Nations, which was created by the United States, Great Britain, and the JP Morgan bankers under the CFR/ Council on Foreign Relations..........___The most recent issues that everyone should examine is the Great Britain, and United States collusion, along with the banker's behind each event.___David Wynn Miller (deceased) hit on some very important points, as did U.S. President Trump who's currently on the hot seat with the Democrat's trying to impeach him.........___Appears this is one of the major reasons the Democrat's move to remove U.S. President Trump because of his 911 comments made in December 2018 which implicates collusion of Federal employees, et.als.
The above is short, sweet, and straight to the point.
The U.S. and Great Britain's ties continue on.
The U.S. never did separate from Great Britain.  
The Rush-Baggot Treaty is a permanent treaty.

1817 Detail - Rush Bagot Treaty, U.S. History Timeline: The ... › abhtimeline1817m2
April 28-29, 1817 - The Rush-Bagot treaty is signed. · It was an arms treaty brought on by the conclusion of the War of 1812, a necessary agreement between the ...

Naval forces on the American lakes (Rush-Bagot Agreement) › help › bevans › b-gb-ust000012-0054
(RUSH-BAGOT AGREEMENT). Exchange of notes at Washington April 28 and 29, 1817. Entered into force April 29, 1817. Senate advice and consent to ...
Great Britain and the U.S. are partners in banking.
Both nations made the United Nations with the J.P. Morgan bankers.
The J.P. Morgan bankers includes the U.S. President Obama, Bumbling Biden, et. als. who are the Democrat Haters.
Destruction, chaos, are encouraged by the bankers who finance Wars, Conflicts, and Genocide.
The moves to destroy statues, artifacts are being done by Great Britain now, following what is happening in the U.S.
The Haters have been exposed....the U.S. Democrats/Demonics who are made up of the Confederates descendants who move to enslave the people, turn into a Socialist government, then Communist or the One World Order/New World Order in controlling the people especially targeting the people of color. 
Great Britain is following up by destroying reminders of Hate, except their government moves to destroy, remove, keep hidden artifacts keeping pace with the U.S. in moves to make their Globalist goals, One World Order real.
Review the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona and the nations engaged in enslaving the people, eliminating the useless eaters, another word:  deplorables as used by Democrats who are the Warmongers engaged in making monies off of Wars, Conflicts, and Genocide.

1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona ... › watch
Video for 1822 secret treaty of verona

4:32 Because I can find no official online primary source for the ...
Jan 16, 2009 · Uploaded by ForgottenHistoryUSA
Empower yourselves with knowledge, know that the U.S. Confederates the Haters who desire to enslave people, and Great Britain, - 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona signers: Austria, France, Prussia, Russia (note: Russia stepped away from this Treaty), the Vatican, United States and Great Britain - are those associated with the bankers and make more money off of war, enslavement of the masses vs. peace, neutral, friendly non- violence nations such as the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii.
Peace, Non-Violence, Neutrality is the best stance to maintain in these end times.
Britain and America Are Wiping Themselves Off of the Face of the Earth -
Britain and America Are Wiping Themselves Off of the Face of the Earth -
Britain and America Are Wiping Themselves Off of the Face of the Earth Paul Craig Roberts Britain and America are in a race to see who can be first to


Paul Craig Roberts

Institute for Political Economy

Britain and America Are Wiping Themselves Off of the Face of the Earth

Britain and America Are Wiping Themselves Off of the Face of the Earth

Paul Craig Roberts

Britain and America are in a race to see who can be first to reject their culture and repudiate their history.

In Britain museums Are Hiding Their Exhibits Because They Show Savagery of Primitive (a politically incorrect word) Societies Instead of Equality with, or Superiority over, the West and Are Collections of Imperialist Bias.

The Telegraph reports that museum directors and immigrant-invader activists are decolonizing Britain by purging all signs of imperialist bias and erasing British history. “Indeed scarcely a week passes without another flashpoint emerging – the removal of statues, the BBC’s plan to drop Rule Britannia from the Last Night of the Proms, the National Trust putting Winston’s Churchill’s home at Chartwell on its list of properties with imperialist connections, the National Maritime Museum reviewing Horatio Nelson’s ‘heroic status’.

“For Toyin Agbetu, a British Nigerian social rights activist, ‘Any institution that continues to exhibit stolen ethnographic items, publish false narratives and maintain idolatry ideologies of global “white” supremacy is abusing its audiences by making them both recipients and enabling participants of criminal endeavour.’”

In the United States statues continue to topple while schools and universities teach white Americans that they are racists who must be held accountable for the sins of the Founding Fathers and their work–the US Constitution.  If Trump loses the election to a gangster and an anti-white racist, America is finished.

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FEARING THE TRUMPS: U.S. PRESIDENT TRUMP AND WHISTLEBLOWER JULIAN ASSANGE or_************************_What Does Captain James Cook, the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871, the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, Pearl Harbor, and 911 have in Common?__ Review by Amelia Gora (2019)_SUMMARY___All involved the United States, Great Britain, Banker's Connections:___Captain James Cook___the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871___the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani___Pearl Harbor Fraud's___911 - Planned Implosion involving the move to War for Oil by Standard Oil Company, which turned to EXXON......EXXON support in the United Nations by giving them land for the United Nations, which was created by the United States, Great Britain, and the JP Morgan bankers under the CFR/ Council on Foreign Relations..........___The most recent issues that everyone should examine is the Great Britain, and United States collusion, along with the banker's behind each event.___David Wynn Miller (deceased) hit on some very important points, as did U.S. President Trump who's currently on the hot seat with the Democrat's trying to impeach him.........___Appears this is one of the major reasons the Democrat's move to remove U.S. President Trump because of his 911 comments made in December 2018 which implicates collusion of Federal employees, et.als …....aloha.__The following is the title of the article at the above link:__What Does Captain James Cook, the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871, the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, Pearl Harbor, and 911 have in Common?__ Review by Amelia Gora (2019)_ __ Reference of U.S. President's Trump comments over 911:__collective-evolution.com__Donald Trump Implies 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition_The destruction of the World Trade Towers on 9/11 is an event that:_the Banker's are part of the answers....financing of _Captain James Cook - Bank of England_Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871 - stockholders: U.S. President Washington, heirs: Robert E. Lee, his heirs: Obama et. als. (see Karen Hudes, World bank whistleblower article at of Queen Liliuokalani - planned since 1841 to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom since the time of U.S. President Tyler, et. als. including Great Britain documented,_Pearl Harbor - lands owned by Grace Kamaikui whose father was England's John Young, and Mataio Kekuanaoa -----Dr. TCB Rooke nephew claimed lands of Grace Kamaikui which is an absolute Fraud..........because TCB Rooke died before Grace Kamaikui and his English nephew could never own alodio lands in the Hawaiian Islands.....the U.S. President's appointed judges gave lands to the English nephew and Fraud continued which also led to the fraudulent claims over Pearl Harbor, etc...... both U.S. and Great Britain were bankrupt since the American Civil War in 1863-1865 and had borrowed monies from the Bank of England etc. to pay for War Costs.......Presidents who moved with Rules of Law were killed: U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, and U.S. President John F. Kennedy.....currently, the move to go after U.S. President Trump is now on record...........911 devastation, plundering upon innocents over Oil made through the Standard Oil Company turned EXXON who moved to finance the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations - U.S., Great Britain, and the JP Morgan bankers which conjured up the United Nations to Plunder Upon Innocents documented.__Read all issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk with 751 issues posted to date.___aloha. __Reference: full article at

Bill 2, CD1 Additional Testimony - Granicus › MetaViewer
Nov 4, 2019 — Researched and Verified by: Amelia Gora, Royal Family Representative — Hawaiian Kingdom cc: ... Article Got the U.S. Constitution shows that treaties are the Supreme Laws of the land, and even tIle ...'i rlaw Post. Oes'qr. Sign Del. SdIect Language. 's: ... by Whistle Blowers Vladimir Putin.
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 10/30/20

Posted: Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Introduction ... › forum › topics › posted-kingdom-of...
Aug 25, 2016 — +booth+case+picture+by+ameli... and articles posted by Amelia Gora . ... Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, Alayne Fleischmann, and Amelia Gora ...

"U.S. A Threat to Peace": Review of Washington's Activities in ... › discussion
compiled (and updated 2015 ) by Amelia Gora (2014) ... CFR/Council of Foreign Relations, and Vladmir Putin, et als.Targeted List: ... the following are some of the article written in part by myself and posted at various websites previously:.

Vol V No. 570 Part 1a - IOLANI - The Royal Hawk › 2015/10
Oct 25, 2015 — Guest Column from Vladimir Putin, President of Russia ... The following post was taken off of Ron Cawthon ... Reply by Amelia Gora ... Opposition to DRONES in the Hawaiian Islands: Updating article -Would You Like To Buy a DRONE? ... Amelia Gora Hawaiian Kingdom Records Nos.

Some of the Posts that All Kanaka ... - IOLANI - The Royal Hawk › 2017/05 › some-of...
May 5, 2017 — Jan 6, 2015 - 1 post - ‎1 author researched and compiled by Amelia Gora (2015), one of ... Note: see Vladimir Putin's article and the whistle ...

Vol VI No. 666 Part 1b - reposts - IOLANI - The Royal Hawk › 2017/08 › vol-vi-n...
Jan 6, 2015 - 1 post - ‎1 author researched and compiled by Amelia Gora (2015), one of ... Note: see Vladimir Putin's article and the whistle blower banker Karen ...

Evidence: American Version Hawaiian sovereignty ... - Tribunal Affairs › 2015/05 › evidence-ame...
Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, Alayne Fleischmann, and Amelia Gora. ... p.s. Paul Craig Roberts posted your anti-war.....too. ... thanks to and by ...

September 2016 - Tribunal Affairs › 2016/09
Greetings,: The following was posted as a Legal Notice: ... I, Amelia Gora, and others are the descendants/heirs of Opunui, Kekuahine (w), ... Utilizing Article XIV, 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America ... Vladimir Putin, Russia - who denounces One World Order/New World Order, etc.

Genealogies of the Royal ... - Hawaiian Genealogies References › 2015/04 › genealo...
Apr 12, 2015 — The following article was posted for the Hawaiian/kanaka maoli, other ... +booth+case+picture+by+ameli... and articles posted by Amelia Gora ... Convention with Russia, Treaty with Spain, Treaty with Sweden and Norway, ...

Page 3 - theiolani | A great site › page
Jan 9, 2015 — Posted by Amelia Gora on July 16, 2014 at 3:00am in Politics ... “Article I There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the United States ... Talk of using China and Russia is interesting but it makes Hawaii a battlefield ...

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    Removing evidence of what was will not remove the truth of the past which affects the present........ Great Britain is removing/destroying historical evidence.........the U.S. up until recently when U.S. President Trump passed a law which gets a person 10 years in prison for activities removing/destroying statues, etc. - Is Great Britain trying to feed the frenzy/add to the chaos, etc.? hmmmmmm
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    Britain and America Are Wiping Themselves Off of the Face of the Earth -
    Britain and America Are Wiping Themselves Off of the Face of the Earth Paul Craig Roberts Britain and America are in a race to see who can be first to
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