Nationalism vs. Racism; know the difference! "...As someone who has suffered from racism, I am absolutely in agreement with this decision. I was born and raised in Hawaii in the 1970’s, I am a Haole. I know what racism is from the point of view of the one being discriminated against. From personal experience, I can tell you there are two sides to racism. The act of discriminating against someone because of their race or skin color is racist. The act of using that victim status for personal gain is also racist. The use of the victim status is today the most common form of racism and it’s time for it to stop...." - Diane Cotter [Portland Civil Rights Examiner] These dumb ka po'e haole just don't get it no matter what ethnicity or race. She has a typical U.S. American attitude of which I responded: In Hawai'i, Diane confuses nationalism with racism. Haole means Foreigner so regardless of race, those that aren't Hawai'i nationals are haole. If she experienced what she calls racism; it was her arrogant ways and treated with reaction. This means all U.S. Americans in Hawai'i who are in violation of the laws of occupation. Remember, there is NO treaty of annexation and the U.S. ignored the consent of the Hawai'i nationals of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Racism is the U.S. WASP mainstream society that practices WASP ethnocentrism and protesting against that is not reverse racism but trying to level the playing field which is lop-sided which the U.S. WASP society elites attempt to maintain. To spare us from this unlawful cancer; we expect the U.S. to de-occupy our country which is NOT secession because we are NOT part of the U.S. It's time U.S. Americans check out the facts instead of living a lie. Tane

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