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Nation to Nation Directive/Legal Water Billings No. 2020-0808 - Legal Water Billings; Hawaiian Kingdom Facts:  Abner Paki's Water Rights Belongs to His Heirs Still"/>"/>" width="190"/>"/>
U.S. President Trump
Secretary of State and for
Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees, Liliuokalani
Trust, Queen Emma's, King Lunalilo's, etc. Trustees, and created Territory turned
State of Hawaii - Governor,
Honolulu Police Department
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii



    Nation to Nation Directive/Legal Water Billings No. 2020-0808 - Legal Water Billings; Hawaiian Kingdom Facts:  Abner Paki's Water Rights Belongs to His Heirs Still 


Although Bernice Pauahi and husband Charles Reed Bishop sold the water rights to the Hawaiian Government in 1869, the Water rights for A. Paki Belongs to His Heirs:

Queen Liliuokalani


Kalola (female) - also known as the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop in Probate

Kaluaikau (female)



The created entity Territory of the United States, made into a State by executive order of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower is Not the Hawaiian Government.

Rents are due to the heirs of Abner Paki who died in 1855.




1855 - Abner Paki died, leaving heirs.

1869 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop and husband Charles Reed Bishop sold their interest in water to the Hawaiian Government.

1883 - Elikapeka Kaluakini, descendant of Kalola (female) through her son Kahekili and Kahananui (female) who had Ioela married to Abigaila/Princess Poomaikelani and had Haili (female) who married Kaluakini - parents of Elikapeka Kaluakini.

Elikapeka Kaluakini's grandmother Abigaila/Princess Poomaikelani was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kalola (female) and Luluhiwalani. 

Note:  Elikapeka Kaluakini had two (2) interests in Kalola (female).

Elikapeka Kaluakini married Joseph Matsugoro/Gora and had John (and siblings) who married Mary Castro and had Amelia (and siblings).

1884 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop died.

1886 - Kalola (female) died.  She was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Kalola (female) left descendants and heirs.  See above genealogy.

Kalola (female) had siblings:  Kaluaikau (female), Alapai, et. als.  Kalola (female) hanai/ adopted sister was Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani.

1893 - the Provisional Government supported by the U.S. usurped Queen Liliuokalani who was one of the heirs of Abner Paki.

Note:  The Hawaiian Government "went underground" and the planned entity Provisional Government was created, turned into the Republic of Hawaii with the assistance of the United States.

 1893 -1894 and 1897 - U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani.

1895 - Abigaila/Princess Poomaikelani died.  She was an heir of Kalola (female) because she was her hanai/adopted daughter and her daughter-in-law.

1898 - Opposition to Annexation was documented by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects.  Note:  only 21,000 signatures were found to date.

Secret Annexation Meeting held and the information kept from everyone until 1969 or 71 years later.

1898 - U.S. President William McKinley had the Army, Navy, and Government personnel "develop" the Territory of Hawaii.

1915 -  Charles Reed Bishop died.  His interest in the water was extinguished.  His interest in all lands in the Hawaiian Islands was extinguished.  He was a conspirator, a treasonous person and lost everything upon his death.  He was an alien and could not own alodio/ allodial lands, water rights, etc.  He could not convey what he could never own.

Charles Reed Bishop and Friends were adjudicated by the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Kingdom which has the original jurisdiction because the Hawaiian Government exists because the Kamehameha's exist.

1917 -  Queen Liliuokalani died.  Her interest in the water was extinguished.

1968 - Elikapeka Gora died leaving her seven (7) children as heirs.

1994 - John Gora, one of her sons died leaving his seven (7) children as heirs.

2020 - Amelia Gora, one of John Gora's seven (7) children is one of the Representatives of Kalola (female), Kaluaikau (female), and Alapai - some of Kamehameha descendants documented.

Rents are due for the Water Rights/Usage since the death of Bernice Pauahi Bishop in 1884.

The amount due is $10,000 per month retroactive to 1884.

The amounts are payable at the Hawaiian Financial Federal Credit Union, 1138 North King Street, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii  96817 under Amelia Gora.

Others are also overseeing this Credit Union account which will be distributed to our documented Kamehameha descendants and heirs.

Questions? or P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786


Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Kamehameha descendant, Kalola (female) descendant, Abner Paki's heir, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, etc.

            Kamehameha Waltz




The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, February 24, 1869, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Public Water Billings for A. Paki Water Rights from his heirs ..........retroactive to 1884!
Nation to Nation Directive/Legal Water Billings No. 2020-0808 - Legal Water Billings; Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Abner Paki's Water Rights Belongs to His Heirs Still
Nation to Nation Directive/Legal Water Billings No. 2020-0808 - Legal Water Billings; Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Abner Paki's Water Rights Belongs to His Heirs Still
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