How does the County of Hawaii own the land? Legal team of the County of Hawaii hired Title Guarantee Inc. to do a title search of real property they want to sell (Hamakua/Moku Keawe land sales). Upon examination of the status reports/certificate of title(s), discrepancies of ownership were discovered. Title officer Colleen Uaihinui failed to disclose that various title documents were altered or had no signature. Ownership of real property listed under Schedule B are not insured. Historical documents of the Queen have been altered and/or Royal Patent Grants (RPG) not submitted. Was this intentional? Collateral/lineal heirs of the customary ruling chiefs & native tenants (primary parties) are being robbed! On October 20, 2009 a County Committee meeting will be held at the Hilo County Council room (next to Ben Franklin Store) 9:00am. If you are Ka Ohana o Keawe (family of Keawe) or believe to have an interest as a primary party, attendance is advised. Please note that an auction is scheduled to take place on October 25, 2009 by County Officials regarding the sale of said lands. Hoakoakoa Ekahi!!! Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono.

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  • Simbraylnn,

    Be mindful even if the land comes back to the original owners the future generation will not be able to hold on to the land without ones background knowledge of the past practices. I am already seeing the aftermath on Oahu. Kaohi
  • Not worried, seen a few video testimonies w/County Council on Na Leo over the weekend - one of which was Kale from the Hawaiian Council. He threatened lawsuit against the County of Hawaii if they don't make right the wrongs. I think we're in best of hands for the moment for his group is being the watchdogs on it. RIGHT ON KALE!
  • Simbralynn,
    "Golden Treasure"...Uncle George Lanikilakekieahiali'i Na'ope...R.I.P. may his legacy to Hawaii nei and our culture continue to blossom...e ola mau kona hana mai ka'i...many blessings & prayers of "Aloha" to family members (ohana) & close friends...until we meet again you I say, Aloha oe!"

    Thank you, I'm in shock, I will surely miss his wisdom and how open he was in sharing his beginning of the Merrie Monarch with me in Kona. An experience I never forgot and always recalled when I needed the connection to song, dance and our practices. Kaohi
  • Update...Department of Interior...informed of the altered documents of Queen Liliuokalani of Royal Patent Grant (RPG) inventory (dirty laundry)...ceded lands! Ha...These are the lands illegally expropriated by the Republic Of Hawaii in 1894 without compensation...refer to Liliuokalani vs United States, 45 Ct. Cls) ...violations of Public Law 103-150 (stolen property)...identity theft...fraud...tampering of legal documents...perjury/false statement (to name a few)...use of the rules of discovery...shall expose the players who continue to perpetuate the original sin...Is it not a wonder that Title Guarantee Inc. began approximately the same time Dole & his coupe started issuing 999 year leases that expired in 1994 (this could be something to look into deeper)...title officer...Colleen Uahinui, Melia Wemyss, Underwriters (TICOR). Corporation Counsel (Takase ) have been ordered to interface with Na Ohana o Keawe...Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act...NOTICE...lineal heirs of Na Ohana o Keawe o Hawaii the Repository of Na Ohana O Keawe (Nui)...P.O. Box 711498, Mountain View, Hawaii, 96771...For more info contact: Melemele Punahele...808 968-7014 to register your claim. Let's have some fun...imua...keiki o ka aina...ku iluna...a hui hou...malama pono...S Kanaka'ole
  • As always, you comprehend erroneously. And now you admit to knowing Ku (as if I didn't know you guys already knew each other which is why you decided to pick on my valid post in MY OWN BLOG initially to start your tirade) as well as not understanding what Kaohi said. Typical Better yet, your attrocious spellings not only in English but in Hawaiian. Auwe. You spew so much hate, it spreads like a disease akin to ka mai haole.

    To everyone else, have a nice life. I am removing myself from such a cantankerous wonder why I left Hawaii and I still wonder to this day why I came back.

    Typical drama queen. Love to announce that they are leaving and/or explain their actions for something they really had no control over as in your reason for leaving. Seriously, do you think we believe that nonesense? Who cares?
    • "Typical drama queen. Love to announce that they are leaving."

      Aloha kaua e Kalani Motuahina. Kako'o! Yes. Another drama queen's dramatic exit. Stage left. Curtain. Bye!

      Some key people watched this transpire though and watched her diss Kaohi and Tane. Good she posted her picture because now some key people know how the dramatic drama queen looks.

      We continue to move ahead.

      E malama pono.
      • I dunno how i missed this post of yours.
  • Lehua,
    You are part of our conversation here on Oahu, and it's so sad to what I am hearing. Now that you have crossed my path. Here is my question-- are you dying, if so, how long do you have? I have read through some of your posting and something is terribly wrong. I have asked the people that find you disturbing to simply ask a simple question, as to what is wrong and to show concern.

    Take a segment of your thoughts and let's go from there. You are to young to be a bad witch and besides young people always have fun when they decide to belong to this energy. Again you are too young to play with Ana Ana besides you don't have the string of family members that have nurtured you in this way. If you did you would have connected to the source early on and would have been blessed for the sharing of one's energy. Besides, you have no connection with anyone on this Maoliworld. If I am wrong, I apologize.

    As for the 'transfer of language' when you teach in a Native Hawaiian dense population than maybe your complaint is valid. I am taking this as a means to connect, is it?

    As for Christianity, there is blood, dust, and cursing of tongues. Why even try? These practices are for people in the giving of their souls to the blood of Jesus.

    Don't play with shells, for they lay with the dead. By the way I collect shells too and they are just decorations or something that I like to do when I am in solitude and walking on the beach in Waianae.

    You have a lot of people here on this Maoli World that are compassionet towards all Kanaka Maoli and they are dedicated 24/7 with much activities. And most take their hard earned money to fund their own unadulteraed participation. The movement is very difficult for all of us at times and people do die in the movement.

    In speaking with people that have interacted with you they are in a quandry as to where you are coming from. So much hate towards your own people show's up in your voice.

    We just lost Aunty Malia Craver and she is still with us in spirit. She wanted most of us on this Maoli World to learn Hooponopono. Maybe there is a need for you to go there while she is still with us, much can be learned and besides your load is to heavy and one needs to shed some of it.

    It's okay to listen to what I am saying, Waianae is full of young people with tremendous pain and suffering. Our high school just recently in this last couple of days had riots and young people were arrested. There goes their careers... it would be best that they leave the islands or Waianae to gain employment or attend college. Waianae is already full of poverty, sick and dying people.

    I have read some of your writing and you reflect that level of energy. Give us the opportunity to connect with your beauty and energy because we could sure use the fighting spirit you have. That's surely what it takes to survive on the frontline.

    Many people left the islands for a lot of reasons only to return and start at the bottom again. They are struggling like all of us and choose to live in the islands with their extended loving families, instead of blacks and chicanos.

    I too have lots of scars that are gross, but I still put on my bathing suit and go to the beach and swim, as a matter of fact, I have my wet bathing suit on and need to auau.

    Write back and let's see if we can connect. If not that's fine I have a lot things to do and really don't have time for people that are not concern with our islands and it's people. Mahalo for the return Kaohi
    • Auwe, auwe, auwe...this past Monday we lost another "Golden Treasure"...Uncle George Lanikilakekieahiali'i Na'ope...R.I.P. may his legacy to Hawaii nei and our culture continue to blossom...e ola mau kona hana mai ka'i...many blessings & prayers of "Aloha" to family members (ohana) & close friends...until we meet again you I say, Aloha oe!

      I agree...we all must hooponopono...enuf of the a'ama syndrome or poor ting mentality...let's focus on what needs to be done NOW! No more regrets!!!

      We are all pieces of the puzzle & need to connect...let us please walk & talk always with "ALOHA" or not at all!

      In the past, it was very difficult for me...especially when pondering the gross injustices done to our ohana...if I have offended anyone out there in maoliworld...e kala mai...I humbly ask your forgiveness for my I would forgive those who trespass against me.

      Mahalo nui loa Kaliko for welcoming & allowing me to take part in your group healing ceremonials...many prayers of blessings...may you continue to be a guiding force & inspiration to the continuity of the human race...a ho!!!

      We need to focus more on finding solutions to uplift one another, rather than causing more hewa...isn't that why we're here? Hana laulima? PLEASE OHANA! S. Kanaka'ole
  • Mahalo nui for the you know if Tax Map Key (ID numbers) are available for checking?
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