
July 18, 2010

Ocean Boulevard

Rest In Peace



Evictions runs deep in my soul especially when it comes to infants, children, and the elderly.  I still have viived memories of my family's eviction from Manoa Housing.  I lived where the shopping center exist today.


It was important to set aside the guns, the ego's and war against drugs and use humane attitude at the Lele. Politicians, State workers, City Officers and my self had to set aside our differences and work together.


Houseless at guardrails was a complex problem that entailed too many variables, one being the worst--'backs up against the wall.'  One either come out fighting or lay down and die.  It's sad but true in these eviction instances. 


I was fortunate to have David Ma join me yesterday.  We spent the early part of the day until late lastnight and returned at 4 am.  We didn't leave the area until 2 ish.  Since Pono called, David and I joined Pono for an early 'talk' and dinner.  David cancelled his trip to Taiwan to join me at this eviction, however, he's leaving tomorrow.   


His presence was an intergral part of the eviction because he did a lot of interviews that are straight up and truthful.  Everyone there was respectfull and was open to 'inquiry' questions.  I was there during some of his interviews part of the time and they shared with us the drug problem personally as well as the whole community. 


From my perspective and so was the other helpers, "this was the most difficult sweep of all sweeps, we believe."  We say that because deep down inside we knew there was going to be some that wanted to try 'suicide'.  Well Dwight did and he died by hanging himeself in a tent.  He just didn't want to go through anymore sweeps accoridng to his very close neighboring  


There had been a few times when an officer had to open fire and shoot to kill in Waianae and I defintely did not want any officer to go through that experince especially near our Na Kupuna's Iwi.


I don't have all the answers maybe I have none.  What I do know in my heart and on this day our people cannot be discarded and forgotten.     



About fifty animals were taken to a shelter by a very compassionate haole lady--Jody Bade Deviney.  She runs a shelter called 'Oahu Society for the Preservation of Cruelty to Animals at PO Box 2332, Ewa beach, Hawaii 96706 jody@oahuspca.org


Monkey everyone's pig found a home.


Mahalo everyone for having compassion for our Na Kanaka's at our ancestor's Lele.







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  • Amelia,

    I did not want to post another discussion because I wanted to keep it open for more issues to be discussed. I am elated that my week is over. During advisory with my students, I gave them lots of housless evictions at guardrails including the fact that two students were from their school that lived and was evicted at guardrails.

    We went over: Teen Suicide and nutrition, we talked about challenges about poverty, the McKinney Vento Act's brochure, used cornell notes, pictures from the eviction scenes showing children animals, ukana, art drawings to help share their thoughts (principles of art elements).

    I was given a lei which I placed on Dwights cross.

    Eventhough I was there and even in the aftermath, and I know I did the best I could to prevent any deaths from occurring, I have to know that I can't save the world and that no man is an island so to speak.

    I cry sometimes and it's so ironic that Dwight has been a comfort as for my students I knowingly used Visual Arts and the Principle Elements of Art for standards, benchmarks and assesments. In other words, I did the research by gathering materials and knowing that I would use this materials for classroom response.

    My students gave me emotional closure.

    We went over teen drop outs taking the real and approximate numbers to show that ten years from now from one high school we will have approximately 5,000 students or more that will have dropped out of school.

    In their writings they know that they could be one of these youngsters. How sad!

    My experience in public schools, once houseless, college grad, volunteer and personal growth is what I bring to the classrooms.

    Getting over the emotions have been difficult because I value every human being and I hope that my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren value their humanity too. mahalo
  • Popoti,

    I was thinking about you today, wondering how things are with Ema and school. I will be going out to the last park--cause soon that park will be going through enforcement sweep.

    I'm not looking forward to this one. Expecting a tough move on our people from the state and city for the community have taken a 'look the other way' position with people that have no means or basic income. What happens with our houseless is inhumane because as you saw children and infants are involved.

    Much aloha
  • Thank you for theMahele link
  • ...joshua & kaohi mahalo for shareing your aloha with ema & i...yesterday we had a great day and you guys made it very special for us...its so nice to see our nation growing every year...when you showed me dwight's sign OCEAN BLVD that was deep... we have so much to do and i have so much more to learn...so that josh and ema would never see this problem in our nation again...once again... 1BIGMAHALO
    • Aloha popoti

      On my way home I was reflecting my moment with you. Unbelieveable that you asked me about Dwight for I had taken the truck out of the park to repark. I purposely left the two tents in the car. I had changed my mind as to what I wanted to do, this decision brought more fun into my life. My set up was according to what I do best and that is to care for the children.

      But, I thank you for asking.

      I was reflecting on Dwight and doing the should'da..could' da...don' na as I was preparing for Satuday. That stick with Ocean Blvd meant a lot to me for they had just removed Dwight from the tent and I was trying to figure out how in the world did he hang himself. I was doing my 2001 questions as to why or what could I have done to prevent the sacking of guardrails.

      When you asked ...I was shocked and happy that you cared enough to ask. Forgive me for laughing as tears rolled down your eyes. Earlier, I had asked Dwight to help me to enjoy the day for I've been too sad. So, I pulled the stick from the truck and put it under the table. I know he was there with us in that moment. I thank you for helping me to get past my sadness and just be happy the enitre day. I know he's at peace.

      As we sat and listened to Keanu, I was able to follow his deductive reasoning leading to the evidence --Territory, I agree with him on that point. I am still in the learning process and still trying to connect the dots to deeply understand the 'tort' suit.

      Yes, our children should not ever experience struggles...we must prevail and keep on working towards their future.

      Much love and Aloha.
      • aloha kaohi...so nice to hear from you...saturday sure was a fun day...i still remember you showing me dwights calling card...ocean blvd...it just sadden my heart that he had to leave so sudden... i know you seem happy that someone else cared about him...life in an occupy country just dosen't seem fair...today ema went back to school...she was telling me how joshua reminded her of a boy name kamuela...when she talked to kamuela he said that was him...i though that was kinda funny...as for keanu sai ...i know a web site, that has the movie you can watch ...hawaiian independece blog and theres hawaiiankingdom.org...its about an hour long with lynnett cruz...theres also a kanaka vs dnlr 7-15-2010 on youtube...where a lawyer uses help from keanu...i though that was interesting...so if you have any questions maybe i can help ...aloha for now and ahui hou
  • Amelia,

    Still feeling like Bambi's mom (John Wayne Deer Hunter) effects of last nights meeting vs OHA's (Barbarian) Princess Kaiulani, Dauthers of Hawaii and Hawaiian Civic Club from last night's meeting.

    I just got through reading quickly through Kenau Sai's 94 pages case and I am concern:

    But anything to deoccupy the military and restore the Hawaiian Kingdom would help the poverty stricken communities in Hawaii.

    I also read through 'Manifest Destiny' American Diplomacy..New Opportunities Chapter 14 as well as wallace R. Farrington to compare the specifics. In the wake of specifics, I noticed errors, different fictional interpretation of history.

    I guess I too am guilty of making errors too.

    Need to clean my act on Maoliworld too. It's much easier to just write to show, rather than offer an opinion. But I think that is cop'ing out too.
  • Amelia,

    Oops did take one thing home. OHA annouced the procurement process so already the culture interpretation going up for bid or on the chopping board. I believe this procurement process should have at least an 8 (a) minority status. Hopefully Marie Orr has one cause she has her own company. Would be interesting if Towill or OHA use Towill because they were the contracting party that supposedly did the ceded lands inventory. I wonder as I was saying to Pono tonight that their has to be an architect stamp on all of this and usually the cultural interpretation is around two sentences. So maybe Towill will be contracting party. OHA and their archeologist presentation was pretty dense for short community meeting. And they started on Hawaiian time too. Take care
  • Aloha Amelia,

    Pono and I went to a meeting in Wahiawa to listen basically to OHA, however, it was more than just OHA. It's the chicken or the egg which came first. Request by the Hawaiian Civi Club and the Daughters of Hawaii requsting for a TCP on the birthing stones, or the other way around. Not sure. I walked into a mapele night --belly of the beast.

    Because of the recent lele and Dwight, I did not want to take home anything so I questioned and listened ( I think). And left any uncertainties in the room with OHA.

    Don Marin's name came up and Hawaiian 'usage'.

    Can you post the name's again for Kam III's Konohiki listing.

    The archaeologist jockeyed for power the whole night. Expanded his polygons to inclued the military. Carved out Hawaiian Usage and asserted the one man one vote. We the 'locals' was replaced by the 'diversity' of California on the West Coast of the US. The archaeologist cited Kailua and Waikiki as a connector to the birthing stones as a common law practice. I'm sure this did not go well in the hearts of the Na Kanaka from Wahiawa.

    They cited the Sites of Oahu not sure if as secondary source. And the sustainable 'thinking' whereas we don't even know if the children in Hawaii today will be here in the 21st century. So if that is the case, than we are looking at producing a virtual reality for the birthing area of Wahiawa. Hopefully in 3-D.

    Alika Silva was there and he is all about culture interpretation as meaning 'we'.

    Can you post some kind of information and send the state notice from Iolani on the birthing place?

    Why couldn't these arch's. just do the study without having to establish ownership of published source and land the stewardship for the area for future settlements, leaseholders and as tourist destinations. And based on fictional story telling about native Hawaiian women giving birth in ancient time., life a reality tv show.

    Take care
  • Aloha Amelia,

    I went back to the old posting so that I could communicate to you and to let you know I read your recent posting. Sadly, I am still feeling the effects of the last sweep and too still going back there to check on the remaining ones that are sleeping and hanging around without a visible tent. The length of the site was too long and therefore could not reach all of our people that was living at the site.

    As you know David Ma came out to spend a couple of hours with me at the site, he realizing the depth of the problem cancelled his flight to Taiwan and stayed with me till the end. I was very blessed. He interviewed many people on camera, and I believe that gave them a sense of dignity and created a wider gap between them and suicide.

    Without a doubt in my mind it was the service providers (unintentionally/intentionally) were the culprits in stimulating a suicidal environment. I believe it's because of misuse of power, pay check, and just plain uneducated for they do lack professional training. It seems to me at the hight of the problem when all showed up that is when it got pretty dangerous. It was because we were working on a time clock set by the providers.

    Of course the Mayor and Debbie Kim they knew and used the timing to construct their career goals and control of the people surrounding their careers.

    I think what was the saving grace was Monkey-pig and the old timers fishermen. They were very giving and at times loving in their ways for the 'iwi' and our rights to be their as Na Kanaka people. There was much 'rage' flying and the cops stayed calm throughout the movinging process. We removed 50 plus animals from the area thanks to this beautiful Haole lady. She believes in 'compassion' for animals so she will be caring for these animals. Just having her there, many gave up their animals. Soon after they knew that she was going to care for these animals and not put them to sleep, they were fine and able to pack up and relocate. About relocation there was no place to go, it was disgusting. It's difficult for me to see the already 'exit' happening.

    I don't know how I am going to do the next and final village type sweep at Keau's. For I had surgery just before this one and only a few days to rest. I only told David, so I believe he realized my problem and decided to stay another day to help out. An hour and half after the death of Dwight, David and I walked down to the spot, Dwight was immediately removed. Conflicting stories, he was dead at the scence, than from service providers he died at comp. I know he died at the scene because the person that called and was within ten feet of his tent, said he died there. This is so disgusting!!!! The time and place became a means to cover up because a service provider was talking to Dwight two hours before. I can imagine what the fricken hell he said.

    We had no choice but to cooperate with each other even though I disagree with the politicians, service providers, enforcement and their community, we could have had more deaths occurring during this move.

    I have nothing nice to say about the last 'Na Kanaka Village' move from Keau's when I don't know. My sense is it won't be easy.

    In a few hours I will be with Pono, so if anything it will help my mental state. Going swimming. Take care
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