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MAKING MONEY OFF OF OBAMA'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE............(Just Copy It Here....even though he was born in Africa)


Under Proposed Bill, People Would Be Able to Shell Out $100 to Get Proof of Where Obama Was Born

A bill being proposed in Hawaii would kill two birds with one stone, appeasing crazy Obama "birthers" by proving where the president was born  while raising some much-needed cash for a struggling state government.

The AP reports

that the bill, being introduced in the state legislature by five local Democrats, would change privacy laws "barring the release of birth records unless the requester is someone with a tangible interest, such as a close family member or a court." For a mere $100, anyone would be able to see Obama's birth record, which clearly shows he was born on August 4, 1961 in Hawaii (not Kenya). The AP:

Gov. Neil Abercrombie, who was a friend of Obama's parents and knew him as a child, said last month he wanted to release more of the state's birth information about Obama. But he ended the effort last week when the state attorney general told him that privacy laws bar disclosure of an individual's birth documentation without the person's consent.

The new legislation to release records may run into similar legal problems because of Hawaii's strong constitutional privacy protections, said Rep. John Mizuno, a co-sponsor of the bill.

"If people really want to confirm Barack Obama is born in Hawaii, that's fine," Mizuno said. "I don't have a problem with looking at innovative ways to bring revenue to the state. The taxpayers deserve a break."

The $100 fee would help offset the extra work by state employees who handle frequent phone calls and e-mails from people who believe Obama was born elsewhere, Cabanilla said.

Apparently the number of "birther" requests state employees receive has declined from 10-20 per week at the beginning of 2010 to 0-5 per week now.

Birthers could also save themselves a hundred clams by performing this amazing investigative journalism technique called "Googling." Obama's birth certificate has been widely available on the Internet

since the Obama campaign released the document back in 2008. See for yourself:



By Lauren Kelley | Sourced from AlterNet

Posted at January 28, 2011, 10:15 am

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Paul Joseph Watson
January 26, 2011 Veteran reporter Mike Evans has described in a radio interview how Hawaii ...

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  •   4vn8gow.gif

    Posted at other sites.............


    this is a description of the article:


    Obama's roots are from Slave captors, slave makers, and nigg_r haters.  Although part black, he was raised as a whiteman, has values and supports all that is white.

    He has English roots, through Joseph Booth and Robert E. Lee, a Confederate slave promoting general.

    His African roots are tied to the slave captors.

    He's part of the Morgan banking group, through his grandmother's family/ employers as she was a CEO of the Bank of Hawaii in the Hawaiian Islands.

    He's part of those who move towards One World Order/New World Order seeking to maintain the People of Color as slaves, supporting the decimation of People of Color worldwide etc.

    His bloodlines shows it.  Research incomplete.


    • link sent from a legal researcher "Lawful".........


      serious business indeed...............aloha.

      • DONALD TRUMP, News







        to me
        show details Apr 16 (5 days ago) cleardot.gif

        Thank you for submitting an article to Op Ed News.

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        show details 2:42 PM (29 minutes ago) cleardot.gif



        the article was rejected by OpEd News...........this is my response to them:
        My article was rejected; however, the words are actually documented in historical articles........regarding OBAMA'S ancestor Joseph Booth..........those were the words that he used in describing Kamehameha IV's and V's father Mataio Kekuanaoa, the governor of Oahu, Hawaii.

        The word "bitch" was also used by Booth against King William Lunalilo's mother.

        My article was posted on the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk and has already been posted/published, and is available at

        Perhaps posting at Foreign websites may be more suitable for some of the Truth which cannot be allowed by the media, even though the information is well over a 100 years old!

        Joseph Booth lived in the Hawaiian Islands in 1833 till his death in the 1870's..........which makes the information
        178 YEARS OLD.........oh yeah!

        Perhaps editing on your part would have been preferred than returning it..........hmmmm.........






        Donald Trump: Potential president?

        The reality TV star and businessman may get into politics, and his views are distasteful, writer says.
        Last Modified: 18 Apr 2011 11:48
        Donald Trump's fame is not linked to business accomplishments, as his casino 'empire' has gone bankrupt several times and there are far richer men than he who could dole out market advice for television cameras [EPA]

        "Little Donnie Trump, the dumbest kid in the class." This only somewhat facetious refrain was proffered on a day when Trump had said something particularly insane, by a friend of my parents who attended school with The Donald when they were just boys.

        Trump is a potential presidential candidate who has most recently hitched his hairpiece to Birtherism, or the slightly-less-clever-than-a-comb-over theory that President Obama only plays an American president on TV. In this fantasyland of conspiracy and fear of mind-control via fluorinated water, the president is the amazing beneficiary of the most prescient plot in human history - next to the invention of the hot dog centuries prior to the creation of baseball.

        In Obama's case, it involved the planting of a birth announcement in a Honolulu newspaper to hide his "Kenyaness" and falsely convert him into an American citizen. Because one day, he would inevitably want to be the first black president, and at that moment it sure would come in handy.

        That Trump has taken to promote this silliness should not be surprising. No, because it betrays what Donald Trump is: the living embodiment of every degrading aspect of American culture.

        Trump is a guy who is famous for spinning a false resume - as a supposedly intelligent businessman - into fame and additional fortune. Much like with our national political conversation, the truth is incidental. Even when one's tall tales can be empirically proven to be as fake as the synthetic turf grass on Trump's noggin. It is of no matter.

        Trump's image

        As tennis player Andre Agassi used to say in ads for Nikon, "image is everything".

        In Trump's case, he has used over-the-top self-promotion and atavistic bravado to sell himself as the most successful businessman ever. Once that was largely accomplished, no number of declarations of bankruptcy for his casino empire (are we on two now, or three?... It's pretty easy for one to lose count) or even the destruction of a professional football league (see USFL) could change that. It was a set narrative, and the media doesn't do introspection.

        So, like so many of the famous who have not done anything of value to have earned that distinction, Paris Hilton, Levi Johnston, The Real Housewives of Everywhere - this walking Jersey Shore character is now ubiquitous on news shows. Worse, he's considered a knowledgeable source on a whole range of issues, particularly business regulation, budgets and other financial matters.

        After all, he's on TV, so he must know stuff!

        Trump has also internalised another modern development in our TV culture, namely, the more extreme and nasty one is, the more attention the media grants them.

        Unlike at the aforementioned baseball games, where it is policy for the camera crews not to show fans who run on the field (because it will only encourage more of them to do it), there is no such rule for the nightly news or morning talk shows. The more crass, insulting or downright dingy Trump gets, the more chance what he says will be covered and he'll be invited on for another interview. Especially because 'the business legend' says these outlandish things, it makes it irresistible to news programs.

        He yells "you're fired" on his reality show at a young post-college kid or an ex-meth addict who was on an episode of Diff'rent Strokes in 1982 (all of whom, no matter their station in life, were required to call him Mr. Trump), and boom, it's on Entertainment Tonight.

        Bigger and better

        He also perfectly mirrors a recent trend in America that bigger is inevitably better, whether we're talking about a structure, a story or a scalp protector that looks like it was produced by a handloom. 

        So there's the racist, Birtherism, the tales of how "huge" his fortune is - well beyond what we're privy to, apparently - and the constant harping on how he supposedly ripped off Muammar Gaddafi on a land deal.

        His hotels, casinos, and ego, are all a testament to this fact. It was once such that the quality of a product or person was considered, you know, relevant to how they were covered. Not so much anymore. Lavish weddings every few years or so;  big, trashy casinos; and even a name that literally means to do something bigger and better, are guaranteed television fare.

        So there is nothing that is really out of bounds. Hell, I half-expect Trump to announce any day now he's marrying Miley Cyrus, and plans to change his name to Dr Zeus.

        This has all positioned Trump at the crossroads of reality and entertainment, a juncture that nobody can convincingly define anymore. His reality show, The Apprentice, needs to keep up ratings. And political reporters need stories.

        So, what better way to get ratings and give the media its eye candy than say that he will announce on the last episode of his show when he will announce whether or not he's running for president?

        Is it real? Is it entertainment? Or is it both? You tell me. Either way, it has Trump either tied for the lead or outright winning in two new polls (CNN and Public Policy Polling) of Republican primary voters - even though I don't suspect it will last or that he will eventually run.

        But that doesn't really matter, does it? Because either way, as long as our culture continues to promote these particularly peculiar values, we'll continue to have Donald Trump to kick us around.

        Cliff Schecter is the President of Libertas, LLC, a progressive public relations firm, the author of the 2008 bestseller The Real McCain, and a regular contributor to The Huffington Post.

        Follow Cliff Schecter On Twitter: @Cliffschecter

        The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.


        Al Jazeera





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