This is one of my favorite, revealing the United States' deceitful plot to steal our Kingdom. But, foiled by their own laws! Aloha ke Akua! ProfessorWilliamson Chang, me ke aloha...

Professor Williamson Chang visits Kanaka Express and explains the Organic Act to the Lahui. Share this:EmailPrint

One last Aloha Friday contribution:

Kealoha Kahunaaina Iona asks:

I don't know if I'll get in but either way I want my concerns to be heard loud and clear.These are the concerns of the 410,000 who didn't sign plus the indeterminable number descendants not considered qualified by this predetermined process dictated and advertised as one of self-determination--- descendants of approximately 3/4 of the Hawaii National population of 1893!I have submitted my application to the delegate board under duress and coercion and really believe this is so

Is there any manao that you may have, Dr. Chang, that would enlighten myself and others about duress and coercion in this circumstance. Is coercion and duress apparent here considering the list? I completely understand if you are not able to answer these questions for any ethical or moral reason. And if so e kala mai! I mean no disrespect I just thought it would be a great idea to hear your feelings on this.
Aloha Kamahana:

A thought that I expressed elsewhere: International observers to oversee the process of constructing the roll of eligible Hawaiian voters, observe the judicial attempt to set aside the election in court, and be present at the election, but not at the ‘Aha itself. This is an election prompted by the United States and the State of Hawaii outside of the United States. It deserves outside observation. Outside observers are even invited to watch over US. elections. They would have no power—but they would have a world voice:

"International monitors at US polling spots draw criticism from voter fraud groups"

“The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the NAACP and the ACLU, among other groups, warned this month in a letter to Daan Everts, a senior official with OSCE, of “a coordinated political effort to disenfranchise millions of Americans — particularly traditionally disenfranchised groups like minorities.

The request for foreign monitoring of election sites drew a strong rebuke from Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of True the Vote, a conservative-leaning group seeking to crack down on election fraud. 
“These activist groups sought assistance not from American sources, but from the United Nations,” she said in a statement to The Hill. “The United Nations has no jurisdiction over American elections.”

Neil Simon, director of communications for the OSCE’s parliamentary assembly, agreed the U.N. does not have jurisdiction over U.S. elections but noted all OSCE member counties, which include the United States, have committed since 1990 to hold free and democratic elections and to allow one another to observe their elections.

The observers, from countries such as Germany, France, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, will observe voting at polling places and other political activity.

“They [will] observe the overall election process, not just the ballot casting,” said Giovanna Maiola, spokeswoman for OSCE. “They are focusing on a number of areas on the state level, including the legal system, election administration, the campaign, the campaign financing [and] new voting technologies used in the different states.”

In a follow-up e-mail, Maiola noted that it is a limited election-observation mission. She said “the OSCE has regularly been invited to observe elections in the United States, in line with OSCE commitments.”

Access of international observers during voting is explicitly allowed in some states such as Missouri, South Dakota, North Dakota and New Mexico. 
“State law does not generally provide for international observers,” Maiola said. “

However, through our contacts at state and county level in certain states, we managed to secure invitations at local level and we have taken up the offer to observe. Where this is not possible, we will respect the state regulation on this matter and will not observe in precincts on Election Day.”

International observers will follow up on the concerns raised by civil rights groups.

“We attended their meeting, we took note of the issued they raised and we asked our observers in the field to follow up on them,” said Maiola.”…/263141-international-monitors-at-polli…

Mahalo and aloha,
Williamson Chang

Liberal-leaning civil rights groups met with monitors to raise fears about what they say are efforts to…

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    Sudden Rush - Hawaii 3000 ( Acoustic Live!)

  • Annexation Issues:

    1897 - treaty negotiated by the Representatives but never ratified by the United States.

    then the U.S. decided to pass a Joint Resolution signed by the United States President only.

    The United States wrote a receipt with no description of the Territory of Hawaii.

    Organic Act signed with no metes and bounds, etc.

    The party that claims Jurisdiction has the burden of proving it.

    The Courts reversed the burden and placed onto the Hawaiians.  But, the U.S. needs to prove how they got Hawaii....a gap exists.

    1953 -  The Territory of Hawaii does not say the Hawaiian Islands are in the Joint Resolution.

    They never took Hawaii.............the language does not include the Hawaiian Islands.

    Hawaii was listed in the United Nations as non-self governing territory.  The U.S. removed Hawaii.

    1959 - Exception of Palmyra, Midway, Johnston Islands, Kingman Island.

    A Plebiscite was used.  Nothing was listed in the State.

    International law:  does the Hawaiian Kingdom continue to exist?  

    Occupying cannot take away the sovereignty of an occupied state.

    The U.S. does Not have Sovereignty, the Kingdom of Hawaii exists.

    Joint Resolution never took away the sovereignty, the Apology led to the fact that the U.S. did wrong.

    mislead us, propaganda used, indoctrination used. 

    The Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist.

    Secretary of State, Department of Interior continues the clouded thinking..............the United States has occupied the Hawaiian Islands based on deceit.

    No subject matter jurisdiction in Hawaii.  The Court has no power over land and should dismiss the case(s).

    The bank must prove that the home is on Oahu.  The bank could not do it.

    Civil disobedience is a charge made on Professor Williamson Chang.

    Gumaplaq was arrested for criminal tresspass.  Sheriffs involved.  Oahu is not included in the State of Hawaii.  They claim that 120 years is water under the bridge.  But there is no statutes of limitations on fraud.  Our arguments undermines the U.S. because we are governed under the rule of law.

    Expectations of being bought off, paid off and never assumed to have problems.


    Who stopped annexation?  the people of the United States when they saw the kue petition in 1898.


    we have been lied to.

    we have been populated by settlers.

    over populated by the United States.


    Queen Liliuokalani moved on a path of peace.


    120+ years of occupation, then an entity claims to listen to people/the Department of Interior.

    No government can rule over the Hawaiian Islands without Pono....only a Pono government can continue:


    strictly-hawaiian: Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ‘Aina I Ka Pono. The life of the land is perpetuated by righteousness.
    Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ‘Aina I Ka Pono. The life of the land is perpetuated by righteousness.

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