Royal Families Wills & Probates:  Problematic Issues  


                                                                by Amelia Gora (2015)





The following are the Wills & Probates Recorded for the Royal Families:


Leader                                             Death Date                                            Will/Probate



(no picture available)

Kalaniopuu - none                        died 1782                                                 No Will, No Probate,

                                                                                                                       He left 6 widows,

                                                                                                                       Six (6) children

 Kamehameha I.png

Kamehameha I  - none                 died May 8, 1819                                      No Will, No Probate

                                                                                                                        He left 11 widows,

                                                                                                                        children, step children,

                                                                                                                        and hanai children

(no picture available)

   Kaumualii    - none                    died  May 1824                                        No Will.  No Probate

                                                                                                                         He left 2 widows,

                                                                                                                         children, step children,

                                                                                                                         and hanai children

Portrait of King Kamehameha II of Hawaii attributed to John Hayter.jpg


Kamehameha II - none                 died  July 14, 1824  (born 1796)               No Will, No Probate

                                                                                                                         He left 5 widows,

                                                                                                                          step children,

                                                                                                                          and hanai children


Kamehameha III -  problematic   died December 15, 1854 (born 1813)      Will printed 1885 or 31 

                                                                                                                         years later,

                                                                                                                          He left 3 widows,

                                                                                                                         children, step children,

                                                                                                                         and hanai children

Archives - Honolulu:

Deaths - Probates Index - First Circuit: page 27 [Kamauli - Kaneakake]

kamehameha III    2410
[ extracted text ] [ scanned image ]



Kamehameha IV  - none               died November 30, 1863 (born 2/9/1834)  No will.

                                                                                                                             He left a widow,

                                                                                                                             step siblings,

                                                                                                                             and hanai hookama

                                                                                                                             step siblings.

Archives - Honolulu:

View the extracted text  View the scanned image Deaths - Probates Index - First Circuit: page 27 [Kamauli - Kaneakake]
kamehameha IV    2411
[ extracted text ] [ scanned image ]

Kamehameha V, retouched photo by J. J. Williams.jpg


Kamehameha V - none                  died December 11, 1872 (born 12/11/1830) No will; Kanaina                                                                                                                                         questions, denies

                                                                                                                                Ruth only heir.

                                                                                                                                He left step siblings,

                                                                                                                                aunts, uncles, cousins

Archives - Honolulu:

View the extracted text  View the scanned image Deaths - Probates Index - First Circuit: page 27 [Kamauli - Kaneakake]
kamehameha V    2412
[ extracted text ] [ scanned image ]

Lunalilo (PP-98-15-018).jpg

King Lunalilo  - 2 wills                 died February 3, 1874 (born 1/31/1835)      Heir:  His father.

                                                                                                                              He left step siblings,

                                                                                                                              aunts, uncles, cousins

Archives - Honolulu:

View the extracted text  View the scanned image Deaths - Probates Index - First Circuit: page 43 [Lono - Lynch]
lunalilo His Majesty William C      2413      2414
[ extracted text ] [ scanned image ]

Kingdavidkalakaua dust.jpg

King Kalakaua - will                     died January 20, 1891 (born 11/16/1836)   Heir: Queen Kapiolani

                                                                                                                              He left a sibling, 2                                                                                                                                     children, and 2 hanai


Archives - Honolulu:

View the extracted text  View the scanned image Deaths - Probates Index - First Circuit: page 23 [Kaioua - Kalama]
kalakaua His Majesty     2720
[ extracted text ] [ scanned image ]


Queen Liliuokalani - will              died November 11, 1917 (born 9/2/1838)    She denied signing                                                                                                                                      Trust Deed with                                                                                                                                           Damon et. als.

                                                                                                                                She was the hanai/

                                                                                                                                adopted daughter of

                                                                                                                                a Kamehameha

                                                                                                                                descendant named

                                                                                                                                Abner Paki.  She

                                                                                                                                left 7 children/hanai

                                                                                                                                 /adopted children/

                                                                                                                                 their descendants.


The above shows only the Kings and Queen but Not their spouses,  et. als.

From the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, foreigners have moved to control the Royal Families.

It was from King Lunalilo's time that there were two (2) wills made.  Treasonous person Albert Francis Judd did sign one of the Wills.  Albert Francis Judd became a Supreme Court judge, and did participate in the wrongful, criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

It appears that since his father Gerritt Parmele Judd held office during Kamehameha IV's period, he was active in pillaging, pirating funds from the Hawaiian Kingdom, he was forgiven for his theft/ "missing monies" from the treasury, withheld the small pox vaccine from kanaka maoli, and raised treasonous persons, including Albert Francis Judd, et. als.

A Trust was created for King David Kalakaua and held by Charles C. Harris, another Judge who maintained a Trust while King Kalakaua was alive.  Charles C. Harris had also maintained a Trust created for Kamehameha descendant Victoria Kamamalu (died 1866).  Harris appears to have been on assignment by the U.S. government because he was an American Civil War General in the Hawaiian Islands after the War ended.

A Trust was also created for Queen Liliuokalani who denied signing a Trust with Samuel Damon, William Smith, Curtis Iaukea, et. als.  It is because she had already created a Trust with her own family, and designated her hanai daughter and her heirs to be the Trustees.

Interestingly, the deed that was conveyed to her hanai daughter was entered in the Trust Deed created by Samuel Damon, William Smith, Curtis Iaukea, et. als. Trust.

Royal persons are not subject to the laws and it appears that the non Royals moved to try to control the Royal Families over time.

This is but one of the many reports which shows the layers of frauds, crimes, unresolved issues discovered by viewing the Royal Families Wills/Probates over time.

This further documents the piracy, pillaging activities by those who are not part of the Royal Families, the criminals now documented and recorded in the Judicial Tribunal records affecting all lands in the Hawaiian Islands.

aloha.  Bradah Waltah Hawaiian Lands

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