one only need get your direct line (with no breaks in between).....many persons as Amelia Gora have linked her name to geneology of names, however i can not see the direct line to her claims, humm?
my mama was also a geneologist on Maui Nui, alot of people came to my mama to do their Mo'okuauhau and many had to do deep research for even if they were of hawaiian blood.....their genealogy took them to the fishermen, the stone builders, the weavers, the cravers, the farmers of our Sacred Lands to malama.....only a few took them directly to Ali'i Nui of our SACREDNESS of Maui Nui.
my mama have done our ohana nation geneology for us, and i am proud to say.....with the help of the mormon and court documents....we are of the direct line to my Great Great Great Grandmama...High Chiefess Queen Keopuolani, i was RAISED on her Sacred Land of Loko O Mokuhinia of La Haina and i HONOR and RESPECT and PROTECT our SACREDNESS from outside intruders.....some have also wiggled their way through marriages and adoptions.....but the legal documents in courts have not shown the blood line connection??????
for our Sacredness is highly for Blood Ali'i Nui not intruders of marriage and adoption, period.
i have noticed alot of kanaka.....research Ali'i Nui genealogy and try fit their family names into this list of Royal Sacred Ali'i...(hewa)......with many breaks in between...only one other geneologist will be able to look and know the Truth.
i would like to see Amelia Gora.....give a break down of her Royal Line to High Chiefess Queen Keopuolani...(her, her mother/father and so on to the Ali'i Nui of Maui she said she is of Maui Nui......remember kamehameha is NOT from our Kingdom of Maui Nui, neither is kalakaua and so be it~~~
these are Dynasties that have been done away with......Amelia Gora is from the desendant of Davis and she claims........both men were used to KILL our Native Hawaiians of old...(at Iao and at Nu'uanu VALLEYs).........under the evil/murdeous direction of kamehameha.....this she forgot to mention among her FACTS/FINDINGS of her ancestors of old.....these are not men of ALOHA.....they both came with a MISSION to Kill for your history~~~mauruuru~~~da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia
we need to go back to the Aplogy Bill......this tells of the history of our hawaiian nation of Ali'i Nui, of Makaainana, of the outside influenced INTRUDERS and TRESSPASSERS on our SACREDNESS.
for over 18 yrs within my generation (not in the 1700 or 1800).....this Apology Bill took place in my time in my generation by the desendants of military, missionary and this illegal system.
i still hold this illegal government RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE, to Remove themselves from these positions and replace with Royal Kingdom Heirs......and these ones know who they are and they are already running our Native Hawaiian Kingdom......only difference it is for our Recognised Native Hawaiians not for any INTRUDERS, period.