
  • In reading the article:
    - Same day the US Supreme Court
    -States' off-road Wahikuli trail riding park
    -Foster Ampong
    -Bad day for a state's proposal for recreational use
    -not against the riders (why not?)
    -Na Ala Hele Trails (Torrie Nohara)
    -looking for a legal place to ride on the island (go back to the deserts in California)
    -This is a blatant act of land stealing from native Hawaiians
    -setting precedents over 'iwi, gathering, and religious access for 'recreation'
    -The CIA wanna bees had set this precedents (off road recreation) in 1992 with aerial photos (they used the golf courses in Hawaii for their pins). How this happened because GPS, cart, and GIS needed a market and the rec. was the only demand in existing. So everyone switched to recreation.
    -In this process, we will loose air space, water rights, access rights our iwi will be removed, all native food will be pulled from the area (it’s happening on Oahu: Alban’s, Sewer’s, Keau, Maili) anything that is Hawaiian usage are removed by the state.
    -Moving forward is a cliché “man the torpedo’s and full steam ahead”
    -educate their children about riding (full of shit!) Cheap shot! Using children as shot gun riders no less.
    -30 years, true! This planned out design started in Redlands California, Jet Propulsion and UH.
    -3 million (we have children starving and being evicted from parks, or stolen for human trafficking by the state).
    -DLNR sends their newly deputized federalist to our beaches with guns pointing at women, and children to strip and walk naked, their 21st century Renaissance action plan. Ask Laura Thielen to discuss these actions.
    -Our people are only now waking up to the Renaissance Action Plan; it’s been around for awhile. I don’t think Native Hawaiians and Foster Ampong got what it takes to stop recreational jurisdiction. The golf course ninth hole set precedent over grave markings; all of which can be seen from an aerial photo.
    -I had this same jerk argument at UH in 1993 with these same assholes! Back then, these idiots wanted to land use for recreational vehicles on Kahoolawe the maps were drawn and proposed to DLNR. O Kanaloa Kohe Malamalama. Kaohi Comments Please
    • "I don’t think Native Hawaiians and Foster Ampong got what it takes to stop recreational jurisdiction"

      OK then what do you do to stop this process? what are you personally doing and if it is a good solution maybe Foster will join you. Do you take all your information from the Nupepa or have you spoken with any one who was at the meeting? e kala mai, I don't mean this as an attack. I just like point out that there was more going on and Foster deserves credit for doing what he could to keep things calm. I think he showed real leadership and I am proud of him. I suggest we support him and back him up full on, because I believe his goal is to restore the rightful owners to the land and I think you would agree with that goal!

      A Hui Hou kaua e Kaohi
      • Thanks Kai for the reply-- (miss print (Zablands))
        Been there, done that with Maui kanaka's, they have a history of buckling under the presssure. Foster Ampong hasn't got the support he needs to stop rec. on Maui. As for the Nupepa, (uncle). As for the meeting he did good, however, not good enough. Why?
        -the high tec (ground truthing)
        -same day (Kanaka excuse)
        -crown land (kanaka reasoning)
        -Renaissance Action Plan (30 years in the making)
        We showed our okole at this meeting, with lots of pain and suffering. When one sit's at these tables with the (KKK) you use your head not your ass (heart). Foster Ampong, I'm sure is a lovable bear, however, this is not 'fiction' and these guys play dirty. Sometimes, I just get tired of the 'Lokelani's'. You can think through this process, back the restoration of another 'loss of land' entity (Renaissance Action Planners), and come up smelling like roses, which is what usually happens, it's called 'legacy lands' or land banking for the rich, that is the DLNR game. However, if these lands (crown) can be kuleana lands--it will be preserved for our children (all kind crayola). I am two faced on protecting lands under kuleana land status because I don't know what the tail end looks like. To date this is all that we got. I too am showing my okole, it's not a secret, Mauians (Na kanaka) need to jump ahead of the game, or just sit on the side of the road and be one with nature. Mahalo for the slaps!!! Kaohi
        • Focus!

          Please don't let your frustration get the better of you. The point for being there was not to stop recreation....the point was to step up and take action in defending aina and our fundamental rights as humans...kanaka maoli...."Hawaii nationals" in a civil and humane manner.

          if you were woud have seen how dlnr tried to play both Hawaiians and the Off-Road Recreational Riders against one another. You see....the dynamics between these two are inherent because both are "land" based; and dlnr knows this. They simply took advantaged of an opportunity.

          What BACK-FIRED for dlnr is they went ahead and held their meeting dispite the SCOTUS Ruling on the Leialii case. POOR JUDGMENT to say the least.

          All I did was step in to calm things down for the sake and safety of EVERYONE THERE.....EXPOSE dlnr and their mismanagement.....and show how we kanaka maoli (Hawaiians) can deal with one another in a civil way.

          Yes. This is far from over.

          Make no mistake.....we know who we all are dealing with.

          Do you?
          • "Off-Road Recreational Riders" They are not land based!

            As I read-- this is crown land, up until that point the cultural definition of practice does not include recreational uses. DLNR today is a subset of Cynthia thielen and Ron Albu 1978 and the whole Kahoolawe Renaissance Action Planners. I see the same stuff!The same entrapments no difference from before.

            I am far from frustrations, pain and suffering.
            I was on the frontline at the Super Ferry (scary ferry) in Maui, what was new for me was the Haole's that was willing to take this issue to court. That 's the punch you all need. Hawaiians are too busy thinking frustrations, pain and suffering.

            I also viewed (during Thanksgiving) 5 hours of testimonies on Big Island over GMO, again it was the haole's that spoke up on the right side of the issue against GMO. In the mean time, UH Manoa (lolo heads) continous their ideals and moving on to a weaker spot.
            I've been on the ceeded lands since 1974, and have been walking the talk since then. The SCOTUS Ruling on the Leialii case, civil disobedience seems more like it. Are you willing to go that route, I'm not saying you should--just giving you a heads up. Leslie Kululoio, knows the trail we walk and often we jump ahead unintended. All that I'm saying for now is DLNR wanted to face off, and you chose not to and but you came to the battle field. Laura Thielen is not a civil person, she has the federal (with guns) backing and she uses the 'right to bare arms' in your face type attitude on the side. Sometimes you just got to remind her this is Hawaii not Mexico. What can we do to help? Kaohi
  • Aloha kaua e Kai.

    I also have some roots in Lahaina on my paternal side and agree with some people who have already responded. While capitalism sucks the life out of the land... capitalism can do some good. However activities like this is useless and has no value... except for short-term excitement at the expense of the land and its people. Don't get me wrong but I love outdoor activities like walking, biking, etc.. but not at the expense of sucking the life out of the land.

    It was reported by some of the lame local B.S. media that some representatives from the "state" of Hawai'i allegedly left the meeting early because some Hawaiians and their legal heirs still hold title to some land and never consented and signed to transfer any of their title. They already know THIS and what pisses me off is that they do not fully disclose that what they are doing is wrong. To me it is not a Haole versus Hawaiian thing. To me it is doing the right thing and the "state" officials allegedly ending the meeting early just shows me that they already know this about title and thus land... and have the AUDACITY to end a meeting abruptly as though somehow it is "wrong" for people to stand up for their rights as legal heirs. (I serve on one board and to me it's just RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL to not be OPEN and/or continue discussions which show to me that someone is hiding something.) To do so shows arrogance which I dislike and I consider it to be disrespectful to "abruptly" end a meeting whether private or public. In this case an implication is that Hawaiians are somehow incapable of discussions when in fact some Hawaiians are exercising their right(s) as legal heirs to their title.

    THIS is why I do not like politics because it brings out the best... and the WORST in people. On one hand we have some Hawaiians who are legal heirs who are fighting for their property rights. On the other hand we have some "state" officials leaving because they are not getting their way and notice that despite the attempts to try to brainwash Hawaiians and/or their legal heirs that some Hawaiians are STILL there fighting for their property rights and will continue to do so.

    To top it off and obviously make matters worse... who do they blame for "pulling the plug" on some people's idea of "having fun?" They blame Hawaiians!

    Anyway I am very fond of Foster Ampong and people like him, Tane, Pono, etc. I hope he and others like him continue to fight for their rights.
    • Aloha e Lana,

      Well I know the media is dedicated to the story they want to tell. Foster was concerned that with people upset about the Supreme Court ruling {Which is actually pretty good] that the meeting could get out of hand. He let those officials know and gave them the responsibility to decide if they wanted to continue. He made it clear they would take the responsibility if problems occurred. He let know as well that it wasn't a closing of discussion on the idea of the off-road park, but an effort to be sensitive to the injured feelings many had.
      Your points about land ownership I made to Foster as well and he is clear on that too. I find it interesting that "Private land owners" big ag concerns said no to the project and I guess they looked over at Kingdom land and said "Shoots nobody using dat, we wen take it for dirt bikes then" and I guess they neva see all those Kanakas dying on the list waiting for Homelands.

      But we still need to Kuka with them and see if they won't join us on bringing this case to court and removing the American self appointed trustee!

  • I agree with those that have entered their mana'o so far on this matter. All reasons are valid and pono. My family also have been in Lahaina for generations; from Oluwalu to Kuhakuloa, Mahinahina to makai. It is more important to have the na iwi back on the land to cultivate and become self-sustained. The luxury of offroading in those areas would be a travesty. Pu'unene is ideal for them to use their bikes where the old airport used to be; it was used in the past and can still be used. Going into pristine areas would endanger our eco-system that is rampantly being deteriorated by the Haole Melika that have no sense of history to the place. They would be just as happy to ride through the cemetary that their ancestors are buried just for the thrill and joy. That's their mentality of respect. Frivolous is an apropos word for what they want to do; better that they do it on their North American Continent where there is lots of room for the thrill they seek. Great input by the three of you. It is nonsense when we have so many other problems to work out. These foreigners are still stuck with their manifest destiny tenets.

    • I wish it was all haole doing this, but it is a very popular activity in some kanaka circles, In my mind, I put it close to the current thrill-chase of freeway racing after midnight... some kanaka are just not thinking about all the consequences of what they do for "fun." E kala mai i a'u, just had to say it. we all have friends, or friends of friends who do these things. All my friends know what I think about any past time that hurts others or hurts the 'āina.
  • For thousands of YEARS my family has resided in Lahaina..... I am in total OPPOSITION to this recreational area!

    The KANAKA MAOLI families who fight with PASSION for these parcels has a GOOD REASON! It is there KULEANA to PROTECT and PRESERVE not only HISTORICAL SITES but the IWI of there ANCESTORS. HAVE SOME RESPECT!

    The ancestors would rather us use it for farmimg or to get our people back on the land.

    This recreation area is NONSENSE when there is so much more problems we SHOULD be working on!

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