kupuna kaohi.....we came a long way.....both you and I.....after one whole year......of learning how to communicate much Better today.....smiles.....mahalo Ke Akua~~~for his corrected Leadership
you dont have to be afraid of what you have said in the past......all is forgiven.....smiles......please continue your voices of authourity.....lets learn....lets teach the correct way.......as matured grown adults.....(remember we do have other eager Listeners) ready to step forward and IMUA (move forward)......dont linger in Amelia's fantasy of divisions among us....we need to educated and do what is right in the eyes of Ke Akua and always follow the ways of our Royal Sacred Ancestors....mauruuru.....love you....and share more important messages.....we stay waiting~~~need to get back on the path......Ke Akua get more Mission to complete, to educate~~~