Locals, I can't do this alone, it's an act of 'don't ask don't tell.'  The Veterans are a corporation out here in Waianae and support the clean up off shore here in Waianae.  It's a Tad Davis call from the Pentagon.


Removing ordinace off shore will cause aggregation of U-234 through out our water ways in the Pacific.


By the Atomic Energy Commission this is weak, low and safe, and their definition was done by a gavel pound (fist pound) not by science.


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission are asking that the military stop decommissioning Nuclear Isotopes in Hawaii.


And those of you who are carrying the Hawaiian Flag need to know that is a representative of British, America and France.  Unless that flag has the monogram of the Queen Liliu--those of you who carry the Hawaiian Flag are part of the whole Proliferation Nuculer Treaty for these countries and it's trade agreement.


They are changing the shoreline local boundries both state and city as we sleep, therefore the Hawaiian Kingdom laws are going in the rubbish can in two weeks, I was told.


Cancer yes, but I'm coming from the real world not the political world!  Keep our Pacific Nuclear Free!

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  • hi Kaohi,

    Sources please.........

    "And those of you who are carrying the Hawaiian Flag need to know that is a representative of British, America and France. Unless that flag has the monogram of the Queen Liliu--those of you who carry the Hawaiian Flag are part of the whole Proliferation Nuculer Treaty for these countries and it's trade agreement."

    "They are changing the shoreline local boundries both state and city as we sleep, therefore the Hawaiian Kingdom laws are going in the rubbish can in two weeks, I was told."



    • amelia,

      Awhile back I heard Mahealani speak to the 'trade agreement' and the Hawaiian flag and the post office presentation. Which is how I know about what you posted. I tried to tell her group that she had merit in what she had said. But, at that time too many were in court because of her 'disobedience' as a U.S. citizens and many were too concern about fine's or jail time. I also tried to explain to the group that her dynamics is costly, so if they gave her money and she spent it for the movement or whatever, only they alone have to communicate that to her. But, being in the presence of Mahealani everyone should know how she hold herself up as a representative of the people. She has a great gift of speaking up with great determination. She once helped me with the houseless in Maili Beach where we were having a heavy confrontation with the police.

      I searched the flag source(s).

      One can see the actual flag she sewed her monogram on at the Boys Scout Office near Queen Emma. She sewed her monogram on it while she was in prison at the Palace. My Uncle Randy and Mel Kalihiki introduced me to this flag in 1992. At that time it was in the QLCC fault, recently it was given back to the Boys Scout. The Queen herself gave it to the Boys Scout, she saw them in Kapiolani park and stopped to give it to them.

      Here is the source from up above "Mark Twain's Letters from Hawaii edited by A. Grove Day. Universtiy of Hawaii Press Honolulu.Copyright 1966 page 25 The union jack is English, the horizontal stripes Amrican and blue stripes for the French. Suppossedly it was the 'foreign legations in council' that put together this flag. "The eight stripes refer to the eight islands and the other four represent the barren rocks that is not inhabited." I do not like Mark Twain for he is a bastard from hell! So I do not take his word and only that it is fiction! Nothing he says, is real to me..he is just a dirty old man that likes boys!


      Lori S Geckle
      Senior Health Risk
      Communication Specialist

      U.S. army Institute of Public Health
      MCHB-IP-RHR 5158 Blackhawk Road
      Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403
      Comm: 410 436 7709
      DSN: 584-7709
      Fax: 410 436 7716
      Cell: 410 652 9956

      Eric Heinen De Carlo, Ph.D
      Research Professor
      Department of Oceanography
      1000 Pope Road
      Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
      Unviersity of Hawaii at Manoa
      School of Ocean and Earth
      Science and tEchnology
      Phone 808 956-5924
      Fax 808 956 7112
      Email edecarlo@soest. hawaii.edu

      Anelyn Davis Planner
      Wil Chee - Planning & Environmental
      land Use Planners and Environmental Consultants
      1018 Palm Drive
      Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
      Phone 808-596 4688
      FAX 808 597 1851
      www wcphawaii.com

      I miss placed an important citation, ugh!!!

      Too many fronts in the fields. I know we are bottom feeders where the bucks are, but there has got to be more people in the fields. The grant predetors are designed to kill with the patriot act in place. So the fronts we are on --people are actually being killed, but it looks like suicide.

      One of the outside measures are geometic shapes with a person or persons in them like the spaceship capsul era. Only it is not space it's under the ocean.

      The today thinkers are trying to build whole cities under the sea and Waianae is being primed for such a city. Our leaders in the community is priming the community for such an event. But there were two stoppers the native Hawaiian community and U-234 that the military dumped out of site off the waianae coast. And because of the definition of the AEC that the 'safe, low and weak' idea from Los Alamos factory makers of little boy and fat man we have problems.

      Ocean Hoppers are these thinkers intent as well as Tad Davis at the Pentagon. I am the granddaughter of Orlando Auld and I cannot even conceive the notion of nuclear isotope factories or storage under our ocean on the Waianae Coast. Grandpa was the Hawaiian Dredging Capt. Dredging and leasing out spaces of our ocean are off shoreline business and removing the 'high water mark' from Hawaiian Usage is disgusting. They already have 233 acres all mapped out. In other words they found a space where the coral is still intact therefore it's great to build their geometric city near maili, near Waianae Comrehensive, near the in land water dam, near the shopping center, near Waianae Valley, etc... Coral areas are where the currenst are less disturbing by the currents.

      It is truly sad that the Pacific Atmosphere Nuclear Testing went on in the Marshall Islands and the Waianae Coast is where the Army, and Navy unloaded the excess U-234 off our shores and their back to test their experimental reseach that they did during their Bravo operations? And their fricken Mark 45s!

      At this time eventhough the NRC are challenging the Army, the Hillary gang of 'lolo's are out in the wild trying to put a relationship between people and isotopes. We have to be conscious of the Nuclear Proliferation Ban Treaty process. And she should not be speaking for women and their children for she is not a good wife!!! She let's the dog out when it is convient!!!!!

      I lost my citation. Taiwan nuclear isotopes and people are where the citations are coming from.

      I hope you can make sense of all this I surely can't. Why are we murdering people is my lack of understanding.

      There are different ways to 'kill a cat' so to speak--my point is people are not cat's!!!! We don't have nine lives.

      The most disturbing fact is they are going to remove some casings of U-234 but not all. Why? If that is the case, then why stir up the environment cause instant induction into our biota (things we eat) and commit murder! After shredding they are going to send this to a processing company that supposedly handles isotopes--medical waste that is. Where the isotopes enters our waterways again.

      Michal Kahikina did a 'do do' presention to our Na Kupuna of Nanakuli as to how this Korean enterprises can shred Isotopes. Dying of cancer is stupid!

      okay I'm getting a bit nutty now!
  • My posting is missing, I guess I forgot to press ADD REPLY!

    The meeting was tough and I'm a bit tired at the moment. Need to go to work. DU was found but unless one argues U-234, U-235, and U238--it's difficult to understand Isotopes from organic and to enrichment.

    234 organic/enrichment was found in the arsenal at Maile Beach. Decommissioning with out the NRC's approval is detriment to our entire Pacifec Ocean. Why? Cause as we know by traditional navigation our entire waterways are connected to Tahiti. And to the artic, and the Chile coastline. There are different ways of singleling out the 'drift' but one would have to include Eddie Kanana and Mau Piailug into the mixture of understanding. That put's academic into almost a subjective, but necessary!

    There is land evidence of DU and we have waterways from Mauka to Makai and our Na Kupuna tells us how the Kumulipo goes from Makai to Mauka. So this is also a culture value that should have the understanding from the onset. John Lake talks about the Makai to Mauka in his mo'olelo presentations for death and dying. I'm not sure how Ulupo ---Ma Pele works, but I do believe it's embedded into the chants for Ulupo and all of Koolaupoko.

    I need to go to work.
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