early this morning i went to Mala Wharf, notice huge amounts of droppings into the ocean....of rust and big bolders of concrete....this is a illegal business creation by Usa and these pineapple, sugar, sailors and use by Usa in 1920....now today (almost 100 yrss ago)....no business... however these massive dangerous site of this mala wharf is a danger to our society of fishing and burial sites....no one has taken responsibility and wants to be Accountable, hummmm?????....remember i only "Expose da Hewa"....soon to fine and a stiff penalty is needed against these illegal greedy businesses.....that left their Trash on our SACREDNESS of bail out without any Consequences!!!
this illegal business trash is left for an eye sore to our community and no one have called Usa and this county of maui.... on this unacceptable site of danger that was created and left to rot.....rust from this danger site is freely being rotted into our ocean and reefs of our coastline and shorelines throughout mala and onto our waihikuli beach park shorelines.
last week i made some phone calls to question this over due danger zone since 1920's....i asked the Harbor Master of Lahaina....who is responsible for this mess.....he said he is responsible for the mala wharf....but the droppings into the waters is not of his concerns....so i tell him (harbor master) to direct me to the persons responsible for the rust and the concrete that is falling into the water......i am directed to the Aquatic Resource person.....he then leads me to the dept of health to investigate if this rust is harming me....i said...i eat hau'uki'uki and these big bolders with iron rods (rusty to the max) is laying right next to the hau'uki'uki and i pick to eat a natural resource that i was Traditionally raised with by my ancestors......Cleansing....is needed for our REEFS and shorelines of these harmful mess left behing by these illegal businesses that was created by Usa.
i still questioned the mala wharf and its dangers....with no positive feedback....i will pursue this venture and ask for any one that is interested in getting our Sacred Fishing Ponds back at our Mala Wharf...lets begin the Cleansing and start calling this illegal state and the bad businesses that just stood up and ran away from their filthy mess and make them clean it up~~~for our next future generations to come....we need begin making the Responsible ACCOUNTALBE~~~
i left a message with our dept of health last friday and look forward to speak to someone that will investigate and enforce with a Penalty of Violation to the Responsible to Respect and Honor our SACREDNESS of our natural resources to Clean this dangerous criminal actions at our Mala Wharf....for the cleansing begins tomorrow......a Mission of concern.....mahalo Ke Akua to Expose this over due Hewa~~~i need help...please contact me to Begin our Cleansing of our SACREDNESS of our Royal Sacred Ancestors.....mauruuru....da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia, La Haina our Royal Capital of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government~~~