Domestic Violence have always existed in the Native Hawaiian community for decades. Often times, I would over hear conversations from students on domestic violence. Living in a dormitory at UH Manoa for ten years, hazing was pretty much the norm whenever the dilemma of state profits vs. local sustenance occurred. Embedded into the state side of the argument is corporate profit and on the other side local sharing. Both 'happenings' seems to work for most people in Hawaii, but hardly does it work for a native Hawaiian women living on Department of Hawaiian Homeland in Hawaii.
Whore is a fixed value for native Hawaiian women, my opinion, which stemmed from Mark Twain when he lived in the island back in 1866, specifically the Moku of Keawe. About twenty-five letters were written for the Sacramento Union which demoralized Na Kanaka women and their aina. Sadly, Samuel Loanghorne Clemens soon after the Civil War wrote words that describe Native Hawaiian women as loose and carefree with their sexuality. He surfed alongside naked Hawaiian women. In any post war men tend to abuse their women for reasons--I don't know. It doesn't matter what war, often there is a post domestic violence behavior among veterans some lasting for a life time and often ending in tragedy. No native Hawaiian women should be called a whore just because. On November 2010, Mark Twain’s newly published Autobiography never seen before will be available in book stores.
Trained as a historian, she is also an expert in Hawaiian cultural traditions and in the issues driving the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. She served as a co-scriptwriter of the 1993 award winning documentary An Act of War: The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation.
Fluent in the Hawaiian language, she has served as protocol officer and crew for the double hulled Polynesian voyaging canoes Hōkūleʻa and Hawaiʻiloa, and has written the first year long course in traditional navigation offered at any university in the world. Since 1987, she has written another dozen courses in Hawaiian history, mythology and culture for the Center for Hawaiian Studies.
Currently, she is working on a book on Hawaiian sexuality as reflected in Hawaiian mythology, history, poetry and literature, wherein multiple partners, brother-sister mating, and bisexuality were considered a celebration of life.
It's almost 5 am in the morning the day after Halloween and lot's of sugar eaten by our children in Hawaii, lot's of tummy aches too.
I wanted to get back to an earlier piece that you had posted.
One said, "You can't just say WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED." which is where I was before college and after college. For many years, I couldn't put together my tallents and other peoples talents. I recently got to see Dr. Haunani K Trask and I told her that although, I lived in the UH dorms for ten years of my life the one regret I have --that I never took any of her classes. I recently realized that one needs a theory or argument in order to express oneself clearly and for action.
Now that I am back home from those empty years, I'm actually back to square one. Although, I am a lot more clear'er and adjusting to the community and the contentions, I realized that I have talents to tell what is 'happening' however, am sure that the action part I fall short. I am in full confrontation with other Maoli people because they have neither. Knowledge of our community and what's it like to go to college are missing from too many people.
What I do on Maoliworld is recent, and the team work with Amelia took a whole lot of bandering. We have been in battle's I believe on Maoliworld for almost a year. I do the daily community 'what's happening' and Amelia knows that I am clarifying in my many postings there after which takes awhile to sort through. The google part came later, but by then we were in mid controntations with our oppositions with ourselves, others, and the broader community. As a private person did I have a choice?
I am reading "The Value of Hawai'is Knowing the Past, Shaping the Future" edited by Craig Howes & Jon Osorio because my grandchildren are private school children and are reading this book for their classroom assignments. Back to Dr. Haunani K. regretably, I did not take her classes and find that although, I understand the 'happenings' in my community, I don't have the clear arguments and detailed research that Amelia has. Had I taken her classes, without a doubt my arguments could be stronger. That is what I am stressing with my grandchildren that they never mind the real touch yet, just learn the art of arguing.
I do not like Anthropologist across USA for they come from a bone sucking mentality for over 200 years in Hawaii and they have a strong following in Hawaii. It's always a happening here in Hawaii with Anthro partnerships with blood sucking power hungry jerks. It's a struggle with other maoli participants that have a need to just 'drama'. They are lots of drama queen's in every movements in different countries and they are very dangerous to people's action--all pagentry no grounding. On Maoliworld one will come across this phenon.
Your research is pertinent to the grounding of the community and the empty academic institutions. Which is my concern because my grandchildren are contributors to the native Hawaiian community. With all the studying they do my grandchildren still go out into the community and do hands on projects on the weekends. My little 12 year old creats crafts, sells on websites, takes her money and create backpacks with lots of school supplies and distribute them to the houseless kids. Walk-a-thons to raise monies are a staple for some of my granchildren as well as feeding housless during the year.
So, I am always stressing research, and developing their skills for their contentions in the real world that are backed up with facts, and rational. Here is the lie on my part, I don't want my children's children too close to the native movement! It can be dangerous at times, besides it's full of 'mana' suckers for misuse of power.
Just wanted to say thank you and you are right, it's not just about grumbly, research and fact findings are a must. For me it takes team work to show the facts and rational behind the real issues in the Native Hawaiian Community.
The spread of nuclear 'isotopes' among Pacific Islanders are my concern every moment of the day. And education is important. However, a lot of energy, I wouldn't say wasted, but spent on the Hawaiian Movement where our people gather, at times, for academic actions--someones hallow contentions can be time consuming and resource sucking. I'm always looking for reality checks and balances with these ivory tower thinkers. Sometimes they forget that the scholarships and R&D's exist in their back pockets because of our oppositions that are bank rolling them. So, for me it's always a double edge sword, and sharp skills are a must on the movement fronts. Mahalo for your support in ones professional way to the Native Hawaiian community. My apologies for the lack of clarity at times.
His depictions of Native Hawaiian women are still being expressed by our own male counter parts in the islands. This is a never ending phenomenon that caused the demise of 'Liliu', in my opinion. 'Lulu Bell' is a word used in the Civil War years by soilders and perpetuated by Richard Kinney on Maoliworld. It was used by a white women against native Hawaiian women on Hawaiian Homestead. And Richard Kinney a retired soilder of the US American military over heard the conversation and he too perpetuates this 'age old' white racist US American sterotype behavior of native Hawaiian women that are living on Hawaiian Homeland in hopes to gain support from his friends to this racist and age old problem.
Nationalism or Independence is not a male thing, One needs a larger movement among it's people should they want to succeed.
November 2010 will mark a 100 years after Samuel Clemens death and his Autobiography will be on sale this month. At Waikele Borders only three copies will be available.
The nationals or Na Kanaka Independence movers should read Marks letters, although I suspect it was cloroxed to make it cleaner for classroom reading. Would like to read a first printing. The original letters in 1971 was archived, but by 1994 the paper shut down and now they are lost. We should see what happens with this newly publication of Samuel Langhorne Clemens autobiography.
DU Kim Chee
Instead of starting next week, the Army may have to wait a year or more to start work on a new Stryker Battle Area Complex (BAX) at Schofield Barracks in Hawai’i, while the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reviews a 12-inch stack of Army plans for cleaning up depleted uranium (DU) contamination in the area.
NRC is also reviewing whether the Army had NRC approval for several actions: possessing DU spotting rounds for a few years in Hawai’i in the 1960s, doing a 2008 controlled burn in DU areas at Schofield, and removing DU from Hawai’i ranges recently and transporting it elsewhere.
This came to light in an NRC conference call today with the Army, the Army Corps of Engineers, DU and contractor Cabrera Services. Listening in were Joan Conrow of Honolulu Civil Beat e-news, plus geologist Mike Reimer and resident Cory Harden of Hawai’i Island.
The Army says a year of NRC review might be “overkill for doses of this magnitude”.
NRC lawyer Brett Klukan asked why the Army said earlier that a “100%” survey of Hawai’i DU ranges was not possible, but now plan to do such a survey for the BAX area. The Army said the cost would be high and some gullies were not safe to enter.
Klukan said if the Army begins BAX work as planned on November 6, with a controlled burn on DU areas at Schofield, that may be considered a willful legal violation.
Cory Harden
PO Box 10265
Hilo, Hawai'i 96721
this is my response:
Well b..., according to Cory Hayden I should not have been there to represent Oahu, and according to Isaac, I was a total embarrassment to the Hawaiian culture. Cory used 504 Disability Act to undermine the hearing and in my mind was successful in creating an impossible environment to support the arguments.
Keep in mind Mike Reimer is a geologist and the DU contaminates were transfered to Makua to create a bogus fire lane that can be seen from an aerial photo that depicted black top. But in actuality it was just sprayed black. It's all legal according to there rules that so long as the contaminats are on the surface. Do you remember the military person representing the Pentagon--He said, "the contaminants were construction debrie material? He could barely lie for the Pentagon with a straight face. It's all according to NRC's rules. NRC came to Hawaii had a public community meeting in Wahiawa and negotiated to have the DU contaminat soil removed from Schofield. With grave detriment to children in Waianae that are at the affect of poison dust.
This transfer was due to Tad Davis from the Pentagon, and approved by the NRC which is how I got on board. It was CYA for them to bring me on board. While sitting in the room on Jan 13, 2010 at Hilo University, the NRC person told me not to mention the procurement general contractor's name. At that moment I walked out to you to share what had just gone down. He did not want me to complain about the dump site behind my house.
Regardless, I knew before it was over, my case was weak because the people of Wahiawa cracked a political deal to remove the contaminats so that the military families would be safe from it's own contaminats of DU. It was Tad Davis that created that notion in his 2050 Sustainable Plus Plans to go green. It's called bunkering. Eventhough, the DU was transfered to a civilian community, however, if suddenly the military owns all of Waianae then it's legal, and we the people or specifically our children are just military (Former President Clinton's) collateral damage statistics. Remember, I flunked stat's twice.
Recently, at UH Manoa, I tried to convince Dr. Emmett Aluli that the AEC determined by a judge's gravel that DU in Hawaii is low, safe and weak. And that we both knew, it will/have cause(d) a high rate of birth defects, but what the hell who cares!
The AEC during a Rim Pack in 1965 exercise on "O Kanaloa Kohe Malamalma Kahoolawe' used the following contaminats: Amatex, Amatol, Ammonal, Baratol, Composition B, Composition H6, Cyclotol, Ednatol, Hexanite, Minol, Octol, Pentolite, Picratol, Tetrytol, Torpex, and Tritonal
To blast a giant hole on Kahoolawe--500 tons of TNT (20 x 40 feet) awaiting detonation at Operation Sailor Hat. The blast; the shockwave is visible on the water and a condensation cloud is visible above the fireball.Operation Sailor Hat was an explosives effects test conducted by the US Navy at Kaho'olawe that cracked the cap rock and leaked into the ground and near shore.
About Civil Beat, the owner of such a web site (I thought it was Street Beat for houseless newspaper) had Ikaika remove Jon Osario's article from Maoliworld Forum.
"...with a controlled burn on DU areas at Schofield, that may be considered a willful legal violation."
Too bad, this must have pissed off the Big Island complainers. But, I'm being creepy given the times. I trust Jim Albertini to do right by all people in Hawaii. He is a good person!!!! I trust him!!!!
On a local level-Hillary is no fool and neither are we who are Na Kanaka women as well as Pacific Islanders. The problem is to understand Robotizes both human and non human. The second, once this notion of mechanical revolution is ingrained into women suffrage--we are to bridge ourselves to via the stimulus package road to hell. What I don't get is the expected lack of understanding to her intent by the so-called weaknesses of men. Both Hillary and Lingle in power, my question is why do we need men? We have enough frozen embryo's don't need 'em anymore. But getting to my point about Japan and their reasoning for existence into the sustainable Marine Spatial Planning, in my opinion, it’s a corporate deal on Wall Street, just as her husband did in Florida at the Vizcaya and to win the Presidency. Robotizes, Ocean technology, and enforcement of policy's are the what's wind sweeping across the Pacific. The question should be asked are we intelligent enough to note that men are being carved out and treated as if they are 'Pumpkin Heads' of the universe.
The 'Joint Resolution' that Eric talks about was debated in congress by my grandfather’s side of the family, Alexander Auld. Eric is right to debunk native Hawaiian women that are 50% Hawaiian bloodquantum. But, CNHA also works well in the White House with their recent conference.
Why does US Americans want a buy-in-relationship with Japan should be on ever ones frontal lobe? Japan has the intelligence for Robots. They also have the deepest ocean rift a needed temporary place to build an underwater storage for nuclear containers. A an exchange of commercial agreements needs to happen before any nuclear proliferation treaty can be sought by United States of America. The Marine Spatial Planning goes beyond fish farming (bogus) entities and a smoke screen. Just as the missionaries came to play with wild cows and cowboys by Parker herself and her sisterhoods (Cooks, Castles, Judds, Rice, Mc Candles etc.), we are messing with screwing up the ocean habitat--like the cow pooping into Lo'i systems up Mauka.
Note how or why Eric has a dislike for native Hawaiian women and their horse breeding like bloodquantum life style. Paying attention to the Marine trade agreements and their offshore commercial exchanges for R & D should lend Japan a hefty like corporate trade agreement. The money is in the bank as pigs are flying over the rainbow.
On the local level one could hardly believe that the notion of 'comprehensive' can get passed the frontal lobe of governing policies for those that are in power at the 'local' level. Having attended Marine Spatial Planning with Pono the trans-ocean Matson oceanic commercial trade agreements were in high gear that night. But was unnoticeable--one would ask why? Lack of maturity, knowledge, or 2,000 year continuity can we say the super-ego notion played higher than the real kuleana as in Konohiki? Probably true, but I haven't the foggiest creepy notion as to how to generate 'the thinking process' after all we did stop speaking our mother tongue around WWII. Speechless creatures that sat and listened to Hillary (like obedient choir boys) at the East West Center lacked the understanding as to who John Burns Jr. is and what power he wields across the Pacific. John Burns East West Center is the seat of power and Hillary like her counter-part Lingle knows how to sit on the lap of Jr. Boy when wielding the witches scepter in one hand and the offering of gold in the other.
At the Kanaloa Kahoolawe film début at UH Manoa Hawaiian Studies the so called piko place. Although short sighted for most, I spoke to Peter Apo and as he was being whisked away, I had a few words with him just as Dr. Emmet Aluli cranked out the 'how to behave' before the feet of the military as in 'hooponopono'. When pigs fly it pours swill all over the aina, huh? We are back to square one just as it was back in 1972 when native Hawaiian men were in reign at the state legislature. Back then I was just an obedient daughter, moopuna, nice waiting to go home to take care of my children. But, paying attention to all the gambling-away-of- our- future board back room deals one can understand Hillary's visit. This is no different, it's still the same. Dr. Emmet Aluli and Davianna Mc Gregor carved out 'Kohe' and 'Malama' from the understanding and meaning of 'Stop the Bombing' therefore we have no standing or contentions as to what 'isotopes' can do to a fetus in a mother's womb.
We simply lost the notion of Nuclear Free Pacific, in the Hollywood industry again! One hasn't the misty cloud as to the ghostly reasoning or rational as to why we should divorce the Salem Witches and their axis of evil. When Mau Piailug and Eddie Kaanana speaks nobody listens. Haloa and a sense of waves gives us more than its weight in gold, but does anybody listen? Student Scholarships and career path are the only two things that was flying high over the aina. The usual small stuff! Multi-culture ethnic values superseded Hawaiian Studies because of its ethno connotations. In hindsight 'more' is better from any corporate corner stone in the 21st century and Hillary is tapping into that entity with malice!