Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom

ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
All who signed the Anti-Annexataion Petitions of 1897 were loyal to Queen Liliokalani and her constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom. All who signed the Kue Petitions were of the same Spirit.
Many who signed the Kue Petitions were not of the Blood Quantum. There were Hawaiian Kingdom nationals and that's all that matter to them.
Blood Quantum is a Haole Law of America that needs to be of the past. Since the passage of the Hawaiian Homestead Act in 1921, the Blood Quantum has not worked to benefit the native Hawaiian beneficiaries of the Act.
As the intent of the Blood Quantum was not to rehabilitate the native Hawaiian people. If it was, by now the native Hawaiian people would be a Rehabilitated People.
Recently the Congress of the United States amended the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act and lowered the Blood Quantum to 25% for children of the native Hawaiian homestead. This was done not to Save the Blood Quantum, but to save native Hawaiians and their Children from being evicted off of their Ancestral Lands.
Today many native Hawaiian Homesteads are not of the Blood Quantum of 50%.
So this Out of Date Thinking that the Blood Quantum needs to be protected and saved is a Lie and is HEWA.
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993



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