Loko O Mokuhinia...La Haina

after walking through this very SACRED place of my Royal Kingdom Ancestors

of Loko O Mokuhina also known to many as the Village of Moku'ula in La haina,

i had to call the parks and recreation of La Haina (steve) referred me to the county of maui

planners dept. and i personally spoke to william spence in charge of this county of maui position.....i mentioned to mr. spence that i am so ashamed of this county of maui....for having a nonprofit fom...(friends of mokuula), be in charge of this very Sacred Ancient Royal Historical Area and not be monitored and or audited for the Hewa (wrongful criminal actions)...making moneys from the parking for tourist...and a Maui Nui Tour.....and nothing is given to RESTORE our Sacredness of my Royal Kingdom Ancestors and to the Sacred land of Loko O Mokhinia......more hewa have been accumilated, with holes being dugged up for a tourist museum....and a hanging falling fence....put up by fom...with a storage shack.....i took pictures of trees that have been neglected since i last lived there!!!!.....the baseball field and fences by this county of maui is still there....after over 30 yrs. and moneys was given to fom ($$$$thousands) to RESTORE Loko O Mokuhina...for thisSacred place is worst then ever.

there is still a playground swingset (county of maui), that is over grown with bushes and tree limbs....the whole entire ground is thick with red dust...and cracking salt on top of the surface ground.....for this is the worst neglect under the hands of this county of maui...allowing this to happen within my generation...and i will hold the Accountable Responsible.....mr. spence said he will return my call after taking to the other county of maui planners and to the concerned.....for i only await to Testify the Truths.......amene~~~

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  • this is the time to cleanse and to Expose the Hewa.....i have to say....steve and mr. spence was very concerned

    about this matter....i believe this woke up both steve and spence...to investigate this very important valuable issue....

    i told spence that i am a Royal Kingdom Heir and i have my written Documents to sit with

    him and our mayor to rectified this hewa (wrongful criminal acts of GREED).... and to seek Justice on a SACRED ROYAL LAND of my Royal Ancesters.......he could not address my concerns,but to seek the answers to my questions to the disapproval of a nonprofit with NO Mana and or HA to my Ancestors~~~and that this case needs immediate attention!!!!

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