I decided to share this information with you before the lā hānau of Queen Lili`uokalani.
There is no better way to shape public opinion than to publish a handy little reference book with a fancy cover and sell it visitors at a cheap price. One of those books is The Brief History of Hawaii by George Hermitage (ISBN-0-930492-04-8). This book is sold at many places frequented by visitors (gift shops, airports etc.) and bookstores in Hawai`i at a price of $3.95.
Apart from giving an account of the historical events from the mo‘ōlelo Hawai`i it is written to give credit the United States for annexing (although without a treaty) Kō Hawaiʻi Pae ʻĀina and depict Hawai'i as being grateful to `Amelika for occupying it. This is deception on a large scale. Let's see some details (Italics are my comments, bold is the citation from the book:
Chapter II
... For, strangely enough, on Captain Cook's own ship, the Resolution, there were two Americans, one from New England, and another from Virginia, and either, if awake and looking in the right direction, might have seen us (Hawai`i) first.
Of course, somehow credit has to be given (or at least suggesting) to Americans for discovering Kō Hawaiʻi Pae ʻĀina.
Chapter VI
...Actually a Hawaiian first invited the missionaries to take up residence in the Islands. Opukahaia, a young native who went to New England on a sailing vessel, had begged Americans to visit his Island and bring his people the enlightenment and benefit of Christianity....
There are many who are more knowledgeable in Hawaiian history than I am, so I cannot challenge the statement, but I find the language offensive, because you associate the bringing of light for a reason like a need for dark places suggesting that Hawai`i was a dark place. I also have my doubt about Opukahaia's "begging".
...During her swaddling-clothes days, Little Red Riding Hood (ka lāhui Hawai`i) was constantly menaced by some Big Bad Wolf old-world power. England had her three times - by discovery, by cession, and by force - but always gave her back. France almost took her over once; Russia made a pass or two ... But Uncle Sam, ultimately took the prodigy under his wing, was always comfortable in the offing, keeping the peace and demanding fair play for his struggling little friend way out there alone in the Pacific.
Oh, how sweet is it from the peace-loving, big, loving sugardaddy!!!
...Unlike her brother, Queen Liliuokalani who followed him couldn't read the constitutional handwriting on the wall. She tried almost immediately to revert to the good old feudal days when a queen had only to cry, "Out with you!" and out you went forthwith. The Islands under American leadership had grown too modern, too strong, and too important to the peace and security of the United States and the Pacific for that sort of opera bouffe and the Queen not only lost her palace but was locked up in it. She was withal a gracious sovereign who in retirement forgave her deposers and lived happily to a ripe old age, always the beloved Queen.
Of course, the peace and security of the United States required her removal. There must be a good cause in every act of the United States, ...naturally. And she forgave the U.S. for this. How moving....
AFTER Queen Liliuokalani was eased out, and while the United States was trying to decide whether or not to accept these strutting Islands as a State,...
How sweet again. She was "eased out" since a peace loving country with an exemplary constitution would never remove a monarch!
...(Hawaii had hoped to join the Union as a State), and the long flirtation between big, bluff, benign America and tiny, tempting Hawaii was over....
Of course, America must be benign...
The marriage of Hawaii and America has been a grand success, and the two republics have lived happily and profitably together. There have been the usual family tiffs, and little Hawaii used to think that Uncle Sam treated her more as an orphan than a spouse, but nowadays the Territory usually gets her due* (Footnote in the book: Congress approved Statehood for Hawaii, March 12, 1959.)....she pays more federal income than many individual states; and her cultural growth and military importance take a back seat to none of them. America knows now, since Pearl Harbor, that at Hawaii, Uncle Sam's military might truly guards - and - holds her Western Gate.
...In Hawaii merges the culture of the East and West but her hundred thousand children troop to the public schools to study Americanism.
...Island people are friendly, congenial sort with a natural workable philosophy....Intensely loyal and patriotic Americans, they are none the less inordinately proud what Mark Twain called "The loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean", and glad to share its delight.
The happy marriage and the happy Hawaiians... How satisfying! Now you know why are we happy Hawaiians.
It is time we do something about this. Let's discuss it at the next event.
Me ke aloha pumehana
Janos Keoni Samu
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At first I though naw cannot be, but I started to question Mark Twain a some years back. A lot of men have the characteristics of Mark Twain in their behavior here in Hawaii. A pattern of Mark Twain, I had to dispell by recognizing it at first, but I didn't know what the heck was going on or where the hell it came from. I used my natural instinct during my housing kid days to set the logic sequence and asked 'is this for real?' At first it was hard to believe.
So working backwards one can dispell the intent of the book from the bottom up. Mark Twain's sister did not want to publish his autobiography until a 100 year from the time of his death--so this month Nov, first time published a whole hundred years later. Borders have the book on sale.
If one's cognizant about the 'Mark Twain' fevor, it is also attached to the Patriot Act...I was surprise on that one too. But, I sat one day listening to the capital hill rattle off on patiotism and Mark Twain. I thought I was a bit nutty just listening to this garbage. They were debunking the Partiot Act and unjustification for water boarding prisoners etc... Hey, I so think this is nuts too!
So it took a lot of work, now anytime this or his behavior shows up I just slam back!
It will take a lot of reading beyond tourist trinket to really break the bank on this one. But, it's interesting that you caught the heart of the 'dirty old men' syndrom. Native Hawaiian Women are second hand rags in this whole senerio. I could go on and on--so good call. I do use the Mark Twain as to the reasons why we need to de-occupy the military in Hawaii.
Foucault has been pretty good about the lala between marketing and 50,000 dead bodies. The military in Hawaii are using a lot of transit, transition, and transformation mind games, and that sucks! I prefer Nitetzsche that debunked transformation, thank goodness, that he was smart enough to see the waste of time, energy and resources. So I try not to get caught in the drama, if at all possible the never ending story of conquer, conquer.
Off with your head stuff! That was a battle cry when the military wanted to behead the queen which is what had happened on Maoliworld with the, Lulu thing, but my family and children were also victums in this Mark Twain cheap shoddy behavior. You really know who your friends are and what comes out of their mouths are just hot air no real substance. So, the stupid movement get's even game'er on the real front.
Good call!