Let's Put An End To Unwinable War

Sunday, October 18, 2009 Honolulu Advertiser, Letters to the Editor Let's Put An End To Unwinnable War It is time that we who voted for President Obama and still harbor some hopes for his administration (which is so much better than the previous one on so many scores) express our unhappiness with his decision to continue and expand the senseless, unwinnable war in Afghanistan. We must end the incessant and needless loss of lives and waste of untold billions of dollars on military operations in Afghanistan. The military will never be the agent of winning over hearts and minds of an occupied people who don't want us there. We should have learned that from Vietnam. It is time now to cut our huge Iraq and Afghanistan war expenditures in this time of fiscal crisis and withdraw our forces. Our mission should be limited to the apprehension of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida leaders, an action that could be carried out by a small number of operatives. We should also sanction those leaders of our government who negligently allowed 9/11 to happen as well as those U.S. policymakers who decades ago funded and supported bin Laden in Afghanistan against the Russians. We cannot succeed at stabilizing the government and neutralizing the Taliban especially while our military actions have claimed the lives of more than 2,000 innocent civilians in Afghanistan. We are only creating more enemies by continuing the war. John Witeck Honolulu

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  • Opapa,

  • We is not me ,Im a hawaiian national and any part of U.S. government has been our enemy for 116 yaers,.This u.s. gov. has no intent to listen to anyone when it comes to foreign affairs which is y we r not free till today.May the Curse of Naboth be on any pres. of the u.s.and its gov.
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