Let's team up and stop the bombing...


My name is Ryan Keahukai Vaspra.  I am helping support the production of an independent film about the 1976 Kahoolawe Occupy by the Kahoolawe 9.  The K-9 was 7 men and 2 women who defied the Navy, boated to the island and relight the flame within the Hawaiian culture to begin it's rebuild and determination to control our own destiny.  The film will be produced by Woody Vaspra and Catie Johnson and has film director, Catherine Bauknight, who just released "A Sovereign Voice for Hawai'i", a documentary about the rebirth and struggle of the Hawaiian culture the past 100+ years.  The film will be based upon the true story of one of the 5 surviving members of the protest.  Stephen K. Morse wrote a yet unpublished book about the First Landing, and we just confirmed today that Ed Rampell will be writing the screenplay.  Please join us on Facebook at First Landing Movie.  

One of our supporters reached out to me and asked about Makua Valley and I know the production team would love to reach out to your group and supporters and work together to bring awareness to the existing issues with Makua Valley.  This film may not stop the bombing today, but together, we can use it as a lift in promoting our joint causes.

Please reach out to me if you would like to discuss further. I can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ryan.vaspra.

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  • Steven is aware of the walk, he was at the farm before during and after.  Was very supportive in the aftermath of the Freedom of Religious Act walk across Kahoolawe and too, the aftermath of the meeting on Molokai the vote of the consent degree.   But, I believe the focus is the landing which does not include there after.  And that's a good thing!

  • Now I know how I got to this posting.  Steve and Ian are both good resources.  Let me or others know how we can help.  I am not the first landing party, but possibly the second or the freedom of religious one.  Ask Dr. Emmet Aluli he just might have pictures of that access.  I believe it was in 1978.

    Yes, Steve should tell his story. I've heard it many times from Steve and others should share these moments.

    • Kaohi,

      Thanks for responding.  Right now, we are doing grassroots outreach in Hawaii, as Steve and the production team have met with several local foundations, organizations and groups to ask for their support.  Right now, support is basically helping us spread the word and excitement about another film coming out supporting the native Hawaiian affairs, leveraging the Descendants film of last year.  The best way to support us to join us on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ and engage with us on the conversation.  The fans and supporters opinions mean everything, down to even influencing the film's screenplay, production and casting.  We want the film to be a true representation of the Hawaiian plight, struggles and continued rebirth and determination present today.  It's one thing to make a movie to sell DVD's, it's another to have a film be a part of the force behind the cause of stopping bombing of local Hawaiian lands.

      • This is all cool, eventhough, I have reservations about the 'Descendants' I also am real kine cousin to Cyril Pahinui.   So, it is all good--we go forward.  Contact Pono Kealoha he is a asset to all good things that are happening on the frontline that has it's attachments to the first landing.  A lot of us are too old to move around nowadays!  Get plenty young people that like know too.  Again, Pono Kealoha is a great resource to reach people.  He is never too far from the source.  Nana E Te Tumo (not sure on the spelling).

        • Thank you Kaohi for the help!  Mahalo nui

          • More than thank you.  Need to malama those that are still alive that had experienced not just the landing--it was the aftermath too that was just as devastating and our life line until today to deoccupy Hawaii from the bombing and it's ultimate alaloa intent!  

            Kealaikahiki is an important point because it access the right of passage to Tahiti and too it is connected to Waianae.  In 1978, I walked across the island from Kealaikahiki to Hakioawa (sp) and back to Kealaikahiki in a days time.  Aunty Emma and Uncle Harry Mitchel, and Uncle Sam Lono were all there for me, but that was not the case for most people.  I was stabled emotionally because both Uncle Harry and Aunty Emma was there at Kealaikahiki. Sol Kahoohalahala can confirm this access.  But, I believe that people are doing the same ole thing and in trying to gain jurisdiction over that point.  Kealaikahiki was George Helms point of contention and I don't deviate from that point. Papa Mau also determined it's importance.  Clarification on this stuff can be understood by asking sol Kahoohalahala

            • Thank you for sharing your walk Kaohi.  I will pass this on to the producers to share with the crew.  Do you have any photos from those days?  I'd love to use your story as a post to the First Landing Movie Facebook community, if you do not mind.  Sharing stories of support has become a topic of discussion on our page and sharing it would be wonderful.  Mahalo.

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