Legislators Should Vote On Civil Unions Bill

Honolulu Star Bulletin

Legislators Should Vote On Civil Unions Bill

I agree with Tambry Young and join her in asking the state Legislature to take a vote on HB 444, HD1 SD1 relating to civil unions.

When lawmakers were installed, they took an oath to uphold both the U.S. Constitution as well as the Hawaii Constitution. It is said that lawmakers propose and the majority disposes. That is un-American.

If we are a Judeo-Christian community, it is our expectation that legislators uphold their oath.

Christian charity (love), hope and faith — this is perhaps what Jesus and St. Damien would expect us to do; not to turn our backs on or shun a minority. The right thing to do is to uphold the equal rights of all our residents in the pursuit of happiness and protection of the law.


Arvid Tadao Youngquist

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