To the Alii Trust Trustees, State of Hawaii, U.S. Federal Government, etc.


I, Amelia Gora, In Propria Persona, a Royal Person, one of the descendants/heirs of Kamehameha through four (4) of his children: Kaoleioku, Kanekapolei (w), Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III, and Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki; through his hanai/adopted children:  George Hueu Davis, and Peke Davis, and through his stepchildren  from Kalaniopuu – Alii Nui of Hawaii:  1)  Kiwalao, 2) Kalaipaihala, 3) Manoua/Manowa (w), and Puali Nui (w). and through his stepchildren from Kaumualii – Alii Nui of Kauai:  1)  Kinoiki (w), and 2) Haupu/ Kahekili (k),  Also descendant of Kaaumoana/Kahakuahaakoi aka's the true trustee of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani/Kaeha/Makaeha aka's who made an agreement to care for the lands, am part of the Royal Families and am one of the true land owners of the above ancestors and more.  

As you may already know, there are 714 individuals/entities who have been listed and dispossessed based on the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.

Those affected include the Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, Queen Emma's Trust/Queen Emma Land Company/Queen's Hospital, King Lunalilo Trust, Kamehameha III, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani/Liliuokalani's Trust, John Young's, Isaac Davis, et. als.

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Crown Land owners, as found in the Crown Land Deed of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli - posted previously; one of the descendants/heirs of the following:


Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku who married my great great great grandmother Akahi she being the descendant of Kalaiwohi, the brother of Kamehameha; Akahi had multiple marriages including Nuuanu's son Kikau; who had Nahuina; who had Kaluakini, who became his grandmother Akahi's hanai/adopted son.

Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku was also married to Keopuolani, the mother of Kamehameha II - Liholiho, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, and Nahienaena (w).

Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku's brother was Keoua who married Kalaniopuu's daughter Puali Nui and they had Luluhiwalani the owner of 2,800+ acres in Waikele, Oahu.  Luluhiwalani was the kahu/ caretaker of Kamamalu, wife of Kamehameha II - Liholiho.

Luluhiwalani and Kalola's - the next-of kin to Bernice Pauahi in Probate - son was Alapai Kahekili Luluhiwalani who married Kahananui one of the descendants/heirs of Mataio Kekuanaoa through his oldest son Paalua/Palua.  

Note:  Kahananui (w) adopted her sister Kalaikini's son William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles Williams/ Charles Kauweloa.  He was the grandson of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli through his son Opunui.  Opunui was the oldest son with Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and Kekualoa/Kekua/ Kuahine/Kahakukuakoi/Luika/Luka/Kaaumoana - the hanai daughter of Kaeha/Kamakaeha/ Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani.  Kekualoa aka's was the true trustee of the Liiuokalani Trust created in 1872.  The children of her body was designated to be the true trustees and not the treasonous group of trustees who claimed to be her trustees.  I am one of the descendants/heirs of Kekualoa (w) in three (3) ancestral lines.  


Alapai Kahekili Luluhiwalani had hanai sister named Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Princess Poomaikelani, a daughter/hanai daughter of Queen Liliuokalani.  

Alapai Kahekili Luluhiwalani and Kahananui had a son named Ioela aka's.  

Ioela aka's married his hanai aunt named Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Princess Poomaikelani, a daughter/hanai daughter of Queen Liliuokalani.   She was the sister of Queen Kapiolani and Kinoiki 2.  They had Haili/Kaili/Kalama who married Kaluakini, the descendant of Nuuanu - konohiki of Kapalama who was the owner of lands in Waikiki, Kapalama, etc.  Nuuanu was the son of Mahihelelima, the oldest brother of Kanekapolei who married Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, and Kuuku.  Mahihelelima was the kahu of three (3) wives of Kamehameha:  Kaahumanu, Kaheiheimalie, and Namahana.

Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku's brother was named Koa/Kekoa who owned 5.28 acres in Haleiwa, Oahu.  His son was Kaiama/Ioane Kaiama, another husband of Akahi whose daughter married Kaopumomona a younger brother of Kaluakini - true grandson and hanai/adopted son of Akahi.

Kaluakini's mother and Kaopumomona who was the son of King David Kalakaua adopted my grandmother.

Mataio Kekuanaoa was also the heir of Victoria Kamamalu, his other children were Ruth Keelikolani, David Kamehameha, Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho, Lot - Kamehameha V, Moses Kaikioewa, stepchildren: all of Kamehameha's children, step children, and hanai/adopted daughter Bernice Pauahi, his own stepchildren:  John Kapena, Sam Kapena, and Umiokalani (w).

John Kapena married Kahananui's sister Kalaikini (w) who was the hanai/adopted daughter of Nauwahi/Nauahi the owner of 60+ acres in Haleiwa, Oahu.

John Kapena was the son of Kanakaole/Keliikanakaole who was the sibling of Miriam Kekauonohi/ Kekauonohi who married Leleiohoku/W.P. Leleiohoku who were the step parents of all of Kamehameha's children, stepchildren, and hanai children.

John Kapena was one of the first Judges selected by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.  His mother was Kalima whose father was Kanepilau owner of 7.9 acres in Haleiwa, Oahu.


True land ownership is documented in the above ancestors.  I, Amelia Gora, am one of the true land owners with the prima facie evidence, alodio/ano alodio/alodial land titles.

The Trustees designated in the past and present are Aliens and Not the owners.

The entity Territory of Hawaii claimed to be "the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" in 1898 and the fact was documented in the PA PELEKANE Case of 1912. (see references below).

Documented Identity theft, piracy, pillaging, conspiracies has been researched and uncovered.

The Royal Families exists defrauded over time  and our families are not the ones who did wrong.

Fraud vitiates all claims and all contracts.

See the references below.

The 714 names of persons/entities applicable to the Treaty of 1849/1850 of the Kingdom of Hawaii/ Hawaiian Kingdom has been documented in accordance with Article XI

Assignments of our private properties have been/are being made..... Royal Families are not subject to the laws.  Rents, leases are due.  The water, mineral rights, lands, silver, gold, the four (4)+ Trusts remain the properties of the Royal Families and for our

Our Royal Families are the alodio/ano alodio/alodial land owners and make up 2/3 of the 3 Part Government.  The last 1/3  part were the treasonous group which dethroned our Queen, formed 


Important Information Entered in Maui Case: IDENTITY THEFT BY THE State of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani's True Trustee, Alodio Titles vs. Fee Simple to Aliens, Treaty Supreme Law of the Land

Amelia Gora

P.O. Box 861781

Wahiawa, Hawaii  96786

In Propria Persona, a Royal Person

                                                      In the Land Court of the State of Hawaii

In the Matter of the Application of                       )Ld. Ct. App. No. 439 (amended)

                                                                                        ) Ld Ct. Case No. 09-0300


                                                                                          )  OPPOSITION  DOCUMENTED FOR THE RECORDS

                                                                                          )   Written based on Oral Presentation February

To register title and confirm its title to land         )   29, 2016 in Court; Declaration

                                                                                           )  Exhibits A - D; Cert.

Situate at Lahaina, Island and County of             )  of Service

Maui, State of Hawaii,                                               )      

                                                                                          )     Date:    February 29, 2016

                                                                                          )      Time:

                                                                                          )       Judge:  Gary W. B. Chang

                          And                                                        )


KAHOMA LAND LLC,                                               )

                                                                                           )    Trial Date:  Week of April 4, 2016

Substituted Applicant as to Lots 1,2,3A,                 )     Trial Judge:  Gary W. B. Chang



                                                   OPPOSITION DOCUMENTED FOR THE RECORDS

                               Written based on Oral Presentation February 29, 2016 in Court

I, Amelia Gora, In Propria Persona, a Royal Person, one of the descendants/heirs of Kamehameha through four (4) of his children: Kaoleioku, Kanekapolei (w), Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III, and Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki; through his hanai/adopted children:  George Hueu Davis, and Peke Davis, and through his stepchildren  from Kalaniopuu – Alii Nui of Hawaii:  1)  Kiwalao, 2) Kalaipaihala, 3) Manoua/Manowa (w), and Puali Nui (w). and through his stepchildren from Kaumualii – Alii Nui of Kauai:  1)  Kinoiki (w), and 2) Haupu/ Kahekili (k),  Also descendant of Kaaumoana/Kahakuahaakoi aka's the true trustee of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani/Kaeha/Makaeha aka's who made an agreement to care for the lands.  Trust Agreement for Liliuokalani See Exhibit A.


Interests claimed THROUGH my ancestors, Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, and Kaumualii through their documented children as noted above, which includes others including Queen Liliuokalani's true trustee named Kaaumoana/Kahakuakoi aka's, Hueu Davis,  Peke Davis who married George Humehume, Keawe, and Antonio Sylva (Mason)/Antonio Mason/Antone Sylva. First Filing - See Exhibit B.


Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli granted alodio/Ano Alodio Lands and Fee Simple lands to Aliens.

Aliens are Not Entitled to Alodio/Ano Alodio Lands.  Aliens are Not kanaka maoli or those given/granted/ gifted by Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III as documented in his Speech of 1851.


Reference:  HAWAIIAN REPORTS 3-4  R.C. Wyllie, Minister of Foreign Relations, Honolulu to Alfred Blanche, Esquire, Councillor of State, Etc. Etc. ANNUAL REPORTS, Read Before HIS MAJESTY, to the Hawaiian Legislature, May 12, 1851 pages 3-4, KAHN Collection, 24/28 – 24/39 II, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

Kanaka Maoli’s title are good against all in the world.  “…the people’s lands were secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the Kingdom, and no power can convey them away, not even that of royalty itself.”

Reference:  KEKIEKIE v. DENNIS (1851), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1851, pages 69-70.

The Hawaiian Government

“The Hawaiian Government was not established by the people; the Constitution did not emanate from them; they were not consulted in their aggregate capacity or in convention, and they had no direct voice in  founding  either the Government or the Constitution.”

Reference:  REX v. JOSEPH BOOTH (1863), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 616-644.

The State of Hawaii

The State of Hawaii, which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii claims to be the “successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii”, page 177 , In Re Title of Pa Pelekane, 21 Haw. 175, HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 21 pages 175-192.

The State of Hawaii, which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii are documented Identity Thieves and have assumed a friendly, neutral, non-violent nation and are Not our families heirs or successors.

Kamehameha’s heirs and successors exists and we are the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii as defined in the Rex vs. Booth case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 630

The State of Hawaii are Not the successors nor are they related to our families who are living, breathing human beings.

Reference:  In Re Title of Pa Pelekane, 21 Haw. 175, HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 21 pages 175-192.

Judicial Tribunal of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom

The Judicial Tribunal of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom did document PIONEER MILL COMPANY, LIMITED, KAHOMA LAND LLC, Et. Als. As Pirates, Pillagers, etc. applicable to the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, article XIV applicable to pirates, pillagers, etc.

Documentation, notices have been e-mailed, mailed to U.S. President Obama. Exhibit D.


Because of the evidence of Kamehameha III- Kauikeaouli’s speech, etc. recorded, I hereby oppose  the “Aliens” PIONEER MILL COMPANY, LIMITED and KAHOMA LAND LLC et. Als. Because “Aliens “ are only entitled to Fee Simple, less than alodio/ano alodio as documented in the Speech of 1851 by Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli. See Exhibit C.

PIONEER MILL COMPANY, LIMITED and KAHOMA LAND LLC et. Als. are documented “Aliens” and could only have a Fee Simple title and could not/cannot assume Alodio/Ano Alodio titles to lands in the Hawaiian Islands.  They are and have been documented  pirates, pillagers, etc. they cannot own Royal Families, kanaka maoli/native  tenant rights from a Monarchy Government land system.  They are Not the land owners or title owners.

The House of Representatives, the 1/3 part of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii which became the entity Provisional government, then the Republic of Hawaii, then the Territory of Hawaii, which evolved into the State of Hawaii with U.S. President Eisenhower's Executive Order, has caused injuries to our Royal Families and cannot proceed in these land cases because of the issue of Identity Theft documented in  the Pa Pelekane case of 1912.  See the Pa Pa Pelekane case and  Exhibit C.

The claims to land, water, mineral rights, etc. is opposed because the Royal Families exist, including the rights of our families and myself because I am one of the alodio/ano alodial title owners granted by my ancestor Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli for himself, his heirs, and successors….which does Not include identity thieves, the Territory turned State of Hawaii et. Als.  See  the Pa Pelekane case and Exhibit C.

The Treaty of 1849/1850 between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America is the supreme law of the land as documented in the U.S. Constitution.   The Treaty also supersedes State and Federal laws.  Under the Constitution of the United States the Judges are also bound by the Treaty.Also see Exhibit D.

The Royal Families exists with documented injuries by a identity thieving government documented in the Pa Pelekane case documented in 21 Haw. 175, HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 21 pages 175-192.  Also see Exhibit C.

See Letter to the U.S. President Obama dated March 4, 2016 which covers the Treaty of 1849/1850, etc.  See Exhibit D.

The case must be thrown out/removed because Aliens cannot own Alodio/Alodial lands belonging to our Royal Families and other kanaka maoli with Alodio/Alodial titles.

The Alodio/Alodial grants deeded by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli is forever to kanaka maoli and conveyance of interest is for a lifetime and the interest continues on with the  descendants assuming the land until their life ends, then their heirs assume the lands, and on and on.  Alodio/Alodial grants cannot be conveyed forever because we cannot deed out the interest of our descendants, etc.

Aliens were given only Fee Simple, and not forever lands such as our Alodio/Alodial grants by the King, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii is a Constitutional Monarchy government and Not the same as the American System which is documented as a Democratic, whose majority of the population rules based on the U.S. Constitution which is being currently challenged by the bankers who moved to usurp the U.S. since 1871, bankruptcy issues since 1933, etc.  See Exhibit D.

The continued support and maintenance of the U.S. Constitution is had through the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.  The Nations that evolved out of the United States of America became the United States and the American Empire.

Kamehameha III/ Kauikeaouli's Treaty was made with the United States of America.  Treaties with other nations with our neutral, friendly, non-violent nation stands.

I, Amelia Gora, maintain and deny that the State of Hawaii, which evolved from the Territory/ Territory of Hawaii is the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" because I am one of the heirs and successors of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli as discovered through genealogies of 27+ years, history research of 30+ years, and legal research of 15+ years.

The Royal Families exists, including myself and oppose/deny the Plaintiff PIONEER MILL COMPANY, LIMITED and KAHOMA LAND LLC et. Als. Including the entity State of Hawaii from claiming properties, lands, mineral rights, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago.

Declaration:  I declare the above to be true and correct.

                                              (signed) Amelia Gora  dated 3/7/2016

Dated:  March 4, 2016,  Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago


                 Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Special Appearance, In Propria Persona, Acting

                 Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal Member, having

                 Immunities etc.


Exhibit A

Queen Liliuokalani's True Trustee Agreement  - Liber 178

The Fraud Trust filed the Agreement in their Trust.

Queen Liliuokalani denied signing the Trust with Damon, Iaukea, et. als. and documented that fact in her herWill          

Exhibit B

Initial filing of interest made.

Exhibt C

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's   Speech of 1851 which shows that Alodio/Alodial Titles belongs to kanaka maoli ONLY and Fee Simple (less than alodio) was given to ALIENS...........he didn't call the foreigners haole, etc. but called foreigners ALIENS.  ALIENS cannot own Alodio/Ano Alodial lands and lands belonging to the Royal Families.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      



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