A'OLE OHA and Nai'aupuniFEDWRECKscam with Kilikina  


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    Kilikina Teaches Hidden Hawaiian History 2/2/16

  • Notes from the above film with Kilikina:


    We are Ko Pae Aina!

    Free money through taking advantage of our people...............

    We have our Constitution.............

    After 1860, there are no laws...........the State of Hawaii under 2307 - no metes and bounds - U.S. President Eisenhower....

    1897 - land not transferred..............

    We are Hawaii Ko Pae Aina.......................

    Study Constitutional Law.................

    Article 6 Section 2 - Law of the Land.............

    WAR CRIMES violating our Neutrality of a neutral country...............$150 Million in Gold +

    Misprison.....people need to stand up...........

    OHA created in 1971....

    Genocide issues ...........

    All Arabic Nations know..................

    We're in the drivers seat.............we don't pay tax on our land..........

    1)  Crown Land - personal lands of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, heirs and successors

    2) 256 Chiefs - government lands

    3)  kuleana land for our people

    Governors put in place:

    Sanford B. Dole, et. als.

    Misprison of Felony:

    Nai'aupuni wants to STEAL Everything you have....Health Care, charter since 1856..................Schofield............white phosphorus.............depleted uranium...



    Bob Marley - Get Up Stand Up

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