Lawyers praise beach land ruling by GaryT. Kubota

"Lawyers praise beach land ruling" by Gary t. Kubota B5 Local Sat. 8/19/10 StarAdver.


    Hawaii attorneys said a U.S. Supreme Court decision about coastal lands in Florida strengthens beach front property owners' claims of shoreline areas that have slowly grown over the years.

     While the court ruled Thursday that two Florida counties have the right to restore a sandy strip of formerly submerged land, it also recognized in principle the right of beachfront property owners to "accreted lands" that have slowly extended themselves.
     The court said unlike on accreted lands, beach restoration on submerged lands constituted a sudden change that added land, similar to the effects of a hurricane.
     The 8-0 decision against beachfront property owners acknowledged Florida's ownership of submerged land and its development.
     Hawaii attorneys said the decision appears to be consistent with the way state courts have ruled that submerged lands belong to the state.
     But as important, the court helped to define the rights of beachfront property owners involving accreted lands, attorneys said. 
     "This case in Florida was helped to us," said attorney Paul Alston.
     Alston said the court's decision in general supports the right of beachfront property owners to claim of lands that have slowly extended into the ocean through the years.
     Alston's clients won a class-action lawsuit at the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals this year against a 2003 state law that said accreted land that extended beyond a landowner's recorded boundary belonged to the state.
     Alston said the appeals court held that the law unconstitutionally took private property without compensation. 

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  • Sticking with the subject, I could give a rat's ass what the U.S.S.C. decision is about the coastal lands in Florida. Hawai'i is out of their jurisdiction and our customary Kingdom laws supercede that of the belligerent occupier's laws. The public has the right of way to all shorelines and must have free access to them up to the high-tide water-mark. If anything, there is shoreline erosion and not any natural accreted lands. This is a no-brainer in Hawai'i. It's overdo that the U.S. must de-occupy our country and until that time must abide by the law of occupation.

    All lands in Hawai'i belong to the Kingdom of Hawai'i; submerged or otherwise.

    • Yes, sticking with the subject, we the people of our Kingdom of Hawaii should continue gathering as our ancestors did for thousand's of years and by the konohiki's mindful and keen observation as to when and what should be gathered. Mahalo
  • Playing with little girls again! Hands off!!! you stupid pervert.
    • Reply by Kaohi on June 10, 2010 at 12:13pm

      You mean 'lulu bell' the whore that's 31 years of foolish evil. I never knew your thoughts until now. I had an inkling but never really understood the sickening body language because of the closet and all it's secrets.

      I am not a secret person and have always been open and straight up with the game of truth. I never sold out our people at the legislature, never ran for OHA, and always knew my political target. Sought clarity and went to battle with real people that stood graciously for our people-- not for ones super ego as in looser, dilapedated, and speak to the 'ideals' of going home to the dead.

      Dirty filty old man, young people need fresh thinkers on subjects that matter. Our youth need the open and freedom of space not a three by seven closet. Self-grandizing loud mouth that's basically cunning and twisted are not what young people should be hearing. They needed leaders with guts, and have the capability to stand for their future not the dead corner of deteriation.

      I've given you that space of expression for 30 years and not to mention that filty gossip of dirty mindless description of what I did and with whom. That's because you were stupidly jealouse and wish you had the attention that you so desired. The sadness it was all fantasy that came deep within your deep yearning desires. I spent 35 years with my eye on the issues for our people and you kept your eye's on forbidden zones from a closet.

      It is sad that you are so dam old and still operate from a closet and you' re jealouse that I don't function from your space of a 3' by 7' closet. Small minds form cone head 'talk' that end's in deep six. Say the word with 'C' for cunt and not V for vagina! You're a waste of energy and should rut in hell where ever that is--Richard. I say this because of your many years of harboring foolish lies. For 30 plus years you have spread gossip and lies and why because you longed for the desire of human flesh. To continue to calling a native Hawaiian women with 50% plus blood quatum that is a leasee on Homestead with four children, nine grandchildren and two great grand children is disgustingly evil. Your interest with my vagina for 30 plus years was about power which you will never ever have. It comes from being lonely, old, and not worth a dam but a twisted old man of evil. So continue your sick behavior Richard and I will step up to your closet with vengence.

      Why? Because our young people need the space to express their ideals that are true to their culture values that their Na Kupuna worked hard to preserve. And not the sick closet that which you live in and expect people to enter and play your sick game. Kaohi
      • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
        Imagine that Kaohi is a Sub. Teacher in the Public Schools in the Waianae District. God Help the Children with the HEWA Mind Set of Kaohi. Imagine what happens in her class to the child who does not Obey the HEWA Teachings of Kaohi. Just Imagine, o Pomai
        • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii, The Mind of a Child is too beautiful to be wasted with the HEWA Teaching of Kaohi. "Native Hawaiian women mostly from DHHL went to the stupid homerule party and got zonked! Stupid Na Kanaka men, said by Kaohi", this is the Mind Set of Hilter. That Native Hawaiian Women are Superior over Na Kanaka Men. KUE, o Pomai
    • LuLu Bell Strikes Again, Get Real Kaohi as you're no Little Girl and We All know about you,
      o Pomai , ........................
  • Our shoreline do not belong to the fakestate. However, that is not the mainissue for me because it goes deeper than that. It's about not letting the brownskin people step into the view of the colonizers beachfront property. Such as what happened at Bellows beach with the then Presidents Wife and a native Hawaiian women. Native Hawaiian women got together in 1974 with the intent to protect their access to their native icebox to gather food to feed their children. At the heart of the disagreement with 5(f) was the gathering of limu and accessing private property to get to the shoreline.

    Aunty Girlie (Uncle Gabby's wife) took me to the shores to pickup limu in Waimanalo many a times. The limu went into the stew pot. She would hold my hand as we walked along the shore and than take me to the waters edge and with my hand in hers--reach down into the water and teach me how to pinch the tops of the limu, which went straight into my mouth thereafter. As I am writing, my mouth is watering up.

    Native Hawaiian women mostly from DHHL went to the stupid homerule party and got zonked! Stupid Na Kanaka men. They created a con con, OHA and their idiot soldiers to abuse native Hawaiian women when ever they have something to say.

    Why is the State Land Commission not on the forefront? Where is OHA? What abstract/objective theorist have to say? Is this choking out the native Hawaiian gathering rights? Thus, causing further starvation in Hawaii or shall I say adding to what we already have along the shores of Waianae? Probably, but who really cares enough to get beyond their ego-centric pleasure zones to really discuss issues? Basically, stop being lead by fools and follow what your ancestors are saying, if you don't have one than borrow.
    • LuLu Bell Speaks.......................of HEWA Lies as always, Get Real, Kaohi, o Pomai .....

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