i just learned that a kupuna man that is living on our Maui Nui is from Oahu.....his diet and the intake of western pills have put him in the hospital.....he was dianosed with a Heart problem....but it was his Liver that was acting up.....once a natural pressure point person (a blessing from Ke Akua), was called in to help and assist the situation.
this kupuna had been dianosed wrongly....for it wasnt his heart with the problem it was his liver...and that is where once a kupuna goes into the hospital, they put all trust in the western doctors, we need to provide better medical care for our living KUPUNAs or have someone in the hospital to MONITOR our kupunas in the medical natural profession....tooo much western pills in given to our Kupuna and they are dying...living off of these western american PILLs~~~
another kupuna makua man......had a shot into his knee caps.....it got infected....and his whole calves.....became 3x's bigger.....what was needed was....immediate natural application.......instantly.....massaging the area.....giving oxygen to the calf on his legs.....painful....yes it was......then came the essential oils......it took almost 3 weeks.....and kupuna makua man.....could finally move his ankles...on his own......mahalo Ke Akua....mauruuru~~~
kupuna living today in my generation.....these american pills is killing our kupuna's,
go natural, go to a kahuna to heal your mind....go to the herbs of your ancestors.....and most of all
Breathe the HA of our Siblings, of our Mo'opuna's to live the generation that is ready to IMUA (move forward),
we need good heatlh today....watch the food you eat....calculate the pounds you take in.....always pray to Ke Akua....mauruuru
we need a preventative Wellness Center in natural medicatoin of Essential Oils....even Jesus used oils to cure!!!! and a diet nutrient to prevent the sickness of Gult, high blood pressure, cancer, foreign disease that lingers on our Sacred Lands of our Ancestors.......we need breathe the HA....breath of lfe....mauruuru....da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia