Kupuna Kaohi

thank you so much for believeing in me.......i am HONORED to have come to know you on Maoli World.....we both have made wonderful improvements communicating (big nui smiles) and that is what is it all about......i want to take the time to apologise for the words that was spoken towards you.....and if i did at any time......show disrespect.....it was not my intent to hurt any one but to show facts and findings of Truths.

thank you again for be good example for me......learning from outside the box of Maui Nui.....it is always good to share and sharing is important using the right words to soften hearts.

I ask to pray for amelia and pomai, that peace and kindness be with both of them......mahalo Ke Akua for our corrected leaders to lead us today.......in the truths of the proper protocols of our SACREDNESS.......mauruuru.....da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia, La Haina the Royal Capitol~~~

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  • Yes, I understand, our beliefs are the same..however..I believe and not sure you are at the point that one wants to work with our people.  Not an easy job and intruth; we don't do this too well, I don't recommend this point of departure.  It is because when we serve; we forget to take care of ourselves!  So we give and give and give...and when people with dark hearts show up in our lives; we don't see their true nature and they are many among the needy that take and take and take. 

    These darkness has no spirits, are fixed in their point of origin, they do not see their dark ancestors spirit and mirror their worth in today's society.  If one crosses their path they will suck from the needy spirits, self-serve their own purposes, and use cyberspace to network and build their grounding with huge malice in their hearts.  The point of departure with both dark spirits is that guns were used and given to Kam's to kill our people that's how unifying Hawaii happened.  From this stepping off point which no one likes to admit, we (you, me, everyone) commit the ultimate sin and allow genocide to happen to our people over and over.  Until we take responsibility in stopping this atrocity, I believe (opinion) we're just pawns in the bigger game and I don't play chess.


    What we as Pacific Islanders can do is to keep serving our people within reason, speak our minds, and keep a maintenance tool kit handy for betrayal, decite, and actions of malice by certain people.  Remember the new testament and leave the old testament people of dark hearts to Ke Akua.  If one look carefully their is a gun in the the mist of their 'ha'.  That is the point of contention that one should always ask this group with dark hearts.  That is their system of operation on cyber space.  Sorta like Josiah on Maui? 


    I am not one to clean house of these bad dust, so all I can say is give them the benefit of doubt which is nothing and don't hesitate to call them out and counter their 'sick' behavior within reason when the time is right for you.  these types of battles can be tiring. 


    At this point in time, APEC is in town and this is where one should focus, of course if you want to--just a suggestion.  We have 40,000 names on DHHL list and we are the pawns in the global economy because of the aboriginal status in their pillars.  We are the DHHL aboriginals (bloodquantum) on a 'rehabilitation' US policy program (wards of state) not 'recognition'!  Our safe haven is the bloodquantum.  Darkspirits with guns woke up to this bloodquantum structure in the 70s.  The bloodquantum unbeknown to us too, protected our people from outsiders with dark hearts.  In connecting to APEC they are throwing us the bones of resiliency.  Resiliency is what the bankers are giving to the Pacific Island women and their children.  We need this safety net to continue living in the Pacific Islands and our ancestors oceans. How... is the question?  Is it education? is it free lunch/food bank? Is it structure buildings--and not tents?  Is it assistant suicide, front page of the main media?  Tell APEC what you want!

    Richard (Henry Richard Kinney) moved to Waianae to debunk native Hawaiian women living on/near Hawaiian Homestead.  He has done this to Papakolea 60s Waimanalo 70s, and Waianae 2000--Papakolea being the worst event in the Hawaiian Movement.  I knew this and I don't back down from this frontline of genocide. People jump on board for a few moments cannot stand the heat from their social network and they turn their backs on native women and children.  It hurts their super ego and for a moment me too. 


    We need to focus on resiliency, to keep our native Hawaiian children in safe harbor.  Unfortunately, we have no resources.  At this point, I am watching what is happening in Uganda, Congo and the white house policies for women and children.  And too, Micronesian voices especially the Marshall Island Ebeye where drought and nuclear isotope material are poisioning people because of their Missile Star Wars training toxic waste leaching out into our environment.  In the APEC 'risk' we may too have to leave the islands if we don't stop the poisioning of our environment.  I don't hear this contended voice coming form Moana Nui the actors in their private forums. 


    The only way to make this connection to APEC is to speak up and let them know how things are.  The technical tool by APEC policy is forums.  Maoliworld is a legitimate forum, note the recent activities.  So stay on board, write, speak up and ask others to join the forum and give their voice--the more that speaks up better to drown out bad 'ha'.


    One more thing learn the art of echo among aboriginal people the New Zealands, Australians, and Indonesians are here on Maoliworld. It's also okay with me if you go away too and come back later.  Most of all take care of the young people and their children.  Much Aloha from the heart.



  • tokens4.jpg

    E Komo Mai !! Welcome !





    Kanaka Maoli Patriot sisyphusANI.gif

    Since he was 19 years old, Pomai has been

    "lobbying the Legislature" !




    'AINA O PONO !!"





    Honolulu's Favorite Son !

    Giving Imperialism Hell


    Individualism Unleashed ! Why Co- Operate ??


    in Court ??"


    In Honolulu the Patriots Rally

    "After renouncing my citizenship to the

    United States on January 17, 1993, I have

    gone home to my country, my nation, my

    Hawai'i, the Hawaiian Kingdom. My loyalty

    as a Hawaiian Kingdom national is to the

    Hawaiian Kingdom."


    "I can see through your mind.

    I can see through your brain

    like I see through the water that runs down my drain." 



    Our Queen Lili'uokalani

    On March 31, 2009 the U.S. Supreme Court took back

    the Apology to the Hawaiian People and got the United

    Church of Christ completely off the hook for any

    "reconciliation" whatsoever !

    "They speak with forked tongue." -- Pomai


    Total and Complete INDEPENDENCE !!

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