Drum for our Sacred Sites and our Kupuna - Hawai'i State Capitol - Friday, March 19th 12pm-1pm - Please join us


In the Fall of 2009 a simple kahea (a call) came from Hawea Heiau in Maunalua and was heard worldwide. The kahea went out for us to all join together to drum to ensure
our sacred cultural sites are properly protected and respected throughout Hawai’i nei --- AND the drumming was done to let the State Historic Preservation Division hear that
throughout our islands we have lost faith in their ability to properly protect and respect our priceless cultural areas.

We now again put out a kahea to you all. The State Historic Preservation Division in Hawai'i continues to not properly protect and preserve our sacred sites and
our Kupuna. The time is short for us to get our message heard by the State Legislature. Please help us.

The recent news from Nau'e, Kaua'i that SHPD has approved a developer's burial treatment plan which allows the developer to build concrete pilings for his home on top of
30 burials of Hawaiian women and children, is outrageous and disrespectful. This has to end! It is a plan the Kaua'i Burial Council unanimously rejected. The very agency entrusted
as an advocate to protect and preserve sacred, historic, cultural and burial sites for the people of Hawai'i is failing all of us: Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians.

Resolution HCR 50, introduced by Rep. Lyla Berg, requests an audit of the State Historic Preservation Division, and is currently still in the House Committee on Water,
Land and Ocean Resources.

The audit calls for an objective evaluation of SHPD so that measures can be enacted to correct the deficiencies and to assess if other legislation needs to be enacted
to strengthen the protection and preservation of our sacred sites and our Kupuna.

Many across the State have major concerns about SHPD's operating procedures over the past several years. The destruction of sites and the desecration of Kupuna have
been increasing at an alarming rate. Under SHPD's mismanagement major bulldozing incidents have occurred at sites containing heiau, petroglyphs and springs. SHPD's pattern
of permitting the desecration of Kupuna has even extended to the breaching of Queen Kapiolani's family burial plot in Kawaiahao Church Cemetery on O'ahu.

It is time for us, Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians alike, to voice our concern. SHPD is the ONLY agency that addresses preservation and protection of Hawaiian sites and our Kupuna.
If the agency is not functioning appropriately, what little is left of our cultural connections to the past will be destroyed --- what we leave for the generations to follow will be paltry, at best.

The resolution has been heard in the House by Water, Land, Ocean resources Chair Rep. Ken Ito and Vice-Chair Rep. Sharon Har. The resolution needs to be passed out of their committee
and moved into the Legislative Management Committee chaired by Kaua'i Rep. Jimmy Tokioka and Vice-Chair Blake Oshiro.

Where the drums will beat: The Hawai'i State Capitol Rotunda

Date & Time: Friday, March 19th from 12pm-1pm

Please support our efforts by joining us on Friday at the Capitol! Use the pahu, the ipu, ohe pu or whatever instrument you need to join us. This can be as simple as tapping gently over your heart,
but most importantly come with the beat of our hearts, the beat that unites us all as Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians.

All those who participate will do so to create a positive environment with the purpose of creating positive change. For those of you who cannot attend, know your support can be given by
going to your sacred sites and drumming, or by your choosing to simply tap over your heart in unsion with us at the designated time so our kahea will be sent as a unified voice for change.

As in all things we do, we ask our ancestors for their wisdom and guidance on this day to ensure the message will be heard by those who have the power and authority
to enact positive change.

Our kupuna are with us always, in the sky, the land, the sea and in our hearts and we will fight to make sure they know we are with them and we have not forgotten how important
they are to all of us - Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian.

Please join us.


Kaleo Paik, Cultural Keeper

Chris Cramer, East O'ahu Historian, Maunalua Resident

Ann Marie Kirk, Maunalua Resident

Please email or call Rep. Ito and Rep. Har to pass Resolution HCR 50 out of their committee ASAP and moved on to the Legislative Management Committee.

Rep Ken Ito 586-8470

Rep. Har 586-8504

Please email or call Rep. Jimmy Tokioka to let him know we want HCR 50 to be heard in his committee and passed ASAP!

Rep. Jimmy Tokioka 586-6570



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