Augus 29, 2012, 6:00 pm 

Dept. of Land and Natural Resources

Kalanimoku Building

Land BoardRoom 132

1151 Punchbowl Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

The Public Land Development Corporation is a state entity created by the Legislature in 2011 to develop state lands and generate revenues for the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Through public-private partnerships, the corporation aims to attract private companies as joint partners in development opportunities.

The corporation was formed after the Legislature passed Senate Bill 1555 which was signed into law as Act 55 by Governor Neil Abercrombie. The corporation is governed by a five-member board of directors. Three state agencies are represented on the board either by its director or their designee. The agencies include the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism; the Department of Budget and Finance; and the Department of Land and Natural Resources. One member is appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, and one member is appointed by the president of Senate.

Persons unable to attend or wishing to present additional comments may e-mail comments or postmark written testimony by Friday, September 14, 2012 to: PLDC, PO Box 2359, Honolulu, Hawaii 96804.


Aloha kakou,

We at KAHEA:  The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance believe that the Public Land Development Corporation should be repealed because it promotes the sale and improper use of public lands, including ceded lands. 

It improperly exempts the state from many of the important laws that are meant to be a way for the state to carry out its public trust duty to protect our precious resources.  We believe there are no rules that can “fix” the PLDC to restore protections to our public trust resources and ceded lands.  The PLDC simply must be repealed. 

The PLDC is travelling across our islands this week and next to take testimony on its administrative rules.  Stand up and be heard.  Let the PLDC know that we the public want no part of it – the PLDC must be repealed.

Mahalo nui, 
Jon Osorio


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